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The ride to school was more quiet than usual. Since Ryan had been here we just weren't clicking like we usually do. An example was yesterday when we fought. We have play fought and just joked around, never full on fighting. I had a feeling he got with October, I mean all the evidence pointed to it. I also know my cousin and I know he would never do that to me. I didn't know what to think at this point. 

I looked at him once this morning and he had a black eye. He probably had a couple other bruises under his clothes. My cheek was swollen and my lip was busted. To me, our injures from the fight were about the same, so really, we both lost. 

Once I pulled into the school parking lot he grabbed his shit and got out. I sighed and turned off the car. Once I got inside the school I walked to our usual place to meet. Ryan was already standing there with the rest of our friends. 

"What happened to y'all?" Mel laughed. I crossed my arms and gritted my teeth. They must have sensed the tension because the smile fell from everyone's face.

"Listen we'll see you guys after school." Hayley said brushing a piece of hair from her face. She grabbed Mel's hand and they walked off. I rolled my eyes and started towards my class. When I was a few feet away, I felt someone grab me.

"What's up Aubrey?" CT asked. I didn't say anything, just walked to class. "Is this about Octob-"

"Don't say her name." I mumbled and walked into class. He followed because we had the same class. 

"You wanna tell me?" He asked.

"No." He was about to say something when the bell rang. I sighed in relief and sat back. 


"Why are you and Ryan acting like such a dicks today?" Hayley asked. "It obvious y'all fought but like what happened?"

"Shit happened okay?" I sighed. Hayley and I were once again waiting for our friends after school. 

"Aubrey just tell me." She said. "Is this about October?"

"No! Okay, fucking stop talking about her." I shouted. "Can you guys just not mention her name for one fucking day? She's not worth it. Just stop fucking saying her name, move the fuck on and just stop." 

"Aubrey calm down please." she said calmly. 

"No, can I just go one place without talking about her?" I felt tears build up but I let them spill, we were in my car so no one would see. "I don't wanna hear about her. I'm trying to forget. I'm grieving in my own way and no one can accept that?"

"I accept it Aubrey." She patted my back. I looked up at her and wiped my eyes. "I understand, you just gotta move on, I'm not judging what you did." 

"I slept with Talia and Ryan just knew and an-"

"Sh.. You don't have to explain." 

"But I think he slept with her." I sighed. She looked at me.

"I don't think they did Aubrey." She said. "October would never cheat and Ryan just wouldn't."

"Okay, I just needed someone to tell me that." I smiled at her. 

"But really, you just gotta forget okay? If you need someone to talk to just tell me." I nodded and pulled her into a hug. 




 "Are you gonna tell me what that was about yesterday?" I whispered to Marlon. I was trying to walk a few feet behind the crew so I could talk to him. 

"It was nothing." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Marlon." I sighed. "You know I have a boyfriend."

"October, news flash, you aren't talking to him. You aren't dating." He clenched his jaw and turned to the ticket guy. He got two tickets. I felt a small smile form on my lips, he paid for my ticket. Once he got them we met the rest of the crew inside.

"Damn, y'all need to hurry up." Griffin said. 

 "My bad." Marlon said. He bought a popcorn and two drinks. I took one and followed everyone to the theater. We all sat through the movie with no interruptions and after Marlon took us all home. I lived the furthest from the movie theater so I ended up being dropped off last. Zora was staying with Fallon and Hazel, I was supposed to but I had plans for the morning, so it was just Marlon and I. 

 "Talk to me about the fucking kiss." I sighed and sat back as he pulled into my driveway.

"October I gotta get h-"

"No you don't, you need to talk to me." I pushed. "If you don't tell me why you did it, I'm telling people." I lied. I wasn't gonna tell people about the kiss, I just needed you get the answers out of him. 

"Fine October." He sighed. "I actually really like you. Like you don't understand. Just forget about Aubrey please, for me, I want you." My eyes grew wide, I wasn't expecting that. 

"Marlon uh, I uh..." I looked away. "I uh, gotta go." I quickly hopped out of his car and ran inside. I ran up to my room and threw my purse on the floor. I had tears filling my eyes, I really didn't know why I was crying, it was just overwhelming.

I grabbed my phone and clicked on Aubrey's contact. I just needed to talk to him for a moment. It rang until I got his voicemail. I wiped my tears and pressed the contact again. I sighed when it went to voicemail immediately. I knew that time he ignored the call. I quickly clicked Ryan's contact, he answered on the second ring.

"October? It's really la-" I cut him off.

"Give the phone to Aubrey now." He sighed.

"October no." I grew angry.

"Just let me talk to him." I yelled. "I need him, I didn't realize it until now."

"He's trying to move on." Ryan said. "I don't even think he'll listen to you, much less me. He probably won't take the phone." 

"Please, please Ryan." I begged. By now I was hysterically crying. I don't know if it was Marlon that set this off, everything I buried the past month was surfacing.

"Calm down October." 

"Ryan, please I need him." I cried. 

"I'm sorry." I heard the line go dead and I buried my head in my knees. How could he not let me talk to Aubrey? I needed him. 


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