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5 Months Later

The past five months have been life changing. A lot of things happened in such a short time. Where do I start?

Yesterday I graduated and that was amazing. There was a short moment where I wanted to drop out but I quickly changed my mind. I'd given up on the music thing. The thing is I got noticed but I realized I wanted to pursue other things in life. I was ready to sign the paper for the record deal but decided I needed to do other things. Right now I planned on going to college and finishing. 

Ryan and I had patched up our relationship. Even though we graduated, he decided he wanted to stay in Florida with us. Hayley and Mel were actually engage, which was very surprising. It happened right after graduation and none of us saw it coming. I was happy for them and I know they'll last.

Hayley had also been speaking to October. They worked back up to best friends but not as close as they used to be. Me on the other hand hadn't spoken to her since that night. Hayley tells me that she's coming back down next week and plans on staying. I had no intentions of speaking to her or seeing her. Talia and I were friends with benefits, fuck buddies, however you wanna put it. We had our agreement and I didn't plan on perusing a relationship with her. She tried a few times to get me to get into a relationship but it just wasn't happening. 

"You ready for her to come back?" Ryan asked me.

"I don't know." I sighed. I was over October but I didn't know what I'd do when I saw her. "I'm not focusing on her, I'm focusing on the collage thing." 

"I have no idea what I wanna do." Ryan sighed. "I wanna go to collage but I don't know what for." 

"Yeah I understand, I was like that but I finally picked one." I explained. I was going to a collage that was close to home so I wasn't leaving. 

"Whatever, I'm going to bed I guess." He waved and walked out of my room. My parents had remodeled the office into Ryan's room since he was staying. I sighed and laid back. I couldn't shake October  from my head.

I always did this. My mind just drifted to her and she clouded my thoughts. I had no intentions of getting back with her at this point. There was a zero percent chance of us ever working out. I had my mind set on other things like getting college done and being successful. 

When she came back I wasn't gonna even throw a glance her way. 



One Week Later

I looked around as I drove into my old city. I was just realizing how much I missed this place. I needed to come back and reunite with my friends and start becoming an adult. 

After that night with Aubrey I mess. Physically, emotionally and mentally. I slowly came back though. The past two months had actually been good for me. All my friends in Houston promised to come down to Florida. I wasn't gonna make the same mistake and not call them cause they really impacted my life and helped me.

I did blame myself for Aubrey and I's break up. I wasn't gonna be that person who put the blame on someone else when they didn't deserve it. He cheated on me, only cause I pushed him away. I was past it though and starting a new leg of life. 

Marlon and I hadn't gotten into a relationship because I wasn't ready. I knew one day I'd be ready for him and that someday was soon. He was actually going to go to college in Florida. It wasn't cause of me if that's what you're thinking. He already had it planned before he met me. I wasn't complaining though cause I got to see him. While I was gone tons of shit happened. Hayley and Mel got fucking engaged. ENGAGED! I wasn't expecting it but who was? Hayley and I were friends again so I was gonna be in the wedding. 

Aubrey and I hadn't said a word since that night. I wasn't surprised but hey, we've both moved on. I was hoping that I wouldn't have my emotions come out when I saw him. 

I rested my head against my seat and turned into the neighborhood. I turned down my blasting music and smiled. God I missed this place. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before pulling into my driveway. A smile spread across my face as I hopped out of my car. It took forever to get here and I just couldn't wait.

My mother came out of the house to greet me and help me with my things. I was still a little upset about her sending em away but it's whatever. When got all my things into my room in about twenty minutes and I sat back. She left me by myself to soak it in. I started unpacking a few things and putting the where they once were. 

I ran my fingers through my hair and started putting things on my desk when I looked up for a moment.  I looked out of the window and caught Aubrey staring at me. Once I looked into his eyes I couldn't look away. He had me in a trance. We looked at each other for a good minute before he finally looked away. I was immediately shaken from the trance. I ran my finger through my hair and started putting my things away again. 

It's as if the past couple months never happened, as if I wasn't madly in love with him. It felt like the day Hayley and I were staring out of my window. I knew in the back of my mind, I knew the real Aubrey Drake Graham.


Well that's the end.

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