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I walked through the airport, trying to find where Aubrey said he would meet me.

While I was in Houston I did a lot with my dad and Deanna. We ended up doing a whole day of walking around the city, going into shops, buying a few things and eating. It was really fun, other than the fact I was so pissed at Aubrey. Hayley saw no problem and thought I shouldn't be mad, the way I saw it is if he had a problem with our relationship he could've told me.

I basically just ignored Aubrey all yesterday and this morning. He called me about twenty times and texted me a lot more. I'm pretty sure he's here to pick me up but I wasn't sure because I didn't tell him to pick me up. He just sent a text saying he arrived here about an hour ago and told me where he was. Then he sent a few more wanting to know if I was coming home today. 

I walked outside and instantly spotted his car. I walked over and threw my bags in the trunk, then climbed in. He pulled out of the airport and down the road. 

"So you ignoring me for a reason?" I looked to see him clenching his jaw, a sign he was holding back what he really wanted to say. I shrugged my shoulders. "October, it's a yes or no. You know what, I'm not even mad you ignored me, I'm mad you couldn't even tell me where the fuck you were." 

"Damn, my fight was delayed." I mumbled.

 "You could've texted me." He said under his breath.

"You could've told me a lot of shit." I crossed my arms. "Like that you wanted to have sex with me."

"Okay, I was joking. Damn October, learn to take a damn joke." He raised his voice. "You probably need that weed more than me." He mumbled.

"Just fuck you." I rolled my eyes. "You can't even tell me shit I could change in our re-"

"Shut up." He yelled. My head shot in his direction.

"Excuse me." 

"I said shut the fuck up, damn you're making something bigger than it needs to be." He yelled. "If you really wanted to start a fight, pick something else out, this is stupid and petty." 

"I wasn't starting a fight asshole." I reached my hand over and hit him in the arm. That wasn't the best idea on my part because he stopped me and grabbed my hand. "Let go." I said trying to yank my hand away, which only made his grip tighten. I was scared at this point, his grip keep tightening, he sped up and he looked angry. This wasn't like I've seen him act before. "Aubrey stop." 

"Just shut up." He said. Once he said that I shut up. I never thought Aubrey would intentionally hurt me but he wasn't himself right now. He got off the exit and drove towards our houses. His grip stayed firm on my hand for the rest of the ride. Once he pulled into his driveway he turned the car off. I tried to pull my hand away and get out but he tightened his grip. "Did I say you could get out?"

"I didn't know I needed your permission." I glared at him. He squeezed my hand harder, making me cry out. "Stop, you're hurting me." He loosened his grasp a little. I managed to get my hand away and I got out of his car. I slammed the door and stomped over to my house. I wasn't worried about my bags at the moment, I just needed to get away from him. 


I stepped out of my bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. 

It had been a few hours since I talked to Aubrey. I thought about for awhile and decided to take a bath. It had been a long day and I was ready to just lay down and relax. I wanted Hayley to come over but she was busy with Mel, so it was just me.

 Just as I had pulled out my nail polish I heard a knock at my window. I sighed, knowing it was Aubrey. I looked up and sure enough there was Aubrey sitting outside my window. I got up and walked over. 

"Go away please." I sighed. 

"Baby, please." He begged. I took a closer look at his eyes, I could tell he was high.

"Go the fuck home." I said before slamming the window shut. He yelled something through the window before climbing down. I saw him almost fall and that's when I walked back to me bed. I sighed as I shook the nail polish. Just as I finished the last finger I heard another knock at the window. I looked up to see a shocker, Ryan was sitting there. I got up and let him in. 

"Hey October." He smiled as he climbed through. 

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well Aubrey's been smoking and drinking, ranting about his problems." Ryan sighed. "He just left for the studio. Anyway, what happened?" I silently thanked God for someone to shared this situation with, even if it was Aubrey's cousin.

"He got carried away." I mumbled. I pulled up my sleeve and showed his the bruise Aubrey left on my wrist. 

"He did that?" I nodded my head. "Damn, why?"

"Cause I ignored him. And he was just angry and I tried to hit him but he grabbed me and wouldn't let go." I said, trying to hold back my tears. I was always a crier when I had to explain my problems. 

"Don't cry." He walked over and slung an arm over my shoulder. "Listen Aubrey's an asshole, don't cry over him." I laughed a little and wiped the single tear that fell. "Come on let's do something, what usually makes you feel better?" 

"I like painting." Thinking about it now, I hadn't touched a paint brush in awhile. 

"Paint some." I smiled and stood up. Ryan stayed on the bed and watched me. I laid an empty canvas on the ground, along with the colors I selected and a few brushes. I chose the black, red and white colors. I thought for a second before I opened the black. I painted for about an hour before I was satisfied.

"Done." I said backing away. I had paint on my hands and probably my face, so much for a bath.

"I like it. I can feel that emotion." He said getting up. I stood from the ground and moved the piece. "Are you gonna be a painter when you get out of high school?"

"No, It's a side thing. I'm not sure what I wanna do." 

"You should paint, I'd buy them." 

"Thanks" I smiled. "I'm really tired though. Are you staying over?"

"Nah, I'm gonna go back over there." He walked to the window. "Talk to him tomorrow." 

"Okay." I said as walked over and shut the window before the cold winter air could get in. I turned off the lights and walked to my bed. 

Today was a long ass day.


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