Chapter 2

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Lauren: Come in, you're just in time...

Camila: I'm sorry, I... work.

Lauren: Don't worry, Sofi already told us,  I'm sorry...

Camila: Thanks, Lauren, shall we?

Lauren: Yeah, of course, come in.

Lauren let Camila pass and they arrived together, they all stood up and Camila introduced herself.

Camila: Good evening, sorry for the lateness, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Camila.

The Jaureguis came closer and greeted her by shaking her hand, they sat down and ordered another dish for Camila.

Mike: Tell us, Camila, do you study?

Camila: I do, at night.

Mike: What do you study?

Camila: International Business.

Mike: What a choice, do you know what to apply for?

Camila: Yeah, I have knowlegde due to my father... but I've done projects in every different aspect of the enterprise.

Clara: Mike, Camila would be a perfect candidate for the enterprise.

Camila: I...

Mike: I'll give you a chance, in a month we'll be entering a competition to open our new site in Latinoamerica, these days I'll update you, you'll be going against two of my employees, if it's pretty good, you'll be welcomed to my enterprise.

Camila: Thanks, Mr. Jauregui.- Camila and Sofi smiled, with a better job, Camila would have more spare time to be with her.

Mike: I like people with talent, Camila, and I know you have it.

Camila: Thanks, for real... but before I'm given this ooportunity, I've got something to tell you.

Mike: Tell me...

Camila: While pregnant, my mother had some difficulties, and I was born interesxual...- Camila lowered her head, few people knew about that, her parents, her co-workers and Sofi had always had her back.

Mike: Camila... That's not something you should be ashamed of, you're still a person, like us, our family if quite liberal... Lauren is bisexual and that's not something that bothers us, she's our daughter and we love her.

Clara: People fill themselves with prejudices as they don't know each other, but that's not a reason for your happiness or for the people who love you.

Camila: Thank you, these past years my fortress has been my parents and this little one.- She smiled at Sofi.

Lauren: Relax, we also support you.- The Jaureguis nodded in agreement and Camila smiled.

Dinner was better from then on, they got to know each other and got to know they had many things in common due to their cuban roots.

It was 11:27pm, and Camila and Sofi decided it was time to leave, praising the dinner they had had.

The left the house and waved goodbye, walking intertwined to their house.

Sofia: Lauren's cute...

Camila: You think so?.- SOfia nodded.- Yeah, she is... too much.- Camila whispered, but Sofi still got to hear it.- But you're not fooling me, Chris never stopped looking at you...

Sofia: He's handsome and a gentleman.

Camila: Well if something goes on, I wouldn't have a problem, he's from a good family and I know he'd respect you.

Sofia: Sure... That's what you say now, but you're very jealous.

Camila: I'm not jealous, I just take care of you.

Sofia: Yeah... Your real name should be jealous, mom didn't tell you, but that was her first choice.

Camila just laughed and they walked inside, wach one to their respective room, they got into their pajamas, laid down and fell into Morfeo's arms.

The brunette woke up at 6:30am and prepared Sofi her breakfast, although being a monday morning, the wather was weird, it was cloudy in Miami, when she finished, she went upstairs and woke her up.

Camila: SOFIA CABELLO TIME TO WAKE UP.- Sofi jumped out of bed and instead of freaking out she ran to her sister, dragged her to the floor and hit her with the pillow.

The Cabello sisters ate hotcakes and some fruit with orange juice.

Sofia: Time to go, it's gettin late...- She got up and got her stuff while Camila placed the dishes on their place.

She washed her hands and took her car keys. They left the house and before getting to the car they saw  the Jaureguis.

Lauren: Hello gir... Camila, what happened to your eye?

Camila: Long story...

Sofia: She got that for being a bad sister.- She stuck her tongue out and they all laughed.

Camila: I won't ever again be your personal alarm, and I won't show you how to defend yourself.

Chris: Well girls, we want to know if there's any problem in taking Sofi with us, for Lauren always take us and we all attend the same school.

Camila: Fine by me... but only if you let me go with you when I finish working.

Lauren: Deal.- Lauren extended her hand and Camila took it.

Their hands and eyes were stuck in each other, the girls were starting to feel something but they wouldn't notice without help.

Chris had to cough to get them to split apart, they waved goodbye and left.

Chris: By the way Camila, nice car.

Camilaa: Whenever you want Chris.- Chris looked and smiled, of course he wanted to drive that car.

Camila got into it, started the engine and left her house to get to work

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Camila got into it, started the engine and left her house to get to work.

Lauren got to highschool and let the three kids get out, they waved goodbye and Lauren went to her University.

She parked and met her friends at the entrance.

Lauren told them all about her new neighbours, but what they all noticed was how Lauren's face lit up every time Camila was mentioned, they talked a lot happily until a boy came in and interrupted them.

X: Hi girls, hello precious.- He tried to hug her from behind and Lauren moved, standing face to face.

Lauren: What do you want Tristan?

Tristan: You...

Lauren: You know what, I also want you.- The boy smiled.- Away from me.

Tristan came closer to Lauren but he was stopped.

X: She's with me.

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