Chapter 1

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Camila woke up early and headed to her old work, a mechanics near her old house.

She left Sofi a note.

She got into her car and went to work, at the same time,their green eyed girl neighbour since yesterday asked herself who their new neighbours were, due to the old, or "classic" cars and bikes, she deduced they were young, but was surprised when s...

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She got into her car and went to work, at the same time,their green eyed girl neighbour since yesterday asked herself who their new neighbours were, due to the old, or "classic" cars and bikes, she deduced they were young, but was surprised when she saw no adults with them.

The green eyed girl wason her room reading her favourite book, "how to kill a mockingbird", while her mother went upstairs with some clothes that had been washed up, the girl was placed against the pillows.

Lauren: Mom, do you know something about the new neighbours?

Clara: No, but now that you've said it, we should invite them to dinner, what do you think?

Lauren: I'm Ok with that, that way we'll get to know them and we can get along with them, not like the Maxwell...

Clara: Don't tell me about it, that Mr. was peculiar with his way of saying hi.

The green eyed girl thought for a while and after making a plan to get to know her new neighbours, she told her mom Clara.

Lauren: Mom, how about if we invite them to the pool and to dinner?

Clara: That sounds perfet Lauren, it'd be nice... let it be 2:30 and you can invite them to the pool and afterwards to stay and dinner.

Lauren: Sure, I'll tell them.

Clara walked out of the room and went to get some foos while her children kept on sleeping.

Lauren kept reading, but that girl she had seen leave the house was still running through her mind.

Strong, pretty although she hadn't been able to see her face completely, nice hair and brunette, with a perfect body, small breasts and a great ass, could she have something more bigger and interesting?

3:00pm came and Lauren dressed up to greet her new neighbours, she left her room and went downstairs.

X: Where are you going?

Lauren turned around to face her brother Chris.

Lauren: I'm going to invite our new neighbours to the pool and after that to stay for dinner.

Chris: I'll go with you, I saw the girl is pretty.

Lauren: They just arrived and you want to flirt with her?

Chris: Maybe...

Lauren: Sure... let's go, it'll get late.

Lauren and Chris left the house and walked to the neighbours's door, Lauren saw that the same car that had left this morning was there.

They rang the bell and in less than a minute a girl nearly as tall as Chris with brown long hair, clear-coffee eyes with a white dress with flowers on it opened the door.

Lauren: Hello, good afternoon, we're your neighbours and we want to invite you to our pool and to have dinner with us.

X: I... have to ask permission to my sister, it'll be a pleasure... I'm Sofia Cabello, nice to meet you.- She went to stretch their hands.

Lauren: I'm Lauren Jauregui and he's my brother Christopher.

Chris: Sure, but everyone calls me Chris. He smiled in a flirty way.

Sofia: It's a pleasure, when would that be...?

Lauren: Today if it doesn't bothers...

Sofia: It doesn't, I'll go and talk to my sister, she may be not be able to go as she has to go back to work... I won't take long.

Lauren: Don't worry, she may be able to go to dinner.

Sofia: It's most certain, if I may... I'll be back.

The Jauregui brothers nodded and waited until Sofia came back.

She came back 5 minutes after.

Chris: So... does your sister lets you?

Sofia: Yes, she also told me she'd be there for dinner, I'll go and get my stuff...

Lauren: We'll wait.- Sofia nodded and went once again inside to grab what she needed to spend the afternoon at the Jauregui's.

When she got back with Lauren and Chris they headed home in silence, they came in and Lauren warned her mom they were here.

Lauren introduced Sofia to her youngest sister Taylor, 14 years; she lend her her bathroom so she could get changed.

The afternoon was fun, they made races and played volleyball, Chris with Sofi and Lauren with Taylor.

When they left the pool it was 7:30pm, Lauren let Sofi her bathroom to have a shower and change while she went to the guest's room.

Clara: Time to eat, children.

The four of them went downstaris and followed Clara to have dinner in family, when they came in, Mike was already at his usual place.

Lauren: Hi dad.

Mike: Hi guys, hello...

Sofia: Sofia Cabello, a pleasure...- She stretched his hand.- I'm your new neighbour.- Mike took her hand.

Mike: It's a pleasure... Come on guys, sit down.

They all sat down and a woman with uniform started serving dinner.

Sofia: Cuban food... not bad at all, are you from there?

Clara: Mike and I are descendants, so yes, where are you from?

Sofia: We were born here, but my father was mexican and my mom was cuban.- Sofi started playing with her food.

Mike: Were? They...?

Sofia: They died some time ago... That's why we moved.

Chris: I'm sorry Sofi, it wasn't our intention to make you remember that.

Sofia: Don't worry, my sister and I have moed forward and it's something I'm grateful of, she has never given up since we were alone.

Clara was going to say something bout she heard the bell. Lauren sat up and went to the door saying it could be Sofia's sister.

Lauren opened the door and smiled when she saw the chocolate-eyed girl.

X: Hi there, is this the Jauregui's house?

Lauren: Yes, I'm Lauren.

X: Camila, Camila Cabello.

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