Chapter 13

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Camila left Lauren at her house, now that they were a couple, she was afraid Mike would think Lauren and her had had sex when they had not.

Camila: See you tomorrow, Angel.

Lauren: I'll miss you, sleep well...

Camila: I'll miss you too, but it's better this way... I'll come tomorrow yo see you and to talk with your parents...

Lauren: Okay Camz, I'll be waiting.

Camila: Bye Angel.

Lauren: Bye Camz.- They kissed for the last time that night.


Dinah: You asked me to come over just for that?

Camila: Yes, is there a problem?

Dinah: It's Sunday, 9:00am, do you think I ever get up this early, Cabello?

Camila: When I asked you through the phone if you could come over and talk with me about my relationship with Lauren you didn't think the same...

Dinah: I though Camren had had...

Camila: Don't say it...

Dinah: Sex.

Camila: Do you even think that's the only thing that attracts me from Lauren?

Dinah: If I didn't know you, I'd say yes, but I know, for the way you look at her and treat her... that you want more than a simple relationship, something like the mother of your children.

Camila: You're not very wrong... I want it with Lauren, but it's too soon, we'll graduate in a few months, but she's starting university, I want her to study and over all... I don't know what plans I have with her.

Dinah: For now, maybe not... She's young and she wants to enjoy it, but I know she's in love with you, that if you'd ever ask her to marry you, she wouldn't doubt.

Camila: I hope so... but, she'll may be mad at me...

Dinah: She doesn't know you're leaving?

Camila: no... I wanted to do this first, but before yesterday she got mad at me, I don't know the reason why, but...

Dinah: You're afraid, that this thing that just started will end.

Camila: Yes, I love her... But it's not time for me to tell her, I must wait.

Dinah: One must give these things time, Camila, but tell me, is there something I should know?

Camila: I want her to be my first, but I feel like I might disappoint her.

Dinah: With such a thing... I doubt it, plus, she's not experienced.

Camila: She's...?

Dinah: Virgin?.- Camila nodded.- According to Mani, yes, she's waiting for the right one and I think that's you.

Camila: It's too early...

Dinah: It is... But remember that in two weeks we have this little break from university and work.

Camila: Obvious, we needed them... These weeks filled with exams were horrible.

Dinah: The girls will be also free, we can go to those country houses as a couple.

Camila: Couples? By any chance you want Normani for a night?

Dinah: You offended me Cabello, I'll ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend.

Camila: Good, you were taking your time, tell me your plan with those cottages?

Dinah: Lauren and your first time will take place there, her and you, alone at your own "house" doing it like rabbits after she meets Karlitos.

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