Chapter 6

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Dinah: Tell me Camila, when will you ask Lauren to be your girlfriend?

Camila raised her eyes from the coffee pot, as they were both at the enterprise at 9:30am.

Camila: What?, I won't... we've only known each other for a month.

Dinah: A month, where you hold hands and where when we hang out to watch movies she sits on top of you... She likes Karlitos and you won't give it to her.

X: Who won't she give it to?

Camila and Dinah turned around to face their new friend Vero⛪.

Dinah: Camila... You know, she won't give Karlitos to Lauren.

Vero: You're a bad person Cabello, with such a monster you can please her better than the men who are behind her.

Camila: It's not that, she's Mike's daughter, our boss...

Dinah: He adores you and he knows how responsible you are, not like the jerk who came last time to convince him to help him conquer Lauren.

Vero: What was his name? Tito... no, Tomas... no... T-

Camila: Tristan, the jerk who harassed her at university...

Vero: That man, who you by the way hit.

Dinah: And what a beating the poor boy became more idiot.

Camila: I told him to stay away from Lauren and he didn't, he had it coming.

Dinah: My...

Vero and Dinah: Camren...

Vero: Feels.

Camila: Idiots🙄.

Vero: Okay Cabello, if you won't ask her to be your girlfriend, at least ask her on a date.

Dinah: Vero's right, come on Culobello, a date and if you're lucky you get a kiss from her😏.

  Camila: I'll ask her on a date, if you, Dinah invite Normani out and you, Vero, Lucy.  

Vero: I've got no problems with Lucycleta, but Ally, we can't leave her alone.

Camila: Don't worry about her, you know that this week Sofi got sick, well, a friend of mine works at the hospital, I'll get in touch with him.

Dinah: Troy? The guy you mentioned days ago.

Camila: Yep, let's invite the girls out as in a simple go out and when we get there we'll be in couples, I know Ally will like him, he's a good man.

Dinah: Fine, when would it be?

Camila: This friday, but I don't know if Lolo can...

Vero: Let me remind you the governed is you, not her.

Camila: Whatever you say Vero... I know Lucy drives you the same, or worse...


Dinah: Governed.

Camila and Vero: Shut up Dinah.

Dinah: 🤐.

Camila: The girls are still under-aged, we won't take them to a bar, I know a restaurant they may like, it also has a bar, but no getting drunk.

Vero: I won't promise anything, I think they're old enough to know what they're doing.

Dinah: old in age, 'cause that's the only think big in Ally...

Camila: Leave Allyson, she's a nice person and you're not.

Dinah: Don't let me think you like her.

Camila: You know I don't...

Vero: Let's go long fingers, the perfect girl for Camila Culobello is Lauren Jauregui.

X: Your perfect girl, Cabello?

The three girls saw a boy seeking for the Jauregui's money, Bradley Simpson.

Camila: It's not your business Simpson.

Brad: It is, Lauren will be my girl, besides... I can offer her a life, unlike you, who doesn't have anything.

Dinah: look, squashed baby face, Camila can offer her many more things you could ever offer her.

Vero: Better yet, a big friend, not like yours, which is smaller than my pinky.- She started moving her finger, Dinah and Camila laughed and Brad stopped smiling.

Brad: You're a phenomenon Cabello, she deserves better.

X: She deserves the best and I know Camila's the best, so I'm asking politely for you to apologize to her now, Brad.

Michael and Clara Jauregui were entering the cafeteria, straight to the girls and the nuisance.

Brad: Clara... Apologize to her... I can't.

Mike: You will  Simpson, your job is on the line.

Brad: Mr. Jauregui, no... You know I'm the best...

Mike: One of many kid, we're equally competent here.

Brad: Yes ;r. Jauregui, but I refuse to apologize.

Mike: Well, it'd be best if you pack your bags and get your sale, Brad.

Brad: But...

Mike: I was clear with you Brad, you didn't take it, now face the consequences.

Brad: This won't finish like this Cabello.

Camila: Don't threaten me Brad, I'm not afraid and I won't be.

Brad dedicated Camila a naughty smile, then left the cafeteria to grab his stuff.

Clara: I know your friends agree with me Camila, there's nothing better than you for my daughter, is there, Mike?

Mike: As a jealous father, I'd say there's no one for her, but, being sincere, you're the only person I'd accept to be beside my daughter as a couple.

Camila: I don't know what to say... I, Lauren... she's so beautiful and charming, but I  don't think she's interested.

Clara: Make her be Camila, as I see it, she already is.

Dinah: Points for your mother-in-law Cabello.

Vero: You're big Clara, I want a mother-in-law like you.

Mike and Clara laughed while Camila was a tomato.

Mike: I think someone needs to breather, please girls leave my daughter-in-law alone.- They all kept laughing until Mike's phone rang.- It's Lauren... don't say anything.- They all nodded.- Hello daughter, is there somehing wrong?... Easy there Lolo, tell me... Lauren, breather, everything will be alright...- Mike's expression became more rigid, somethin was wrong.- Tell me where you are... yes, she's with me, we're going, relaz daughter, everything wil be ok.

Mike hung up and his face showed concern, he didn't say anything because Clara spoke before him.

Clara: What's wrong with Lauren, Mike?

Mika: They crashed, Chris and... Sofi were the most affected.

Camila didn't say aything, she was in shock, the memories of the hospital's call to tell her their parents had crashed came back, she fled from the cafeteria and took her car keys, went to the elevator but took the stairs, she got to her car but Dinah took her by the hand and stopped her.

Dinah: I'll drive.- Camila just nodded, turned around and went to the side, Dinah let Vero in and they went.

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