Chapter 22

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Dinah: How's sex?

Camila and Lauren came with their friends to the pool, both girls had picked up their hair and put on a similar outfit, except for the low part that Camila uses as a swimsuit.

Camila: I don't know what you're talking about ...

Vero: I do ... your hickeys don't say the same as you.

Camila took both her hands to her neck and Lauren could only blush, from the first time they did, that day they finally gave each other, whenever they could they were making love.

Lauren: Enough ... leave my girl alone.

Lucy: Quiet Lolo ... we're only joking, but I don't think your father would like to see that in Camila ...

Ally: They need Jesus in their sinful lives.

Camila: Ally ... we're getting married in a month ... it's not a sin.

Troy: You better not follow the lead Cabello.

Camila: 🤷.


X: It has to be before the wedding ... I'll ask for the money and she'll come with me, then the three of us will go on our way with the money.

X: I hope the plan works.

X: It will work, she is stupid, that's why she's with hat thing...

X: I will stay, I have to have it with me.

X: You can do what you want ... you know what my goals are.

X: This will be perfect, I will finally have her.

X: I'll have her too ...


Lauren meets her friends at a bridal shop, the wedding was close and most importantly was that, the dress was missing, but she knew that with the help of her friends she would get the best.

Normani: Come on Lauren ... just decide on a dress ...

Lauren: But they're all beautiful.

Ally: They are Lolo, but in three weeks you are get married and you need a dress ...

Lauren: Well ... but I don't know which one to choose ...

Lucy: How about this?

Lucy handed him the dress she had in her arms, Lauren went to the locker room to try on that dress.

When she changed and left the dressing room, she went with her friends, when they saw her, they remained with their mouths open, they definitely found the right dress.

Lauren: I think your face is my answer ... this is the one.


Camila: Do you think she'll like it?

Dinah: It'd be better a dress, but we know that's not your thing ...

Vero: I like it, it's white, so ... you'll be like the typical bride but in a suit.

Chelsea: You're pretty Camila, whatever you wear will look good in you, and however you are going ... Lauren will tell you that yes, she loves you.

Camila: I'm nervous ...

Dinah: I understand, a wedding is nothing that does not get on your nerves and less if it is with the right person, but it is the best decision I have made in my life.

Camila: Now I know ... I know why you were crazy before your wedding ...

Vero: Who would've said it ...

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