Chapter 19

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Mike: How's your wound going, Camila?

Camila: Fine, I got the best nurse with me.- Lauren kissed her right cheek.-Angel... I was talking about Sofi.

Lauren: 🙄.

Everybody laughed; in the dinning room, they all enjoyed the meal that Lauren and Sofia had done, Mike and Clara at one end, in front of them Camila and Lauren, Sofi and Chris at Camila's right side and Taytay and her boyfriend at Lauren's left side.

Clara: You'll be a great wife Lauren, don't worry about that...

Lauren: Don't worry mother, that's the least of my concerns... Camz knows I'd do anything for her.

Camila: For you angel... anything.-She kissed her right hand knuckles.

Mike: And how are finals and the projects going?

Lauren: I'm a little tired, but it's only three more weeks...

Camila: And my beautiful girl will finally be professional... A great writer.


Troy: Okay Camila, I see you've taken care of yourself.

Lauren: You must believe Troy, it was hard, she always wanted to do it alone, but I don't let her.

Troy: Camila... As a doctor, I must thank Lauren for what she's done for you, as a friend, you are whipped.

Camila: Tell me something new Troy.

Camila was on a hospital bed with Troy, her wound had finally healed and the bandages had been taken off, now she could use her arm as if nothing had happened.

Lauren: Troy, do you want to eat with us? The girls are coming...

Trot: Yeah... Ally had already told me, I'll take care of someone else and I'll meet you there.

Camila: Fine... Doctor Troy, it was a pleasure.

Troy: Same thing, Ms. Cabello.

Camila: Miss Cabello... there's still a month and a week.

Troy: Pardon me miss, it was nice seeing both of you.

Lauren: Thanks Troy, see you in a while.

Troy nodded, Camila stood up and shakes his hand; Camila and Lauren left the hospital and went to Camila's car, heading straight to the restaurant where they'd meet up with their friends.


Camila: How's your book going, angel?

Lauren: I already sent it to the publishing house, I'll get the answer on monday.

Camila: Wow... 4 days for that... But don't worry, I know they'll accept it, you're great, that story is amazing.

Lauren: You say it because you love me.

Camila: Lauren... As a girlfriend, person, daughter, sister, friend and writer you're awesome... Don't you ever doubt about that...- She kissed her forehead.- Let's go.

Lauren and Camila entered, talked with the kid at the door and he took them to their table, where Ally, Vero and Lucy were waiting.

Vero: Camren!

Camila: Vercy!

Ally: Ally...

Lauren: Come on Ally... Troy'll come soon and Trolly will be complete...

Lucy: Lolo's right... Plus, when you leave university you'll work with him, practically with his same schedule.

Vero: That boy is crazy for you, he'd do anything to have more time with you, I can't imagine how hard a doctor's life can be, in your case nurse... I know those are hard times, but you'll be able to overcome it.

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