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Brad took Lauren carrying one of the rooms, began to kiss her body without any care or sweetness.

I was furious, Camila will have to leave with her girlfriend being for the first time someone else.

She broke the front of the blouse she was wearing, kissed the breasts over the bra, Lauren began to cry and scream, Brad hit her several times before returning with her breasts and then lower her hands to remove Lauren's pants, just I leave the panties and began to caress his sex with his fingers, the green-eyed one did not stop crying.

Dirty, it's the way she was feeling, but at no time did something aroused that infuriated Brad a lot, she pulled away from Lauren, took off her shirt and pants to stay in boxer with her remarkable erection, placed on top of Lauren , I take out his boxer to show his member and when I was about to lower Lauren's panties, they stopped him, as he fell to the floor and received several blows to his face without being able to defend himself.

Lauren: Camz ...

Camila stopped hitting Brad and went to give Lauren a hug that kept crying in bed, Mike with several officers entered the room, Mike joined the hug with his daughter, while the officers dressed Brad.


Clara: Child ... thank God you're fine.

Mike, Camila and Lauren came to the house Jauregui, after entering they saw everyone, their family and friends, Clara, her children and Sofia approached Lauren and gave her a big hug and she started crying with them, they separated a little and the girls along with Larry joined the hug, Mike joined, only Camila, what he did was leave the house of the Jauregui, took his car and hit the road.

Lauren started talking to everyone, she was telling what she did and what Brad wanted to do to her, the way Camila arrived on time and defended her and at the end of the day, she understood that her Camila, is also her angel, that angel that always He embraces when he is afraid and does everything for her, whenever, and in that life, he wants to pay him with love.


Camila came to the old house of her parents, entered again in her, even after having signaled not to enter the accident today, toured the entire first floor, remembering everything that lived next to them their parents and Sofia , when they were that family of four ...

Before going up the stairs, Camila heard someone talking to her.

X: Do not go up, you'll do more damage by remembering that.

Camila: I promised to take care of her and today she almost dies because of me ...

X: Kaki, it's not your fault ... those people were sick.

X: Your mother is right Kaki, you do it right, only that there are times that people like that cross your life.

Camila: I almost lost everything I have ... my sister ... and the love of my life, I do not know how to feel about that ...

Alejandro: You have to calm down, they will not leave you, they love you and we protect them, we always do it.

Sinu: We would not leave them alone ... it also hurt us to say goodbye to you.

Camila: You do not know how much I blame myself for that ... my celebration should have waited, the only thing I wanted was for them to be with me.

Alejandro: Things are like this in this life Camila, it's not always what we want but we must understand it.

Sinu: Remember that God takes away but also gives, if we had not died, there is no new house, good friends, co-workers, an opportunity in a big company ...

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