Chapter 16

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Camila was at her apartment, having been living five months... Ariana was cool, especially when she drank too much.

Camila felt defeated, being far away from Lauren was harder than what she thought, she missed her every night, especially when she needed her kisses...

She tried dating mexican girls, but her green-eyed girl was unique, but she knew she was with Noah... That's what Sofia had told her the last time they spoke... but Camila didn't let her finish, for the Jaureguis, as Sofia, knew the reason why Camila had broken up with Lauren.

Dinah and Lauren explained everything and they all wished they'd get back together; Dinah apologized several times for her attitude and for the way she had treated Lauren for some time, her friend was hurt... and she hated that she were like that.

Ariana left her room and saw how Camila watched the landscape through the window.

Ariana: I'm going out, I don't know when will I get back...

Camila: Take care.

Ariana: I will, see you later.

Camila: Yes.- She never looked at her, since then she's become a colder person, even with her own sister.

The brunette heard the door closing, she didn't know how long it had been when she heard the door open again.

Camila: What did you forget?

X: Nothing, but you forgot to call me.-Camila spun around and saw her best friend and Lauren at her right side.

Camila: How did you get in and what are you doing here?

Dinah: Oh Dinah, I missed you... We met Ari and she lend us the key... We're here to tell you the truth.

Camila: Which truth?

Lauren: I didn't kiss Noah, Camila.

Camila: You told her?

Dinah: She went to me yesterday to tell me what had really happened, now I'm here as a good Camren captain  for you to get back together.

Camila: No... I'm waiting for someone.

Lauren: Camz... Please, hear me out.

Camila: I don't want to Lauren.

X: You should Camila, I told you everything had an explanation.

The three girls spun around and saw a blond girl, tall... Definitely not from here.

Camila: It doesn't matter...

The brunette walked to the stairs and up to her room. Dinah and Lauren went to the blonde girl.

X: Sorry for her attitude, she's too annoying when she's sober... A pleasure, Chelsea Briggs, adviser at Jaureguis Enterprise and working directly with Camila.

Dinah: I'm Dinah Jane Hansen and she's...

Chelsea: Lauren Jauregui... I know, I know you because Ari had photos and because Camila... well... She misses Dinah... but she needs you Lauren, she loves you, I always tell her to look for you and resolve this.

Lauren: She talks about me with you?

Chelsea: She's always drunk... But she's in rehab now, she's not like this... I won't let her destroy her life.

Lauren: Thank you, but it's my fault...

Dinah: It's not... that idiot is to blame, I'll hit him if I see him, a lot.

Chelsea: Count me in, nobody messes with Camren.

Dinah: You know Camren?

Chelsea: Your question offends me... I know it's real.

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