Chapter 12

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Lauren tried to ignore the fact that she was jealous, it wasn't her fault Camila was so attractive and she hadn't asked her to be her girlfriend, but that was something she was soon going to fix.

Lauren went downstairs and before she reached the ends both girls turned around, Camila's face was a poem, so romantic and lustful at the same time...

Her girl, with a long black dress, which had an opening on both sides of the dress so she could show some leg, some cleavage, no sleeves, black high-heels... Camila was more than charmed with the view, she'd love it even more if she knew that under there she had nothing else.

Lauren coldly greeted both girls completely ignoring Camila and her compliments, she didn't care what she had or how she said it, she was jealous and she was gonna pay.

Lauren: I'll see you later, I've got to greet a friend.

Camila frowned and Ariana noticed, something she had noticed soon was that both girls loved each other, but weren't together.

Ariana: I'm sorry your girlfriend got mad.

Camila: She's not my girlfriend and she's not mad...

Ariana: You're right, she's jealous... I doubt that friend is real, go with her Camila, I'll see you later.- She kissed Camila's right cheek and left.

Camila started looking for Lauren but didn't find her, she felt bad and went to the backyard to have a rest. She left and saw her green-eyed girl staring at the moon.

Camila: Some while ago I told her about you...

Lauren: What did you say to her?

Camila: How beautiful you are on the inside and outside, that great girl who loves her family and friends... That girl who stole my heart...

Lauren: Camila...

Camila: Come with me tomorrow to somewhere special, please, Lauren...

Lauren: I will, but I want something in exchange.

Camila: I'd give the world Lauren, although it's very cliché, you deserve everything... And I'd like to give it to you, do you want something in particular?

Lauren: Kiss me.

Camila came closer slowly, she placed her hands on Lauren's waist and she enclosed her neck with her arms, at that place, under the moon, Camila started singing.

Lauren and Camila danced to the rythme, Lauren knew Camila could sing, but until now, she hadn't had the opportunity to hear her.

They danced until Camila stopped singing and came closer to Lauren, the kiss was slow, full of love, a kiss you enjoy in every sense.

They belong to each other, like the sun and the moon, the life will give them lows and highs, but love will always bring them together, real love is always stronger.


Lauren was getting prepared for her walk with Camila, she had something comfortable as her brunette had told her, for her only lead was that they'd be walking a while and she didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

Lauren was getting prepared for her walk with Camila, she had something comfortable as her brunette had told her, for her only lead was that they'd be walking a while and she didn't want her to feel uncomfortable

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