Milkshake: Chapter 16

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                              James' P.O.V

I was changing in the bathroom into shorts and a short sleeve white crop top. Usually I wouldn't dress feminine but today I felt confident which wasn't something I often felt, actually confidence is what got me my magnificent boyfriend. I keep forgetting that, I love Thomas so much and the fact that he is willing to help me with anything. It makes me feel like he will never abandon me which is just what I need to feel right now, I was kicked out of my parents house at the age of fourteen and went to go live with my older brother.

Then I started making new friends in high school and for once I felt like I was a part of a family again. I step out of the bathroom when I was done, "Ready to go?" I nod and follow him out to his car. I get in the passenger seat, and we start driving to my destination, it was rare that I would go to The Mall cause I would usually not feel like leaving my house, but now that Thomas is with me by my side I feel like I can do anything, I love him.

Thomas dropped me off at the mall in his expensive looking car that drove a lot of attention towards us, I gave him a kissed and asked him to pick me up around 2:35 he gave a slight nod. "Bye I love you.", "I love you too." Thomas said, as he waved back I blush a bit. Then walk through the entrance, Peggy texted me that they would be at the food court. I look up from my phone to see a lot of eyes on me, I really wasn't use to this attention. But I kept walking and hearing whispers, I ignore them and go back on my phone till I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Milkshake~ { Jeffmads♡ } Where stories live. Discover now