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Despite what this announcement may lead you to believe, my mental state has not changed at all from the reasons behind why I was keeping requests closed. However, I have realised that writing is a massive stress reliever for me and I thoroughly enjoy doing it, so I have decided that Im going to start doing requests for this imagines book only, if I open any other imagines requests my fragile self will become overwhelmed and probs die.

To Request:

- Message me privately with a description of what you want me to write about, dont worry about putting too little or too much detail in (too much gives me plenty to work with and too little gives me the freedom to fill in the blanks, so both are fine by me).
- You can also send requests to my tumblr: pastanestor

Within Requests:

- Any personality traits or specific appearance notes that you want me to add in, you can include.
- I wont use people's names in the requests, as these imagines are for everyone, and I dont want to create a barrier between readers who would relate and enjoy the imagine but cant connect to if because it uses someone else's name.
- Any specific scenarios, dialogue exchanges, song/movie/book references that you want me to include, I can (if you want me to base the imagine off of a song, that's fine, but movies or books I can only do if I have seen/read them).

Things I WILL NOT write:

- Detailed accounts of rape (I have seen this done in other books and it makes me very uncomfortable, let alone the people who have actually been through such awful things).
- Ethan being abusive in ANY form towards ANYONE (this includes mental, verbal, and physical abuse - Im not going to write about my favourite person ever doing horrible things like that).
- Anything that I think glorifies serious issues such as depression, self harm, suicide, anxiety or any other disorder (if I believe a request is trying to glorify such things, I'll discuss it in depth with the person to find a way around it to make sure it addresses how serious those issues are).
- Placing Ethan or you in disaster scenarios (it's not my place to write a piece of fanfiction about you and Ethan being inside a mass shooting or hostage situation that is loosely based off of/related to a real life event, whether you yourself experienced that or not, it would be inappropriate of me to even attempt).
- Smut (I have considered this one countless times, but the idea of writing smut and then it perhaps being discovered by Ethan makes me want to curl up in a ball and die, so we're going to avoid that at all costs).

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