Chapter 8

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Lauren got home in half an hour and before coming in she noticed Camila was arriving hers.

Lauren: Camila!.- When the brunnette got out of the car, she went to Lauren and hugged her.

Camila: Is there something wrong, Angel?

Lauren: Can you stay or vice versa, they're all gonna stay at the hospital...

Camila: let me grab my pajamas and I'll be back, ok?

Lauren: Yes, I'll wait in my room, just close when you get in.

Camila: I will Angel, don't worry... Go, see you in a while.- She kissed her forehead.

Camila walked inside and closer, Lauren looked how she dissapeared, she also went inside her house; before reaching her room, she heard the front door open and close.

Lauren: Camila... Is that you?

The house was completely quiet and whoever entered didn't respond Lauren, making her afraid.

Lauren: Camila, if that''s you... Please stop... I don't like it.

X: Sorry to dissapoint you pretty face, but I'm not Camila... You'll still get to enjoy my manhood.

Lauren: Tristan...

Tristan: My precious, you're so into me that you even recognise my voice... I hope that's the name you scream when you reach your orgasm.

Lauren ran as fast as she could to her room, bad luck that Tristan had walked upstairs while he talked, quickly catching up with Lauren before she could reach her room.

Tristan: I know you want me to make you mine... now it's the time.- She started kissing Lauren's neck, grabbing her so that she could not scape.

Lauren: Let me go, please... Let me out.

Tristan: This is for despising me Lauren.- He broke her blouse, leaving her semi-nude from the waist up, she only wore a lace bra.- Just like I like it... I always knew you ere a little slut.

Lauren: Let me go, you jerk.

Tristan: You don't get to call me jerk, slut.- He slapped her, making her lip bleed, he shoved her to the bed and before getting on, someone stopped him.

X: I told you she wasn't alone, berk.- Camila hit him on the face, close to his left eye.

Tristan: I ain't scared of you, phenomenom.

Camila: You'll be.- Camila signaled him to come.

Poor dreamer, Camila thought... never doubt of the abilities someone may possess.

Tristan wanted to hit her in the stomach but before that he received a hit at the same place.

Lauren took her phone and dialed the police so that they could take Tristan into custody, before Camila gets hurt or worse... go to jail for killing a nobody as Tristan.

The cops arrived in less than five minutes, Camila didn't receive a blow, the cops took their statements and took a nearly unrecognizable Tristan.

Camila: Let's go to the kitchen, I'll make you a tea for the nerves and I'll heal your lip.

The girls went to the kitchen and Camila quickly prepared a tea for Lauren, half an hour later they were both laying on the bed, none of them could sleep and it was more than 2:30am, Camila came closer to Lauren and hugged her from behind, her right hand around her wait and her left hand intertwined with Lauren's hand, Camila caressed Lauren and gave her kisses on the neck.

Camila: Sleep, Angel, I'm here... I won't leave you.

Lauren: Don't let me go.

Camila: I won't.- Camila heard how Lauren started crying and held her tight until she fell asleep.

In the morning, Lauren slept, holding onto Camila, laying her head on the crook of her neck, Camila had had her arm across her hip, it was their first time sleeping together and that made it a great night, althought it happened thanks to Tristan.

But let's stop talking shit, let's talk about something more important, the girls were starting to wake up and when they did their eyes locked up and they smiled in a unique way.

Camila: Good morning, Angel.

LAuren: Good morning CAmz.

Camila: How did you sleep?

Lauren: What you see you don't ask...

Camila: Someone woke up in a good mood... What's the reason?

I woke up beside the prettiest and perfect girl I could have in my life, Lauren thought.

Lauren: I don't know... I just did...

Camila: WAnna have breakfasat o you're getting ready for univeristy?

Lauren: Day off for both of us, please🙏.

Camila: Nope, you got an exam in a few hours, which I have to drive you to, so you're gonna shower, after you I will, come on Angel, despierta...

Lauren: The bilingual they called you...

Camila: They also tell me Culobello and cuban scone... so, what else do you expect from me.

That you love me, Lauren thought, but she only rolled her eyes to answer Camila and went to the bathroom to shower.

Lauren: See you in 45 at my house.

Camila: Aye aye, captain.- She made the soldier greet and made Lauren laugh.

Lauren's exam was easy, for she had studied last week, minus yesterday, which was the day the accident took place.

When Lauren finished, she went out and saw Camila waiting for her as she had told her.

Camila: Where does my angel want to have breakfast?

Lauren: Wherever, but now... I'm starving.- She held her stomach with her left hand.

Camila took her hand and they left university, they got to the car and Camila opened Lauren the door, when she sat, she closed it and went to her seat.

They went to Starbucks and sat at the terrace, a guy attended them, he only made a scene when he tried flirting with Camila.

Lauren: I think you should tell him you've got a friend...

Camila: I prefer telling him you're my girl😉.

Lauren: I like that.

The boy arrived with their order and before leaving he gave Camila a paper, the girls understood it was his phone number.

Lauren: Sorry buddy, she's taken.

Camila: Nick... let me introduce you to my girl, Lauren.

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