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Five Days Later

"Is this everything?" Hayley asked. 

"Uh yeah." I examined my empty bedroom. I decided to send everything to Houston a few days early. All that was left was a blanket, a pillow, a few clothes, and my bed. I really didn't think this was real until I started packing. It was hard, leaving the place you grew up at, plus your best friends. I sat down the floor next to Mel and leaned against the bed. 

"You okay?' Mel put an arm around my shoulder. 

"Yeah." Ever since that fight with Aubrey I just wanted to cry. I did for the first few days but I got it together enough to pack. I hadn't spoken to him since, and now it looked like I wouldn't talk to him before I left. I wasn't really feeling up to it though, the way I saw it, we were done.

"At least we're done packing." I nodded. 

"October, listen I would really love to stay the night but fam-" I cut Hayley off.

"It's okay." I sighed.

"Come on cheer up, this isn't the October we know." Mel smiled. 

"It's the one you knew before Aubrey came along." His smile fell. "You were both thinking it anyways."

"October you're gonna get over him." Hayley patted my back. At that moment she got a text, she read it and sighed. "I gotta go, now. I'll be over tomorrow to spend the night."

"Okay." We said our goodbyes and they both left. I sighed and laid in the middle of my room. I turned my head to see the stack of pictures I left out. They were pictures of me and Aubs. I was gonna throw them out but I just wanted to look at them one last time.

I reached for them and sat up. I looked through them, occasionally smiling at some. I was so into them that I didn't even notice the tears falling from my eyes. I looked through the whole stack a few times before throwing them into the trash. I stared for a moment before bending down and taking them back out. I just couldn't trash them.

I put them in one of my boxes and wiped my tears. 


I sat against my bed staring at the walls. This is basically what I had been doing the past couple days. I knew I couldn't be without Aubrey but I had to. I could get up and walk over to his house now, I wasn't gonna be like that. 

I was cut short of my thoughts by someone knocking at the window. I looked over to see Aubrey sitting there staring at me. I wiped my tears before standing. I opened the window and stared at him. 

"Can I come in?" He whispered. I moved aside and let him in. "I uh, saw the moving truck earlier, it's actually happening."

"Yep." I sat next to him. 

"October, look I'm sorry." I heard his voice crack and I looked at him. I saw a few tears leave his eyes. "I just, I don't know. I was being inconsiderate and I just can't be without you. I love you too much."

"Aubrey, I love you too." I felt tears leave my own eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to leave me on that note." I crawled over into his lap and straddled him. "I don't want you to hate me and move on. Maybe we can get this long distance thing to work, I can't be with out." 

"We can try it." I pulled his face up to look at me. "I'm sorry for saying those things to you, I didn't mean it." 

"I know." His still had tears streaming down his cheeks. I wiped his face with my thumb. "I'm sorry for saying them things to you. You're the most beautiful, perfect thing I've ever laid eyes on, you didn't deserve those words." I blushed a little. "I love you."

"I love you too." I leaned down and shared a passionate kiss with him. The kiss lasted a few minutes until my hands trailed up his shirt. I pulled his shirt over his head and let my hands ran over his toned body. He broke the kiss to speak.

"October, we don't have to do this." He pulled my face to look him in the eye.

"Aubrey, I want to share this with you before I leave. I can't go without doing this with you." I whispered.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive, the question is; are you sure?"

"I just don't want you to know my love for you is real, it's not just sex."

"I know you do baby." I smiled. He quickly slipped my shirt over my head and pulled me back into the kiss. I tensed up a little once I felt him trying to get my bra off. 

"Calm down." He whispered while moving to my neck. I nodded and he got the bra off.

He laid light kisses on my neck before he starting sucking, trying to leave his mark. I closed my eyes and let my hands roam down to his pants. I unbuttoned them and pulled them down to his knees, letting him kick them off the rest of the way.

He played with the band of my sweatpants before pulling them off my body, leaving me in my thong. Aubrey moved back to my lips and pulled my thong off. I reached down and pulled his boxers off. Aubrey broke the kiss and studied my body. I tried to cross my arms over my chest but he stopped me. 

"You're so beautiful October." He looked up into my eyes, making my cheeks turn red. I felt his hands grab my hips and push me off of him.

I moved next to him and let him climb on me. He hovered for a moment and leaned down to kiss me. I felt hiss hard press up against my thigh, making my moan. Aubrey smiled and shifted. I felt his tip  at my entrance as he spread my legs more. He slowly entered me. I pulled away from his lips and moaned out. I had to admit, it hurt like hell. Aubrey was bigger than Xaver and he was stretching me out.

"You feel so good." Aubrey moaned. I bit my lip and dug my nails into his arm. Once he had his full length inside of me he sped up his pace. After a few strokes, it started feeling good. I could I already tell Aubrey had skill. 

He lowered himself, so he was flat on top of me and rolled his hips into mine. He kissed my collar bone before biting into it. 

"Shit Aubrey." I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. "Faster." I felt him smile before picking up his pace. His lips landed on mine again and our tongues tangle perfectly. His hips rolled into me faster, hitting my spot just right. "Fuck Aubrey." I moaned against his lips.

Just as I got lost in the pleasure I felt him pull out. My eyes shot open when I felt him pull my up by my arm. He pulled me on top of him and I sat on his length. My eyes rolled back more with each inch that went into me. 

"Fuck baby." I heard him mumble. I reached for his shoulder blades before moving on his length at different paces. I closed my eyes and titled my head back, enjoying this. I felt his lips on my neck and I grabbed his head. 

"Shit." I dragged out. I brought my head down and his lips found mine again. I felt my orgasm coming and my walls tighten around him. He groaned and grabbed my hips. Aubrey trust his hips up and deeper into me. I quickly pulled away from the kiss and moaned out. "Fuck Aubrey." My hands moved and grabbed his wrists as my orgasm took over my body. My nails dug deeper into his wrists as I started shaking.

"Fuck October." I gripped my hips tighter as his own orgasm took over him. This was by far the best orgasm I've ever had, just because how passionate and love filled it was. After a few seconds, my orgasm passed and I fell into Aubrey. He planted a kiss on my cheek before wrapping his arms around me. "Damn..." He whispered. I smiled and moved my head to look him in the eyes. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." He pulled my sweaty body closer and pushed his soft lips to mine. 


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