Chapter 15

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Dinah: Camila! You woke up... After all this time... I knew you would.

Camila: How long have I been here?

Dinah: 6 months Camila...

Camila: not so much...- She whispered.

Dinah: We've all been very worried.

Camila: How's Sofi?

Dinah: She's fine, the doctor told us one day you'd wake up, he had faith, she'll be happy to know you did...

Camila: You got nothing to say to the doctor?

Dinah: Troy's taking care of you, let me talk with him.

Dinah left the room and Camila started crying again... She wouldn't tell anyone what she saw, she would only tell Lauren they were done... She would... She would be the bad guy, she'd leave the one girl she loved, loves and will love...

Dinah came with Troy, he checked her, talked a bit with the girls and when he left Dinah made Camila the question she was waiting.

Dinah: Why did you crash?

Camila: I was unfocused...

Dinah: I know there's more...

Camila: I won't say a word.

Dinah: You'll have to tell me what happened Camila, be sincere with me.

Camila: It doesn't matter Dinah!- The brunette raised her voice.- It doesn't matter... Nothing else matters anymore, I tried, I gave her the best of me and in a few seconds it all went to hell.

Camila sobbed and Dinah hugged her, she didn't know what was Camila talking about, but she felt it had to do with Lauren.

Dinah: Why do you say thiS?

Camila: She... Was kissing him... She didn't push him... Before they kissed they were laughing... She never felt a shit for me...

Dinah: Camila... I'm sorry.

Camila: Don't tell a soul... I'll break up with her, I'll be the bad one.

Dinah: I won't allow that Camila.

Camila: I don't want her to have problemas with her parents.

Dinah: Camila...

Camila: Nothing you tell me won't change my mind, I don't make her happy, I want her to be happy with someone else.

Dinah: Damn Jauregui... She was the first one to come crying here... Nobody hurts my best friend.

Camila: Don't disrespect her, I don't want her to know I saw them...

Dinah: But-.- The door opened and a green-eyed girl rushed in happily to hug her very soon ex-girlfriend.

Lauren: Camz... You woke up...- She kissed her the face but she couldn't kiss her lips because Camila moved away, Lauren frowned, something was wrong.

Camila: Hello Lauren.- Too cold, no more "angel".

Lauren: Hi... How are you feeling?

Dinah: Bad.- She looked at Lauren pissed off but she didn't give it too much importance, but she worried.

Lauren: Is there something that hurts you?

Dinah: Some wounds... That I hope soon heal...

Camila: Promise they will Dinah, can you leave me alone with Lauren?

Dinah just nodded and left, Camila shifted uncomfortable and Lauren backed off.

Lauren: Is there something wrong?

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