Chapter 7

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In less than 15 minutes, Dinah parked Camila's car and before she had stopped the car, Camila was jumping out of it and running into the hospital, she asked for information to the secretary, flew to the third floor and saw Lauren crying in her friends' arms, Camila went to her, Lauren stepped aside and started talking to Camila.

Lauren: It's my fault...

Normani: That car ran over us, he was wrong, you were right.

Lauren: It's my fault, I should've done something.

Ally: He should've stopped Lauren, it was his fault.

Lauren: Camila, forgive me... please... I didn't want to.

Camila approached Lauren and took her into a kiss, Lauren didn't know how to react but kissed her until Camila's lips left hers.

Camila: It's not your fault Angel... don't worry, they'll be fine.- Lauren just hugged the brunette.- Are you alright?.- Lauren nodded on Camila's left shoulder.- Don't worry Angel, your parents are on their way.

Mike, Clara, Dinah and Vero were getting out of the elevator and walking towards the girls, Taylor hugged her parents and sobbed with them, Vero and Dinah went straight to Ally, Lucy and Normani and the girls told them about the kiss.

They never thought that their first kiss would be under theses circumstances, but life is strange and things always arrive as surprises.

X: Sofia Cabello's family?

Camila: I'm her sister and her tutor...- She went to the doctor.

Doctor: Your sister's fine, she has some bruises on her body but she'll only need some antibiotics and rest, you can now enter and see her, she's in the room 317.

Camila: Thank you doc.- Camila said goodbye and went to Sofi's room, when she entered she was her friend Troy talking to her.

Troy: I think that the visitors arrived Sofi...

Sofia: Thank you Troy.

Troy: No worries little one.

Camila: Thank pal.- Troy smiled and left the room, Sofi scooted over to let Camila lay down on her left side, they talked until they fell into Morfeo's arms.

Clara and Lauren went to see Sofia and Camila, that had been together more than three hours and Camila had to go to the university and Dinah was outside waiting for her.

They entered and their gaze went to the bed, the picture was adorable, Sofi laying on Camila's chest and Camila hugging her as if she was protecting her from everything.

Clara: Wake your girl up honey😉.

Lauren: She's not my girl...

Clara: You say it's your Camila, now wake her up, she has to go to the university and Dinah's waiting for her.

Lauren: Okay.

The green-eyed girl walked to the bed, to Camila's side and whispered to her ear.

Lauren: Camz, wake up, you have to go to the uni, come on Camz, it0s getting late.

Lauren stepped aside and saw how Camila woke up slowly, she moved Sofi so that she could keep sleeping.

Clara: I'll stay with her Camila, you must go, plus, Mike's with Chris, don't worry.

Camila stood up, thanked Clara and went into the bathroom to wash her face, when she left she saw Clara in the room, she understood that Lauren had to be on the corridor or in some other part of the hospital.

Camile was about to get into the elevator when Lauren reached her and gave her a sweet kiss on the kips.

Lauren: See you later Camz.

Camila: See you soon Angel.- She gave her a kiss on the forehead and got into the elevator.

Camila drove to uni with Dinah a little more serious than normal, that worried the brunnette.

Dinah: Can I asj you something?

Camila: Sure.

Dinah: What did you feel when you kissed Lauren?

Camila: Many things, but the one I felt most was love.

Dinah: You're in love with her.

Camila: You're confirming something I already know.

Dinah: I know, Camren is real and that's something that makes me happy.

Camila: Why does it make you happy, Dinah?

Dinah: Watching my best friend in love is a lot, you've been through so much Camila, you deserve to be happy, you've got Sofi, but she's your sister, you need someone else to have the family you want.

Camila: You think Lolo'll be my family?

Dinah: All of the Jauregui's, I've noticed Chris is into Soofi, you now how sweet he is, it wouldn't be bad for them to be a couple, and about Lolo, she adores you, I know, you can see it on her face, it's just that both of you are idiots and don't notice.

Camila: Thanks Dinah, but being sincere, I love you as a siste.- Dinah faked whipping a fake tear and from the copilot seat raised her arms and hugged Camila, who mimicked  her gestures.

Dinah: You have such a cool and pretty sister Camila, you must be proud.

Camila: I am, but she's at the hospital right now.

Dinah;: Idiot.

Camila: I love you too.

Both girls left the car and agreed on metting after they'd finished, each one headed to their class.

Camila thought about Lauren's kiss, she thought it had been the best of all and hoped to have more, but it was soon to be in a relationship, those fear always reached Camila and made her bravery and hopes to declare to Lauren dissapear, but maybe, the green-eyed girl would take the lead.

At the hospital, Clara and Lauren talked while Sofi while she slept, or so they thought.

Clara: You finally kissed, although in a very strange situation, it could relax you.

Lauren: I still feel guilty.

Clara: That man jumped his stop, Lauren, he's the one to blame, not you, Camila also said it...

Lauren: My responsability to take care of her sister almost goes to the bin mom... If it had been more severe... It'd take Camila the inlt thing she loves...

Clara: But that didn't happen and I don't want you to think about it.

Lauren: But...

Clara: But nothing, now go home, you have to sleep, you have an exam tomorrow.

Lauren: And Taytay?

Clara: She'll stay with your dad.

Lauren: Fine, see you tomorrow afternoon, if anything's wrong, call me.

Clara: I wil... Take care honey.

Lauren: Thank you, you too.

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