Chapter 18

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Camila: I... Since the day my parents died, I thought I'd only have Sofi's love, when we moved, I knew our lives were about to change... I never thought I'd ever meet a family like yours, and much less you'd help us the way you did, he day you invited us to your pool and to have dinner with you, many things changed, when I got to your house and you opened up the door, I just saw you eyes and... wow... so beautiful... I've always believed that the eyes are the door to the soul, when I saw yours, I loved them, then I knew your soul would the as perfect as your eyes.

Lauren: Camz...

Camila: I found out how awesome you are, you're my angel, Lauren, you're the light my life needs, that one that's called love... I feel so lucky to have you in my life, in this life, where  I love you and you love me, Lauren Jaureguis... Mi sweet angel, would you accept this girl, to be with her forever? Would you marry me?

Camila stood up on the kayak, which lost it's balance making Camila fall into the lake. When she came back up she saw Lauren laugh, whipping her tears off her eyes.

Lauren: I do Camz, in this life and forever.

Camila went to the kayak and when she was near Lauren, she took her hand and placed the ring on her finger, sharing a kiss. They saw how some rivals where coming to them, but Dinah and Normani were ahead of them already.

Camila: I think it's time we win, future Ms. Cabello...

Lauren: I know, future wife.- Camila climbed up and pecked Lauren's lips one last time.

Camila and Lauren started moving, the kayak overpassed Dinah and Normani fast.

Camila: You're gonna lose, Long Fingers Hansen.

Dinah: You're wrong Karla Culobello.

Dinah and Camila were moving fast, but the other girls were resting, this thing looked personal.

Camila: Angel, don't stop!

Dinah: Come on, fire brunette!

The girls just crossed their arms and Camila rolled her eyes while Dinah cursed.

Half an hour later, Dinah, Normani, Lauren and Camila arrived last, but as they were still in a draw. they decided to leave it there, due to the fact that Camila and Dinah were unable to move their arms.


Mike: You sure you want this date?

Lauren: Yes dad, I want to be married on my birthday.

Clara: Well... If that's what you want, more than perfect.

Lauren: Thanks mom.


X: I knew you were stupid but I never thought you'd be soooo stupid...

Noah came rushing in screaming at Lauren, who was with her friends.

Lauren: I won't allow you to insult me Noah.

Noah: I'll do whatever I want... I won't let the phenomenon you have as girlfriend have you or your enterprise.

Lauren: First, I'm already of Camila, second, I would never be with you, third, you can call my fiancé phenomenon, but I don't need to have sex with you or see your tiny pennis to know she's better than you in every aspect.

Noah: Shut up.-He took Lauren by her arm, he was angry and was hurting her, when Noah was about to drag Lauren into his car, she resisted, her friends were trying to help her, but Lauren refused, Lucy was smarter and dialed Vero and Camila.

Before Lauren being free from Noah, she ran into someone, but recognized her perfume and hugged her tight.

Camila: Don't worry angel... I'm here, nothing wrong will happen to you.

Noah walked towards them and Camila pushed Lauren behind her,  nobody would hurt her angel.

Camila: Back off you imbecile, you don't want to end worse than the first one who dared to touch her...

Noah: I'm not afraid of you phenomenon.

Camila: You should.- She saw how Noah pulled out a knife from his jacket and came closer.- You're so brave with that on your hand, but let me tell you I don't care... I'll break your face.

Noah just smiled and came much closer to her, she quickly told Lauren to back off, the least thing she wanted was  her fiancé getting hurt.

Camila dodged the knife several times, making Noah angrier; he was going to hit her for the first time when Camila hit his hand, making him throw the knife away, she came close and punched Noah on the face, blood came out from his nose and mouth. Noah hit Camila on the stomach, she defended herself until one went straight to the diaphragm, making the air leave her body.

Noah: You know? Lauren enjoyed herself in my bed.

Camila: That's what you think...? She's with me for something, she told me about your tiny thing, you should be ashamed, having it so small when you're a man.

Noah went for his knife and cut Camila's right arm, making her bleed and grab her arm.

Camila went for him and punched his face repeatedly until the boy fell to the ground, several officers, along with Mike Jauregui came and arrested the kid, Lauren and Mike went to Camila and before saying something Lauren grabbed the car keys from Camila to take her to the nearest hospital to take care of her wounds.

At the hospital, a nurse quickly took Camila to cure her, but Lauren couldn't go with her, she waited with Mike.

Mike: That idiot won't hurt you anymore, I'm glad Camila took care of you..

Lauren: She always does, that's why she's the one...

Mike: I'll always thank her for taking care of you... Since the first day I saw her, I knew... I saw it in her eyes, she's so worth it.

Lauren:I'm glad you like her, if it was the opposite... I'd also be with her, if you hadn't accepted her...

Mike: And lose everything she ever did for me? She protected you, takes care of you, of Sofi, your brothers, she achieved many things, like the ones for the enterprise, which is your future, my sons, and now her and Sofi's, Camila's not different... She's special.


Camila: Lauren... I'm fine...

Lauren: LEt me take care of you... I know you want it as  much as I do...

Camila: Your parents are here...

Lauren: It doesn't matter, it'll be quick...

Camila: Lauren...

Lauren: I'll pull it out for you... What's the problem?

Camila: Your parents are here and you should be with them...

Lauren; I only want to help.

Camila: I can handle myself, you take care of them...

Lauren: You can't, you're not left-handed.

Camila: Okay, help me...

Lauren went and took off her band-aid, she placed some ointment to clean up her wound and when she finished she placed a new band-aid, she pecked her lips, left the things on the buró and left the room.

Her family was in the living room, they'd be having dinner with Camila tonight, although she wasn't able to move her arm, her good cooking were also useful to tell them how to prepare the food.

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