Chapter 3

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Tristan: I doubt it...

Lauren: That's right, you don't have to doubt it, better leave, Tristan.

Tristan: This will not end like this Lauren.

X: Don't threaten her, I already told you she's with me.

Tristan left the place angry, the girls looked at Lauren and the girl standing beside her amazed.

Lauren: Girls, meet my neighbour Camila.

Camila: Hi...

They all greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and Lauren introduced them.

Lauren: That's Normani, Ally and Lucy, I've known them for my entire life and that's why we're best friends.

Camila: Aw, it must be interesting having this type of friendships, but now that I've met you... do you know professot Payne?

Normani: I do, he's my communications teacher.

Camila: You're studying communication?

Normani: No, I study sales but in our degree that's part of the subjects.

Camila: Wow, what do you girls study?

Ally: Nursery.

Lucy: Philosophy and talking about that, it's getting late for my first period... It was a pleasure Camila, see you.

Lucy told them they'd meet at lunch and ran. The other three girls kept on talking until the only ones left were Camila and Lauren.

Lauren: Thank you, he's an idio and I don't know what to do anymore.

Camila: Don't thank me, but if he still bothers you, call me.

Lauren: I will... There's just one problem.

Camila: Which one.

Lauren: I don't have your number.

Camila: Can I borrow your phone?

Lauren: Sure.- Lauren took out her phone from her back pocket and handed it over to Camila, she took it and quickly typed on it, giving it back to Lauren.

Camila: Well, I think that's not a problem anymore... I goota go now, it was nice seeing you Lauren.

Lauren: Me too... thank you.- Camila smiled and Lauren saw her perfect smile, they pecked each other's cheek and left for their room.

Camila reached professor Payne's office, knocked the door and when she heard the 'come in' she opened the door and entered, asking for persmission to sit down, he gave it, when she sat down, she started talking.

Camila: Yesterday my sister and I moved into the house you recommended us... I don't know if it's luck, but we met the Jaureguis, they're our neighbous and... Mr. Michael Jauregui offered me a chance in his enterprise.

Payne: And what are you waiting for, Camila? Michael Jauregui's enterprise is the best of Miami andthe onces he has over United States also, it would be a great opportunity for you to be able to be there.

Camila: I know... but, I don'w want to ket down a man like him, I'm a newbie in this.

Payne: You say that because you haven't worked in an enterprise or something that has to do with your career, since you're 15, if I'm not wrong, you work in your friend's Louis workshop... Don't be afraid, it's normal, and about dissapointing him, you won't, every project you've shown me are the best and I'm sure you're the same in every other class...

Camila: I...

Payne: Your father showed you how to work efficiently and right, not to do it because so... talk with Mr. Jauregui, accept the opportunity, it can change your life, and if you get to work with him, Sofia and you will be more than alright.

Camila: THank you, everything you've done for me... thank you.

Payne: Everything for the daughter's of a friend like Alejandro Cabello.

Camila: Do you miss him?

Payne: He wasn't just my teacher, a friend like him is not easy to fins... do you miss him?

Camila: Every day.- Camila gave him a half smile.- But i must protect Sofi.

Payne: I think she's the one taking care of you.

Camila: If Sofi weren't alive, I wouldn't be here, sober or alive.

Payne: In this life things happen for a reson, you got her and she has you, but I must reming you that life gives and takes, you may soon have someone to love.

Camila: That's not my thing, you know that...

Payne: Something tells me the right girl will arrive, Camila, this job opportunity give it to yourself in love too.

Camila: I did it and they broke it.

Payne: Things like this happen, that girl didn't value the type of person you were, you're worth it, notice that.

Camila: I want to believe you.

Payne: Then do, when time comes and you love youreslf, you'll be able to love someone else.

Camila: THank you professor Payne.

Payne: You know I'm your godfather, you can call me Liam.

Camila: Thank you Liam, this weekend I'll wait for you ar home, Sofi would like to see you.

Payne: I will, I put the meat, you put the oven.

Camila: I like that.- Camila said goodbye and left the office, saw the time on her phone and noticed that Sofi and the rest were almost out of class, she went to her car and started the engine to get to them.

She waited an hour and thirty minutes until they came out, she helped them get in and left to the Jaureguis house, left them home and went to her drive park, Camila and Sofi parked and went into the house.

Sofia: How did it go?

Camila: Fine... Louis is coming his weekend with someone else, but it's a surprise.- She winked at her.- How did it go with you?

Sofia: Fine, my friends and I sat down with Chris' friends and then Taylor came... speaking of which, can we invite them too?

Camila: Sure, everyone, it'll be more interesting...

Sofia: Are you talking about Lauren?

Camila: What!? No...

Sofia: Such a liar... Come on, I'm starving and  you must go to work.

Camila and Sofi ate calmly and talked about their day, when they finished, Sofi went upstairs to do her homework and take a nap.

Camila washed the dishes and went out, went to the  Jaureguis and rang the bell, the door was opened in less than a minute, inside was Clara.

Clara: Camila, daughter... do you need something? Please, come in.- Camila entered.

Camila: Glad to see you Ms. Jauregui.

Clara: Please, call me Clara.

Camila: Clara... Is Mr. Jauregui home?

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