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To say I was pissed was an understatement.

Xaver thought it was okay to hit on October right in my face. I understand her and I have been dating for less than a day but that shit wasn't gonna fly. It was ridiculous that he just said that shit when I was standing right there. 

"Hey baby." October hugged me as I walked up to my car. 

"Hey." I mumbled. "Listen I told CT he could come hang out today, if that's okay."

"Yeah, I don't care." She smiled. I let go of her and walked her to the passenger side and opened the door. As I closed it I saw him approach my car. 

"What's up man?" I greeted.

"Nothing." He smiled. CT was one of those chill people that was happy with anything. Once we were both in the car he spoke. "Sorry for being a third wheel by the way."

"You're not being a third wheel." October turned to him. "But if you don't mind me asking, why are you coming over today?"

"I have no idea, I was told not to come home till six." October nodded and turned back around. "So what are you guys up to today?"

"Just go to her house and chill." After I said that the rest of the ride was only the sound of  the radio. When we pulled up October and I  got out and lead CT over to her house. Once we got up to her room her and I sat on the bed while CT chose the chair. 

"So this is what your room looks like." CT said. "Never thought this would be like."

"What did you expect it to be." She laughed.

"Maybe a few One Direction posters here and there." She rolled her eyes. "Alright we got two hours to kill, then you guys can do that couple shit." 


"I was th-" I was cut off by the doorbell. People didn't usually come over unless they call. "I'll go see who it is." I climbed over Aubrey and got out of bed. "Don't go through my shit." I yelled as I walked down the stairs.

"Too late." Aubrey yelled back. I laughed a little as I opened the door, but instantly stopped when I saw who it was. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" I glared at Xaver. 

"It's part of my plan to win you back." He smiled. 

"Leave." I said trying to close the door but he pushed it open. 

"No, I just wanna take you out baby." I balled up my fists.

"Don't call me that." I mumbled. "Get out now."

"No, I'm not leaving." He stepped in and stood in front of the door. "Now, will you go on a date with me?"


"October, wrong answer. You're gonna go on a date with me." He grabbed my arms and tried to pull me out of the door. 

"Let me go." I said grabbing the door frame. 

"October, you're gonna go no matter what." He said pulling me.

"Aubrey." I yelled as Xaver pulled me from the door. "Aubrey." I saw Aubrey come to the top of the stairs and when he saw who it was he ran down. 

"CT get down here." He yelled. "Let her go before I beat the shit out of you." I felt his grip tighten on my waist as CT came running out of the house.

"Listen kid, she's gonna be mine. Alright? You're just temporary, so it would be best if you just leave us alone." I struggled against him.

"Let me go." I yelled. "Aubrey get him off of me." 

"One more chance, put her down." He gritted his teeth. Xaver only laughed at me. Aubrey angrily rushed over and Xaver quickly dropped me. I fell to the ground and looked up at Aubrey who was still making his way towards Xaver. I stood up and got in between them."October move." 

"No Aubrey, just go back inside." I said. I felt Xaver reach his arm around and push Aubrey, who then tried to move me. I grabbed his face and looked at him. "Please don't fight him. He's not worth it." Aubrey looked back at Xaver then back at me and sighed. 

"If I see you near her again, I'll beat the shit out of you." He yelled and turned around. 

"Go home Xaver and leave me the fuck alone." I said before following Aubrey in. I was surprised CT didn't jump in, out of all Aubrey's friends CT was the one to stir up trouble. I knew Xaver was still standing there.

"You heard her go home." There was he CT I knew, getting into shit.

"No one fucking aske-"

"CT get in here." I said. I heard him mumbled something to Xaver and come inside. I walked into the kitchen with him following behind and found Aubrey, he was sitting at the table drinking something.

"You okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah." I mumbled. "Are you?"

"I swear the next time I see him around you, I'm beating the shit outta him." 

"Same." CT said. I looked at him. "The past month, I've grown to like you and respect you. He went way to far with forcing you out of the house, so I'll fuck him up  too." 

"Guys, don't stoop down to that level." I walked over to the refrigerator and passed CT a drink, he accepted it and sat down. 

"October, I'm  warning you." He looked at me. "I'm doing whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it means fighting that nigga."

"Whatever Aubrey." I sighed.

I wasn't that worried about Aubrey doing something when I should've been. I thought  Xaver wasn't that dumb to come back after what Aubrey almost did. 


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