Just Dance

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~ Your POV ~

Ethan rolls himself into frame "What is up my-oh fuck!" He accidentally rolls into the couch, causing you to burst up laughing.
He jumps to his feet and brushes himself off, pretending to flip his hair dramatically "I meant to do that...Anyway, what is up my cranky crew! It's Ethan from Crankgameplays and today Im back playing Just Dance, but this time it's going to be a little different."
You pout at him from just out of shot and ask in a disappointed tone "You mean you arent gonna take your shirt off like you did last time?"
Ethan smirks "Maybe."
Instantly, you fall to the floor in a dramatic heap "I WILL NEVER RECOVER FROM SUCH A SWOON!"
Ethan laughs and turns back to the camera "You guys may remember that last time I played this, the video ended with me dancing to You're The One That I Want from Grease, completely by myself, and I was sad because I was forever alone. Well, today, I have invited a very special guest to join me so Im no longer forever alone, and you can just about see her socks in the corner because she's fallen on the floor."
You gasp and pull your feet back "Oh god my sock covered feet are gonna be all over some foot fetish website, how could you let this happen Ethan!?! I am doomed!"
Ethan laughs and shakes his head, then holds out his hands to you. You gladly grab them and he pulls you to your feet, then straight into his arms.
He squishes his cheek against the top of your head and closes his eyes tightly as he smiles at the camera "My ever so lovely girlfriend is going to dance with me!"
You laugh awkwardly "Well, I wouldnt exactly call it 'dancing'...I cant dance for shit."
Ethan pulls away to kiss your forehead "That makes two of us, let's get this started!"

The two of you spend the next 20 minutes dancing to various songs on Just Dance, and during Toxic, while you freaked out over classic Phandom references, Ethan stripped free of his shirt and you collapsed on the floor, meaning he won that round.
"Ok, I've gotta go get a drink or Im going to actually die!" You pant as you leave the room, and you hear Ethan muttering something mischievously to the camera, which concerns you.
However, when you re-enter the room, now freshly hydrated, and hear the opening of a song you know all too well, accompanied by Ethan giving you a mischievous smile as he beckons you over, you know exactly what he wants. Facepalming, you stroll back into frame, and start dancing with him.
"YOU'RE THE ONE THAT I WANT, YOU ARE THE ONE I WANT, OOH, OOH, OOH, HONEY!" Ethan shouts enthusiastically as he dances with you, very much enjoying lifting you up and spinning you around, which is still oddly romantic, even in the Just Dance circumstances.
You giggle as he sets you back down and the song draws to a close. Once the song finishes, Ethan grins at the camera.
"In my last Just Dance video, I danced to that song completely by myself, and this time I had the pleasure of dancing to the same song with a very pretty lady, who Im lucky enough to call my girlfriend. If that isnt proof enough that things get better, I dont know what is!" He slings an arm around your shoulders and kisses your temple sweetly, and you cant help but grin up at him, giving him hardcore heart eyes all the way through his outro.
Once he's done his outro, he turns to face you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his forehead against yours "You're adorable."
You giggle and shake your head "Nah, that's all you!"
Ethan chuckles "You're also a much better dancer than you give yourself credit for."
You scoff "Dont bullshit me sir!"
He shakes his head "Im not! I never bullshit you!"
You roll your eyes at him "Oh yeah, suuuuure!"
Ethan frowns playfully "I'll prove it! I'll kiss you right now and because that is not bullshit, that proves that I dont bullshit you!"
You raise an eyebrow "How does that even-" but before you can finish your sentence, Ethan's lips are on yours, and you can no longer think straight.
He pulls away with a big, smug grin on his face and says "Guess what."
You raise an eyebrow again "What?"
Ethan kisses your nose "Im definitely keeping this in the video."

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