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I opened my eyes to see Aubrey standing outside of my window. 

I sighed and got up to open the window, pulling some sweatpants on. I slid it open and walked back to bed. He climbed from the tree he was sitting on, into my window.

"You're still sleeping?" I glared at him.

"Duh. It's like 10 and it's Saturday" I pulled the covers over my body and laid my head down. "Why did you climb up that tree?"

"Cause I know your mom is sleeping." He sat down on the edge of my bed. "Plus I knew you wouldn't get up." I smiled a little.

"True. Why are you here so early?"

"Remember our deal?" I groaned. How could I forget?  "Well it starts now. Get ready we're going to breakfast, then I gotta do some stuff later and you're coming." 

"I have plans." I sat up.

"Yeah I know, with me." 

"With my friends, Aubrey come on." I crossed my arms.

"Sorry sweetheart you made a deal." I sighed before getting up and getting clothes. "By the way sweetheart, I loved the way you opened the window, without them sweatpants." I laughed a little before walking into the bathroom. 

I took my time and showered, then brushed my teeth and hair and got dressed before coming back out. He was laid out on my bed on his phone. "Ready?" He looked up and nodded before standing, I walked out of the house and to his car, he climbed in the drivers side, while I sat in the passenger seat. 

"So what are we up to today?" I asked as he drove down the street.

"It's a surprise." He told me as he pulled into a McDonald's drive through.

"Wow what a nice breakfast." I said sarcastically. He ordered our food before responding.

"Well maybe if you wouldn't have taken forever in the damn shower, I could've taken you out." He said passing me the food. "Give me one of my sandwiches." I reached in the bag and pulled out his sandwich and my oatmeal. He unwrapped half of it and took a huge bite.

"You're such a neat eater." I rolled my eyes while opening the oatmeal. He shoved more of it into his mouth and spoke.

"Well I'm a teenage boy and I'm hungry." Aubrey said with a mouth full of food. He turned into a neighborhood and pulled into a driveway. He shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth before balling the wrapper up and throwing it in the bag. He grabbed the other sandwich. Before he unwrapped it he texted the person inside. I swear I was about halfway done with the oatmeal when he finished the second sandwich. 

"Well damn." I mumbled. 

"Ya know, I hold the record for fast McDonald's sandwich eating sweetheart." I laughed a him before putting the lid on the oatmeal. He took a sip of his orange juice and as I was about to throw the leftover oatmeal in the bag when he stopped me. "You ain't gonna eat that?" 

"Wasn't planning on it." He took it from me and started eating it. I was about to say something when his friends came out of the house. "Why didn't you stay here last night?" He swallowed what was in his mouth before speaking.

"Cause I was busy thinking of a way for you to pay me back." He said before one of the doors opened. One of them, Cameron I think,  opened the passenger door and was about to climb in when he saw me.

"I definitely called shotgun today." He looked at Aubrey.

"Sorry man, her ass was there first." He groaned before closing the door and squeezing in the back. "Boys get used to October, cause she's gonna be around a lot." 

"Y'all dating?" Justin asked.

"Hell no." I turned around quickly. "I don't even like him, I was kinda forced to be here." 

"Ouch." Aubrey put his hand over his heart like it hurt as he pulled onto the main road. 

"Then why is she here?" CT spoke up. I'd always liked CT's accent since he was from New York, it was kinda sexy.

"Cause she hit my baby and now she has to pay it back." Aubrey ate the last spoonful of oatmeal before continuing. "I chose to make her hang out with me till the end of the year." 

"How does Jesse feel about this?" Justin asked. 

"I wouldn't know cause dumped the bitch." He said as he threw the oatmeal in the bag. 

"My nigga actually did it." Cameron said and Aubrey nodded before pulling down another road. "You got money for the shit?" Everyone passed him a twenty except Aubrey.

"Nah I don't want any, I have a little more but I don't think I'm gonna smoke it." He looked at Cameron.

"What about ma up there?" He looked at me.

"I don't want weed, that shit is disgusting." I crossed my arms.

"Damn ma you got an attitude don't you?" He smiled.

"Aubrey I swear if he calls me 'ma' again I'm gonna slap him." He looked at him.

"Alright Cam, just shut up and go buy your shit so I can get out of here." He pulled up to a house and Cameron and the other boys got out. "Sorry about that sweetheart." 

"Don't call me that either." I crossed my arms and looked out of the window. 

 "Remember when you said you wouldn't complain?" I still didn't look at him. "Jesus it's impossible to do anything with you." 

"Coming from a complete asshole." I mumbled.

"October you don't even know me like you say you do." He paused. "I'm different from what people think, even from what my friends think. Remember the other day when you yelled at me in the hall? Well you're right I don't know you but at the same time you don't know me. If you're gonna say that to people maybe you should use the advice yourself." After that the car filled with silence. 

I wouldn't have admitted it then, but looking back on it he was right, he was different.


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