"I'm Here."

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~ Your POV ~

You smile down at your phone under your work desk as you read the text from your boyfriend.

Ethannn❤️: Im outside, you wanna go out for dinner tonight?

You check the time and realise delightfully that your shift is over for the day, causing your smile to widen as you quickly type our your response.

You: I'd love to, gimme 2 minutes.

You stand from your desk and begin packing up your things, though as your work is mainly based on your computer and the contents of your notes taken from meetings with famous authors, you dont have very much to pack into your back. A sigh reaches your ears from behind you, and you look over your shoulder to see your boss, Mr Stantham, staring at your phone on your desk, and the smile on your face falls at his expression.
"Y'know, if you dont want to take your job seriously, you may as well quit." He shrugs and strolls back into his office.
You frown and follow after him, determination powering your steps as you speed through the doorway of his office "Excuse me, Sir, but you know I work exceptionally hard every single day, because I love my job. Forgive me for also taking some joy in my personal life, when my shift is over!" You comment sarcastically.
Mr Stantham turns to face you and raises an eyebrow "So you favour your boyfriend over your apparent 'dream job'?" You take a mental note of how he spits the word 'boyfriend', as if the taste of the word in his mouth disgusted him.
Your eyes widen as your anger increases, realising what his problem really is "Im sorry, Sir, but if I remember correctly: the people in my personal life are of none of your concern. There is no need to make such accusations of me not caring for my work, just because you dont like my boyfriend."
Mr Stantham walks around you and shuts his office door, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up on end "But, Miss (Y/L/N), you can do so much better than a man who simply screams at a screen for his income. Choose a better lover, someone who can provide for you~" He walks towards you, backing you up against his door, his breath hot on your neck.


Tears fill your eyes as Mr Stantham's lips make contact with your neck, and his firm hand starts unzipping your trousers.
"Choose me~" He whispers in your ear.
By now your entire body is shaking, and you are sandwiched flush between the door and your boss. Your tears start slipping down your cheeks in fear.
"I had no choice in my lover, but even if I had, I would rather die than choose you." You seethe, your voice wavering ever so slightly, before you knee him as hard as you can in the nuts, and push him over.
Not wasting anymore time, you scramble out of his office, grab your bag, and run out of the building. Ethan is leaning against his car, smiling at the sight of you, but as you near him, he sees your dishevelled appearance and the tears rolling down your cheeks. You run into him, and his arms envelope you tightly.
"What happened baby? Talk to me." Ethan's voice is comforting to you, it sets your mind at ease slightly, but your body still shakes with fear, even when hearing Ethan's urgent and concerned tone.
"M-Mr Stantham, h-he t-tried to, h-he tried to t-touch me." You manage to choke out before bursting into tears.
Ethan's body becomes stiff as his arms fall from you "I'll fucking kill him."
You've never heard him so angry before, and you're quick to grab ahold of his arm as he takes his first step towards your office building. Despite his anger, your gesture stops him, and his anger evaporates as he wraps his arms back around you.
"P-Please d-dont go!" You beg, now sobbing hysterically into his chest.
Ethan rubs your back slowly as you cry "Im not going anywhere, I promise, Im here."
Ethan calls Mark, who arrives at the scene minutes later, with Amy driving because Mark was too angry to do so. After giving you a comforting kiss on the head, Mark charges into your office building to deal with Mr Stantham, though he's under strict orders from Ethan to only make sure he doesnt move until the police arrive. Amy stays with Ethan, the two of them comforting you and trying to calm you down.

The next few weeks passed in a painful blur. Everything was happening so fast, the police keen to gather as much solid evidence as they could, meaning the already faint marks left on your neck from Mr Stantham had to be photographed, documented and analysed within an hour of the incident happening. You were passed around from professional to professional in order to solidify your case, but you can barely remember any of it because you were almost in a daze the entire time. The only parts you can remember is Ethan holding your hand while you filled out the paperwork, Ethan's gentle comforts that carefully avoided the places where Mr Stantham had touched you, and Ethan standing beside you in court, your fingers interlocked, and you could feel his hand tighten around yours when they brought Mr Stantham into the courtroom.

Fortunately, all of that is over now. Mr Stantham lost his job, and he's not legally allowed to be near you ever again, but you cant remember what his exact sentence was. Whatever it was, Ethan was not happy with it, but then no sentence would have justified his actions in Ethan's eyes. Given your already high up position in the company, and Mr Stantham's absence, you got offered the chance to fill his position as the boss, which you gladly accepted. Though right now, you're still on recovery leave.

You sit bolt upright in bed, gasping for air as your body shakes feverishly, tears and cold sweat dripping down your face as the memories of the nightmare flash before your eyes. Ethan wakes up in an instant, and wraps his arms around you. By now, he's not surprised by your reoccurring nightmares, but his concern and care for you never falters.
He rocks you in his arms and kisses your head softly "Shhh baby, shh, it's alright, Im here. I wont ever let him or anyone else hurt you again, I promise you. You're safe here, you're always safe with me, everything is ok. Just breathe for me (Y/N), deep breaths...that's it! You're doing really good, keep doing that!" Ethan's excitement, even when whispering, over your breathing quickly returning to normal in response to his comforting, is absolutely adorable.
Considering the countless times you've woken up from nightmares in this state, the fact you're able to calm down so quickly is a sure sign that you're coping better than you were before. You're improving, little by little.
Ethan covers your face in delicate kisses "I love you so much, and I am so, so proud of you for getting through this. You're so much better already, and that's incredible! It'll continue getting better babydoll, trust me."
You smile and snuggle into the crook of his neck as he lies back down in bed, still holding you on top of him.
You lean up to kiss his cheek "I love you too Ethan, and thank you."
Ethan smiles and kisses your forehead "What're you thanking me for?"
You close your eyes, your smile widening "Thank you...for everything."


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