Chapter 11

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Camila and Dinah took all their friends to a bar restaurant.

As Camila had said, Ally was more than charmed with Troy, who presented himself; they sat at a big table by partners.






The night was going excellent, they were all having fun due to Vero, the minors started drinking, Camila was taking care of Lauren while she drank, she'd have time to smack Vero tomorrow.

The dinner was fine, except for some girls who had had too many drinks.

Thank Ally's God, Lauren would be again staying at Camila's house.

The morning came, with a green-eyed girl with only a shirt on, which wasn't even hers, scared she jumped out off the bed and saw she wasn't at her bedroom, more like... Camila's bedroom.

X: You woke up.- Camila was leaving the bathroom with a towel around her waist and a sports bra.

Lauren: Tell me that you and me...

Camila: What about you and me?

Lauren: Did we...?

Camila: What? Oh nooo, none at all... There's an explanation for this.

Lauren: Okay then, tell me.

Camila: You got drunk...You threw up three times before you got to my room, I placed you under the shower and bathed you, but with your clothes on, when I finished, I asked you to dry up alone, you did and before that I gave you the shirt, I combed and dried your hair.

Lauren: That's all? I'm a disaster... Stupid Vero.

Camila: You fell asleep before I had finished drying up your hair, so I placed you on the bed... and about Vero, I'll take care of you so nothing bad happens to you when you drink with someone you don't know.

Lauren: You didn't drink?

Camila: I never do, I'm not a big fan, now... I was also the driver, I had to be sober, although Dinah had something she wasn't as bad as you.

Lauren: That was awful, sorry you got to see me in that state...

Camila: Don't worry Angel, just don't do it anymore.

Lauren: Promise.


Sofia: So you're leaving?

Camila: I don't know Sofi...

Sofia: Well... If you do, will I be two months home alone?

Camila: Mike told me that if I get to leave, you can stay with them.

Sofia: There's no problem with spending more time with Chris... and Taytay obviosuly...

Camila: Aren't you a couple yet?

Sofia: No... He's a little bit slow for some things, although he's cute and he treats me well, he doesn't ask me, not even when we kiss...

Camila: Wait, what the f...? you had your first kiss with Chris and you didn't tell me? Thanks for the trust...

Sofia: It has nothing to do with the lack of trust, I didn't tell you because you know my first kiss must be also my first boyfriend...

Camila: And you're afraid Chris won't be it?

Sofia: Yes...- Sofi, sad, laid on her bed and Camila hugged her.

Camila: If Chris doesn't know what he's got, he'llbe dumb for not being with you, you're worth it little one.

Sofia: You just tell me that because I'm your sister.

Camila: Stillm you're pretty, the prettiest in this room, and a great person... just be patient, he'll ask you out.

Sofia: May Allysus and Godmila hear you🙏.

Camila: I'm gonna pray, now get up... we got dinner with family-in-law.

Sofia: They're also yours... You're getting late Karla.

Camila: We've just met two months ago, besides... I don't know, I feel like I'm not ready for a relationsip.

Sofia: Your worst fear is that she won't love you as much as you love her?

Camila: My fear, is that she loves me and I'll lose her...

Sofia: Like our parents, you're afraid of her leaving you like them...

Camila: Yes... But I Promise I'll do something, soon...

Sofia: Karla Camila... You have to take risks, she loves you, you love her... You just have to ask.

Camila: You're right... but for now, time to go.

Camila went to her room to get changed it looked like it would be a formal dinner, for some other parteners and judges were going.

Camila took a shower and put on some black jeans and a white shirt with a mathcing american, she held her hair up in a pony-tail and placed on some make-up, she left her room and knocked on Sofi's.

Sofia: Coming.- A minute later, Sofi was leaving her room with a red dress, under her knees withour sleeves and some cleavage, some black high heels and her necklace and earrings.

Camila: Such a beautiful sister I got.

Sofia: Icould say the same, but come on, it's getting late... There's a lot of traffic...

Camila: Sure, the traffic, just admit you wanna see Chris already...

Sofia: I will if you admit you wanna see Lauren now.

Camila: I do.

Sofia: That's two of us...

Camila: Let's go.- She stretched her right hand and started waslking to the stairs, got to the front door and after exiting, Camila locked.

They walked to the Jauregui's house, ringed the doorbell and a service man opened them up.

X: Misses Cabello, the Jauregui's are waiting.

Camila: Thanks Jose.

Jose: A pleasure lady.

They entered and walked to the grand saloon where they distinguished the other parteners and judges, the night was peaceful, but Lauren hadn't come down, and that concerned Camila...

What will she be doing? she thought.

Camila excused herself and attempted to go upstairs to look for Lauren, but before she could go, a hand was placed on her right shoulder.

X: Excuse me, are you Camila Cabello?

Camila spun around to see the girl, smaller than Lauren, brownish skin, cute smile and by her looks, daughter of one of Mike's partenrs, or really rich...

Camila: Yes... Can I help you...?

X: Ariana Grande, it's a pleasure Camila, but please, talk me to you, we're the same age.

Camila: It's a pleasure Ariana, what can I do for you?

Ariana: I'm new around here, my dad is an old friend of Mike, and now he works with him, but he told me he'd be working directly with you.

Camila: With me?... Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I didn't know...

Ariana: Today he'll be presenting us, but I preffered doing it by my own, I'll help youwith your project, I'm specialized on that area.

Camila: Thanks for both things... And welcome to Jauregui's enterprise, buddy.

Camila approached Ariana and hugged her, unaware of a green-eyed girl watching form upstairs.

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