The Only Exception

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~ Your POV ~

Night after night, the same memory haunted you. The sounds of your father's cries woke you one night, and you followed the sound, because you were nothing more than a curious child. When you reached the backyard door, you saw your father with his hands on the yard fence, clutching it as though it was the one thing stopping him from floating away. He stared down at the grass and sniffled.

When I was younger,
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind.

He shook his head, and questioned himself aloud, asked himself how he could be so stupid, so inconsiderate of the family he had. He asked himself how he could throw all of that away for a night with someone else, and it took you years to realise what he had done.

He broke his own heart,
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it.

He cast a glance to his side, looking over at your mother on the other side of the yard, weeping into her hands. The pained expression on your father's face caused him to turn away from her, and that's when he caught sight of you. Every time he looks at you, you wake up from the nightmare.

And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget.

For the years that followed, you heard your parents who had previously showered each other with compliments constantly, do nothing but bad mouth the other when you spent time with them. From a young age, you had been forced into believing that love was a lie, it wasnt real, it couldnt be. If your parents no longer loved each other, what did you have to believe in?

And that was the day that I promised,
I'd never sing of love,
If it does not exist.

The only person to ever notice your cynical views on love, was your best friend, Ethan. Of course, he wasnt your best friend to begin with, the two of you had the mutual friend of Mark, and through him, you were introduced to each other. The first thing you bonded over was your shared passion for Harry Potter, and you made plans to hang out with Ethan, purely to watch all of the Harry Potter movies back to back, with him as your company. By the time you reached the end of the first movie, Ethan realised something was wrong, because when Dumbledore spoke of love, you just scoffed and shook your head. When Ethan questioned you, you shrank back into yourself and rose to your feet, telling him you were going to get snacks, just to avoid the conversation topic that he was pressing. It didnt take a genius to figure out that you didnt believe in love, but for the first time, someone in your life made the decision to change your mind.

But darlin' you are, the only exception.

It started with small paragraphed text messages, in which Ethan would address something that he thought was wonderful about you, or how something you said had made him smile, how much he valued you as a person. These were things that others would often assume you already knew when you were friends with them, but due to your fragile belief system in the idea of love, if those things were not outright said, you never knew them to be true. At first, Ethan's kindness scared you, made you want to put your guard up and push him away, but he continued, no matter how many times you tried to disregard his compliments, and over time, he broke you down.

You are, the only exception.

Ethan invited you to feature in some of the videos on his channel, he wanted to introduce you to his biggest passion. "The only thing that makes me smile almost as much as you do", he had told you. Spending that time with him, seeing him in his element, doing what he loved, and how much joy that brought him, you began to understand that there were kinds of love that did exist. He loved what he did, and not even you could deny that, and it was different. You thought that love didnt last, but his love for his passion did, it motivated him everyday. The idea that love could result in something positive, was not something you could wrap your head around.

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