Chapter 9

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Nick: I'm sorry... I Didn't want, I thought...

Lauren: That she was single, relax... you're not the only one, my friend.

Camila: Chill, it's nothing, thanks for bringing our stuff.

Nick: You-you're... welcome.- The boy left ashamed and the girls just laughed.

Camila: You're evil.

Lauren: Me? Camila, you agreed...

Camila: Unfortunately, I can't say no to you, that's why I was your accomplice.

Lauren: You wanna bury a corpse in my house? 😏.

Camila: Sure Angel, I'm free this afternoon. 😉.

Camila and Lauren got to the hospital and each one went to their brother's room.

Camila: Can I come in?- Camila entered the room.

Sofia: I don't know why do you ask if you don't wait for an answer...

Camila: Good to know I brought you chocolate, with the sweetness your bitter mood will change.

Sofia: Did I tell you how much I hate you?

Camila: Nope, but I hate you more...

Sofia: Don't be so sure Karla.

Camila: I'll tell, rather,  I'll demand Dinah not to visit not talk to you anymore.- She stuck out her tongue.

Sofia: Now... talking seriously... Ms. Clara told me what you did for Lauren.

Camila: Clara knows?

Sofia: Yes, Lauren just told her before you arrived, she's very grateful, I imagine Mr. Jauregui when he finds out, he'll love you and tell you...

X: Marry Lauren, Camila.

Mike and Clara entered Sofi's room, they were smily and pissed about the boy's attitude, but knowing Camila had given what he deserved and protected their daughter from a possible violation made Mike want her oldest daughter to have a formal relation with Camila.

Camila: Mike, although your offer is more than perfect, your daughter must be the one to make the decision, but I ever ask her, I promise I'll ask you for her hand.

Mike: Just the hand? You can have the entire her... even after the wedding.

Clara: Mike, you can't say that... there's a minor present.

Mike: I'm just clarifying my point, love. Sofi, you didn't hear anything.

Sofia: What did I not hear? I can't remember.

Mike: Good girl, I'll buy you and Chris an ice-cream once you are able to leave the hospital, you chose flavour and size.

Camila: Lucky nurse.

Clara: You also won an ice-cream Camila, you saved our child...

Camila: And I'd do it every time.

Mike: We're sure.

Before going back home, Mike bought them the ice-creams he had promised.

Camila and Lauren were sharing the ice-cream, Clara thought of that scene as a couple sharing an ice-cream, hoping it would soon become true.

She already knew about the kiss they shared yesterday, for Lauren had told her days before the accident, her daughter confessed how Camila made her feel so many emotions and so many butterflies in the stomach just for thinking about her, she also knew Camila felt the same,but she lacked the confidance to lose the fear and ask that big question to Lauren.

Lauren cheerfully told them about the exam, although she hadn't had her results, she knew she'd pass, she had always been a smart and attentive girl at school.

Camila talked with Mike about the project for the competition they were at, when Camila first handed her project to Mike and he read it with his partners, at first it was a surprise that a rookie could do such a great project even when she didn't have the experience they all had; they all had their faith put in Camila, hoping she'd win: they weren't wrong.

Mike: Camila, Clara and I would like for you to have dinner with us tonight, if it doesn't bother you.

Camila: Of course not, it'll be a pleasure and you know that Mike... but only if you let me help you preparing dinner.

Clara: No, you're the guests, I won't allow you helping us.

Camila: Clara, please, it's nothing, I'd be grateful if I could help... Besides we can cook, breaded chicken and for dessert rice pudding.

Lauren: That's my favourite.

Camila: I know 😉.

Clara: You win Camila, but only this time.

Camila: Never assure something, Clara.

The Cabello family went home to shower before going to the Jauregui's.

It was 8:30pm, Camila prepared the dessert at her house and Clara and Lauren made dinner, obviously at their house.

Sofi and Camila got there and Taytay greeted them, they went to the dinning room and left the dessert at the table, Sofi sat down with Camila's help and she left to the kitchen to help Clara set up the table.

Camila peeked several times at Lauren, those shorts fitted her nicely.

Clara: If you keep staring at her taht way, you'll soon start drooling

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Clara: If you keep staring at her taht way, you'll soon start drooling.

Camila: I...

Clara: No worries Camila... We know you'll be a great daughter-in-law 😉.

Camila: 😳.

Clara: 😁 😉.

Camila, Lauren and Clara set up the table and sat down, Clara at an end in front of her, Mike, Taytay, Chris and Sofi on one side and Camila and Lauren on the other.

Dinner went pretty well, until Camila felt brave and lowered her hand under the table to grab Lauren's, starting to caress her hand.

They kept talking until they thought it was time to go, and reluctantly, Camila let go of Lauren's hand.

Before saying goodbye the green-eyed girl said something to her mother, making her nod, Sofi and Camila were about to leave but Mike interrupted them.

Mike: I'm glad you're ok Sofi, you know we're here for you no matter what.

Sofia: Thanks Mike.- She hugged him.

Clara: I also want one, or I'll be jealous.- Sofi went to her and hugger her too.

Sofia: Thanks for every day, Clara, dinner was amazing.

Clara: It was nothing, child. I'm glad you liked it; dessert was also good.

Sofia: I wonder why.

Mike and Clara laughed while Camila was diyng of embarrassment.

Camila: Dinner was great, we must repeat.

Mike: We sure will Camila, you're part of the family.


Camila got to her room, got into her pajamas and before before laying down the door opened.

Camila: Sofi, it's late, go to sleep...

X: She's on it, but I also came to sleep.

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