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Mom and dad talked to me about an hour ago, they were coming home, they'll be coming home, finally, and we'll be able to celebrate my 21st birthday.

Sofi's ready, maybe we'll go out to have dinner, the problem is that it's raining, so maybe they'll take longer due to the traffic.

Two hours have passed since the call and they haven't arrived, that's werid... their work isn't far from home and the news don't warn about any traffic.

The phone started ringing and Sofi went to answer, she took it and didn't know what to say so she gave it to me.

-Good afternoon, it's the General Hospital from Miami, am I talking to Camila Cabello?

-Yes, it's me... Is something wrong?

-Your parents, Alejandro and Sinhue Cabello have been taken to Urgencies.

-What? that's impossible... What happened?

-The accident was a crash, the other driver was drunk and died in the impact.

-We're coming.

I left the phone, took the keys of the car and told Sofi to come with me, whatever it is, if this is the last time we see each other, she has the right to say goodbye.

Sofi and I reached the hospital, in the way I explained to her what had happened with our parents, she hasn't sopped crying since then, and me... well, I must be strong for her, for my parents, for me.

We asked for updates about them and when we had it, we didn't wait and went with them.

We found them in a room, they are so hurt, bruises and blood on their faces and bodies, now I'm worried Sofi saw this.

Alejandro: We love them, I'm sorry this happened on your birthday...

Sinu: You'll be fine, we'll always watch over you.

Sofi: Don't leave us, we need you... please.- Sofi left me, held tight to them and started sobbing.

Alejandro: Whatever happens, we have and always will love you, but it's time Sofi...

Sinu: We're sorry... take care of her Kaki...

Camila: I will, I promise.

I went over and hugged them with Sofi, the machines stated that our parents had died.

Six months have passed since their death, I finally was able to sell the house and their cars, with this I'll be able to buy a new house closer to Sofi's highschool and to my university, the neighbourhood is expensive but it's the closest; Sofi didn't want to leave the house, but it's the main source of their memories.

The truck came and we had to get all of our stuff into it so they'd get moving...

45 minutes passed until we got to our new home, Sofi was the first one to go in.

45 minutes passed until we got to our new home, Sofi was the first one to go in

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Sofia: Too much...

Camila: I know, but it's worth it.

Sofia: How will you do to keep it?

Camila: I'll work, it's good we both have scholarships, with this happening you can't lose it, I'll do anything for you Sofi, but I need you here.

Sofia: I'll help you I promise.

Camila: We'll go through this.

We hugged for a while and I could see how the men brought our stuff out of the truck to place it inside the house, when they were done they left, Sofi and I explored the house and chose our bedrooms, we placed everything and due to the fact we had nothing inside the fridge we asked for pizza with some drinks, we had dinner at around 11:30pm, I got everything and we went to sleep.

Tomorrow will be a brand new start for us two.

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