Chapter 10

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Camila turned around surprised to see the person in front of her.

Camila: Lauren... What are you doing here?

Lauren: I asked permission to my mum so I could stay the night, so here I am.

Camila: Mike will kill me.

Lauren: He adores you...

Camila: Well... How did you get in?

Lauren: Sofi opened, she already knows I'm here.

Camila :Well, welcome Angel... It'll be an honour... I mean a pleasure to have you here, with me.

Camila and Lauren slept like the night before, they were holding tight to each other, not letting go.

Their hearts and breaths seemed as one, how much until it's true? or they are not meant for each other.

The morning came, Camila woke up dur to her alarm clock and after turning it off, she let Lauren sleeping.

She went into the bathroom, did her issues and looked for clothes to wear on today.

She took a quick shower, for she had to make breakfast for three.

Camila left the bathroom and Lauren was still sleeping.

Camila: Angel... time to wake up, or you'll be late.

Lauren: 5 more minutes, mom...

Camila: I ain't your mom, Lauren... Wake up, come on, wake up Angel.

Lauren, much to her regret, sat up on the bed, rubbed her eyes and spun around to face Camila, giving her a smile.

Camila: You can shower here, there's everything you may need.

Lauren: Thank you.- She got up and headed straight to the bathroom.

Camila was preparing breakfast when Sofi came into the kitchen and took an apple to eat.

Camila: Good morning.

Sofia: Good morning... Looks like someone slept well😏.

Camila: Such a funny lady... And yes, I slept well, because we only slept.

Sofia: If you say so.

Camila : 🙄.

Sofia: I have a question Kaki.

Camila: Tell me.

Sofia: If you get to marry Lauren, where will you live?

Camila: Let's say I marry Lauren... Suppose so, because it hasn't happened, she'd live here.

Sofia: And me?

Camila: What do you mean?

Sofia Would I still live here?

Camila: Of course, this is also your house, Sofia...

Sofia: It was just to clear things up Karla.

X: Karla? .- Lauren was entering the kitchen distracted but she remembered hearing that name before.

Camila: It's me, Karla Camila... That's my first name.

Lauren: I don't feel bad anymore for having two names.

Camila: You too?- Lauren nodded.- Which?

Lauren: Lauren Michelle.

Sofia: I thing that having latin parents makes us have two names.

Lauren: You...

Sofia: Yup, but I'm sorry sister-in-law, it's a secret.

Camila: Don't call her that.

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