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Lauren: Brad?

Brad: Lauren herself ... now walk, we have to get to my truck quietly, because anything you do ... your little sister, will suffer.

Lauren: Come on ...

Lauren and Brad went to the black van, the boy in curlers helped her up to and placed the money at the back seats, climbed into the pilot's seat, started the car and headed to the road.


After Lauren hung up, she worried because she had lied to her, she did not tell her she was at the bank and taking money for the wedding, which was unnecessary since everyone was ready and in order, it was just time to wait, she took her blue jacket. She was so desperate that she did not wait for her, she turned around and went down 20 stairs, felt her chest hurt, something was wrong and she had a bad feeling.

When she got to her car, she tried to call Sofia but she did not answer, she kept trying until she saw how she got a message from her.

- Message:

Sofia: There is someone at the house ... Lolo has not returned yet.

Camila: I'll mark the police, lock yourself in the bathroom of your room and have your cell phone for anything.

Sofia: Okay ... Camila ... I love you.

Camila: Quiet Sofi, everything will be fine, I love you more.

- End of the Message.


Lauren: Why are you doing this, Brad?

Brad: Because of your fiancee, your father did not give me a chance to fall in love, I ran to tell the truth to Camila and because of her, I do not have you, or my work, all for being a phenomenon that your father loves!

Lauren: Calm down Brad ... if you wanted something with me, you did not need my father.

Brad: Of course I did ... he was my boss, I had to know that his daughter loved me ... when we get to our destination, I will make you mine Lauren ...

Lauren: Brad ... please ... it's too fast for that, conquer me, let's go out together, I do not want you to hurt me.- Lauren let out a sob when the boy felt guilty and hated himself for saying those words.

Brad: Okay ... but it will not be long before you're mine.

Lauren could only nod, the last thing she wanted was to provoke Brad and hurt her, not like that.


Camila arrived at the bank, she turned off the car, quickly descended from it and went to the reception girl.

Camila: Good afternoon, I would like to know if the manager can attend to me ...

Girl: Of course ... wait a moment. - The girl took the phone, dialed a number, said some things and then hung up to talk again with the brunette. "First door on the left.

Camila: Thank you.- The girl smiled and went back to work, the brunette came to the door and entered.

Simon: Welcome ... How can I help you?

Camila: It was my fiancee who you were with, Mike told me, do you know if she was nervous or if someone was waiting for her?

Simon: Sorry to say no ... but if I can do something for you we can see the security cameras.

Camila nodded, approached Simon, while he on his desktop computer, wrote some keys to see the security cameras.

Simon placed the time that Lauren entered the building until it left and it could be distinguished that she was nervous after talking for the first time with the receptionist and when she left, she did not get into her car, but rather on the other side of the street, but the video ended there.

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