Chapter 14

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Camila: Okay, time to step in.

Camila took Lauren's left hand, ran to the dock and in a jump, entered the cottages.

That day that heat was unbearable and they all agreed on going to swim to the lake and eating after.

The couples talked and played in the water while the time went by, the water fights started being presents, before dusk came, all the couples got out and used their towels to get dried up; Troy and Camila made a wood-fire and Louis helped them lighten it up, they all gathered around and Lauren and Vero told horror stories.

They had dinner and the stories never stopped coming, they were great, that same afternoon Vercy arrived and joined the group.

They finished having dinner and each couple went to their respective cottage.

Camila got into the bathroom and opened the shower, she got naked and entered, the water touched her body and travel through her entire body. Camila shivered as she felt some hands on her, she wanted to turn around but she didn't because the hands were on her abdomen and she felt a naked body press against her back.

Lauren: Relax Camz.- The green-eyed girl kissed her right shoulder while her hands started caressing her abdomen carefully.

Camila: I want you to be ready, Angel...

Lauren: I am... I'm ready to be yours.

Camila spun around and Lauren backed up a little, they both stared at each other, admiring each others bodies, they got closer and kissed.

The kiss started heating up but they never stopped feeling love and softness.

Both hands roamed around each others bodies, exploring the places they never thought they would...

They left the shower when Camila closed it and took Lauren to the bed, she laid her down carefully and grabbed a condom, she got back with her angel and kissed again, a few minutes later, Camila was pushing into Lauren and Lauren didn't know how to deal with the pain.

Camila stopped and didn't know what to do because Lauren was sobbing a little.

Camila: I'm sorry angel... I didn't want to hurt you.

Lauren: It's normal Camz... It's my first time, it has to be painful...

Camila: I'll move when you say so, angel.- Camila kissed Lauren's cheeks and saw how her face changed.

Lauren told Camila to move, she thrusted in a slow pace and they both started to feel that pleasure, their bodies started heating up, their kissed followed Camila's thrusts.

They made love all night, they saw the dawn come in when Camila took Lauren in to sleep, that night was the start of many nights makeing love.


Camila: I'll break his head...- The brunette was angry as she stormed into her office, where Dinah was sitting on one of her couches.

Dinah: That idiot again?

Camila: Yes... Lauren cancelled on me once again due to that idiot, it's the fourth time this week... And she knows this weekend I won't be able to see her, ni don't even look like a couple anymore. 

Dinah: You have to calm down Camila.

Camila: Calm down? I got four months with Lauren and it's our anniversary, she forgot too and I get very angry when she goes out with him...

Dinah: Normani doesn't stand him...

Camila: Make that two, since he got to the University she's been following Lauren everywhere, two damn months trying to date her when Noah doesn't invite her anywhere.

Dinah; Being honest, I thought you were jealous, but ALly, Lucy and Mani say the same thing, she doesn't hang out with them.

Camila: If things keep on going like this,  I think... I'll break up with her.

Dinah: Camila... no, she adores you.

Camila: I do too, Dinah, but she doesn't have time for me... not even when it's our anniversary.

Dinah: Try to male it better... Do something... Talk with her.

Camila: I will, but I don't know if it'll work, I'll end up with this before it hurts more.


Camila entered Mike's office and talked about their new project with Jauregui's Enterprises in Latin America.

Camila's project was the winner, Ariana and her had the opportunity to become more known within the industrial enterprises.

The last time Camila and Lauren saw each other was at dinner with the Jauregui's, Camila, bothered... Didn't pay attention to Lauren that night because she kept rambling about her exit with Noah.

In Camila's eyes you didn't see only jealousness, you could see sadness and dissapointment, for Lauren didn't remember the date of their anniversary.

That night was the last one they talked to each other, Camila only said to er "Good night Lauren", while her girlfriend talked with his "friend" through the phone.

Thing started to get even worse, Camila was very busy with her work and in her free time Lauren was busy, her night kept on being for University, for in two weeks she would graduate... She wanted to invite Lauren and her family, but she wasn't sure they were still dating.

Unfortunately, their relationship came to an end, Camila was stepping out of the university for she had stayed to talk with Professor Payne to recommend her, when she was going, she heard a familiar laugh, when she approached enough that laugh stopped, Camila couldn't hold back her tears, her angel was kissing her friend Noah and the worse part was that she wasn't trying to push him back, she gave him permission.

Camila ran to her car, started the engine and ran to the street, she texted Mike telling him she accepted his offer to go to Mexico to work for the new entreprise.

It was planned, she would graduate and leave, she didn't have any reasons to stay, the Jaureguis could take care of Sofi, she had money and from Mexico she's pay her sister's expenses.

Camila was so unfocused she didn't notice she had accelerated, she crashed, making the car turn around.

All she felt was pain, physically and emotionally, she thought Lauren loved her, as she always had stated, she didn't see, that boy... In that time they didn't have for each other, he took it and made her fall in love with him, making Camila lose her.

Who do you want to fool Camila?... Lauren was never yours...

Camila closed her eyes and when she opened them, a bright light made her close them again, when her sight adapted, she observed her surrounding, she was in the hospital, she remembered the crash and the reason why.

Tears fell down her face, nothing else mattered now, she lost her and that hurt more than being stuck on a bed.

The door opened and she saw her friend Dinah, she stood there silent and when she saw Camila awake she cried.

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