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Aubrey pulled me into his room. Climbing up trees and crawling through windows defiantly wasn't my thing, not that I did it that much. 

"I fucking hate climbing trees." I mumbled and walked over to the bed. I went home and changed into some sweatpants, then came back over to Aubrey's.

"Oh, come on it couldn't have been that bad." He laughed. He grabbed the white wine from the fridge and two plastic cups. "Want some?"

"Yeah." I said as he filled the two cups and passed one to me. He place the wine bottle back into the fridge and sat on the bed with me. "You got some explaining to do." He nodded and took a sip of the wine. 

"Well I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the party." He said. "Like tonight or tomorrow but my mom beat me to it."

"I was surprised she just kinda put me on the spot." I brought the cup to my lips and let the liquid goodness fill my mouth.

"I know, I should've warned you about it." He mumbled. "Do you wanna go?"

"Uh, I don't know." I shrugged. "I mean I really don't have anything to do. Do you want me to go? I mean if you're taking someone I don't want to make it awkward for you guys."

"Nah, just me." He paused and swallowed, I knew he was hiding something.


"Jesse is coming." He whispered.

"I don't care." I smiled. "You act like we're dating."

"Yeah." He laughed nervously and drank some wine. I shook off his weird behaviour. "But yeah, you should come, it could be fun."

"Alright." I shrugged. "You gotta go with me to buy something though. I'm gonna need an opinion." 

"I'm down." He said. I looked around his room, examining it. I got up and walked over to his CDs and looked through them. I could see him from the corner of my eye watching me. I picked out a CD that wasn't labeled, I put it in the CD player right next to the stack. 

"Why do you have so many CDs, like don't you have your iPod?"

"I like CDs, they're better I guess." I nodded and pressed the play button, a few seconds later Aubrey's voice filled the room. "They're rough, I haven't gotten a chance to fix them up yet. I have the better ones on my laptop." 

"I like it." I looked at him and smiled. "You're actually good."

"Well thanks for doubting me." He joked.

"No problem." I skipped to another one of his songs, that was just a good. "Do you have like extra CDs?"

"Yeah." He finished off his wine and went to the mini fridge to get more. 

"Can I have one?" 

"Yeah sure, just take that one." I popped it out of the player and put it in the case.

"Thanks." He nodded.

"You want more." He gestured to the wine bottle. I nodded and gave him the cup. He refilled the cup then gave it back, I walked over to the bed and laid down. 

"I'm tired." I yawned, he crawled on the bed next to me.

"Go to bed then sweetheart." He sat against the head board as I got under the covers. He stayed sitting against the headboard as I closed my eyes. I drifted off into a deep sleep after awhile.


I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm going off. I groaned and reached over and put it on snooze.  After I relaxed back into the sheets I realized something was around my waist. I looked down and saw Aubrey's arm wrapped tightly around my waist, I quickly pried it off and got up. 

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