You've Got Me

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~ Your POV ~

You saw so much in those hazel eyes. For three years, you saw adoration in those eyes whenever they looked at you. The creases in the corners that appeared whenever you made him laugh, the way his smile would be perfectly recognisable even if all you could see were those eyes. You saw his hazel eyes scowl with his fiery protectiveness of you, and visibly light up in his videos whenever he was asked about you. What you saw most of in his eyes, whenever he was around you, was love. And then, it was gone. One day, you replaced the love in his eyes for hurt, and the happy creases at the corner of his eyes were replaced by puffy red skin from crying.

A new pair of eyes stared into yours soon after, but they were dark brown, almost black. You should have seen the malevolence in his every stare, especially when looking at you. He smiled, but it never reached his eyes. He laughed, but only ever at you, not with you. At first, you thought he was just...different, but when he stopped you from seeing all of your friends, especially Mark because he was a guy, all the red flags you had been ignoring, were suddenly blinding you.

You replaced the hazel eyes you fell in love with, with black eyes that dont even know what love is. And you can never forgive yourself.

Wherever you go, you're haunted by the guilt of the hurt you left in those hazel eyes. You find yourself frequently zoning out, lost in the thoughts of what Ethan would be saying and doing if he was with you in that moment, and only coming out of your daydream when your boyfriend snaps at you for never listening to him. There's fire in his eyes, but it's not because he's protective of you, it's because he owns you, and he resents you.

You're sitting on his lap now, his arms gripping you like iron as he talks and laughs with his friends, holding onto you like a trophy to show off, but not talking to you or taking any sort of care of you. The scarf around your neck, and the jacket around your body makes you feel like you're suffocating, but it's the only choice you have. Your gaze has been fixed on the floor since you got here, and you havent had to look up once, as nobody has spoken to you at all. However, the sound of a familiar laugh sends an electric-like shock all the way through your body, and your head snaps up to look in the direction of the sound.

Those eyes.

He's laughing, and the sound makes your heart sing, but his smile isnt reaching his eyes, and even from this distance, you can see the sadness he's trying to hide. Absentmindedly glancing around the room, his eyes lock onto yours, and they widen in shock. For just a moment, his gaze drifts to the arms holding your waist, the person those arms belong to, and you can see the heartbreak in Ethan's eyes all over again. However, when he sees the pleading expression in your eyes, he frowns in confusion. The hand on your thigh harshly pinches your skin, and you visibly flinch, your eyes remaining locked with Ethan's long enough for you to see the fire in his eyes, before your chin is grabbed and viciously turned to face the black eyes of the man trapping you.
"Stop looking at him. Now." He mutters threateningly, and only then does he let go of your chin, leaving a stinging pain around your jaw.
Not risking turning to look at Ethan again, you glance with the corner of your eye, to see your whole group of friends: Mark, Amy, and Kathryn, all staring at you in horror. Doing your best to not turn your head, you continue watching them from the corner of your eye, to see them all turn back to their table. No, please! Look back over here, help me! You scream inside your head, and as if on cue, they all turn around, stand up, and casually stroll over to you. Ethan makes his way to the bar door, keeping his distance from you, like he's scared of you, and your heart fractures.
"(Y/N)! I thought it was you! How're you doing?" Mark greets you loudly, voice filled with joy, despite how angry he is at how you're being treated.
The owner of the black eyes, and his entire group of friends, fall silent.
"O-Oh, uh, hey Mark! Im good, how're you?" You return to the question, wondering what the hell he's trying to do.
Mark shrugs "Y'know, just having a meal out for Amy's birthday, but we're gonna go see a movie now. We tried to get ahold of you to invite you, but I think you changed your number?"
No, HE changed it, you think to yourself "Y-Yeah, s-sorry."
From the door, Ethan stares at you with intense worry. He knows you only stutter when you're absolutely terrified.
"Well, since we've run into you, how about you come with us?" Amy suggests.
Automatically, you look to your boyfriend for permission. You know that usually, if you had been alone with him, just you asking to spend time with friends would end badly, but in front of his friends? He cant come across as anything less than perfect.
His arms reluctantly loosen around your waist, enough for you to stand up "Of course! Have fun, I'll see you later tonight!"
That wasnt something he said because he's looking forward to seeing you, that was a threat. Whether you want to or not, you'll see him tonight, he'll make sure of it.
You stand up and speed walk into your group of friends, who quickly hustle you out of the bar, but Ethan is nowhere to be seen.
Amy hugs you "Go to the parking lot, Ethan's waiting for you, we're gonna head home. We'll get you out of this, (Y/N), I promise."
You nod at her "Thank you all, so much, but I dont think this is something I can get out of." You tell them, before walking into the parking lot, to find Ethan leaning against his car, bobbing his leg up and down as he does when he's agitated. As soon as he sees you, he opens the front passenger door of his car for you, without saying a word, and then he gets into the drivers seat.

"Why are you doing this?" You let the question hang in the air, after what feels like an eternity of silence.
"Doing what?" Ethan questions.
You sigh, looking out of the car window as Ethan drives you down the street "In the bar, you wouldnt even come near me, because of what I did to you, and now you're sitting beside me, driving us somewhere, why? What's going on?"
Ethan shakes his head "I wasnt staying away from you, I was keeping my distance because if I got any closer to that asshole, I would have killed him."
You slowly turn to face him, to see his hands gripping the steering wheel "Ethan, you shouldnt be driving right now, pull over, please."
With a defeated sigh, Ethan pulls over onto the sidewalk, and gets out of the car, with you following. He stands a few feet away from you, his back facing you.
"What's going on, Ethan?" You ask him softly.
He scoffs and runs a hand through his hair "What's going on!?! You're in a real shitty relationship, and there's nothing I can do to protect you, that's what's going on!"
You stare down at the sidewalk beneath your shoes "Why would you still want to protect me? I broke your heart."
Ethan turns to face you, and the words that leave his lips send you into a state of shock "Do you really think I love you so little that breaking my heart would make a difference?"
You're speechless, your mind has gone completely blank, and to make matters worse, you can see the sincerity in his eyes.
"I still love you, (Y/N), I always will, but tonight I found out that you've moved on, and even if you've moved on with someone who isnt treating you right, I have to accept that. Until tonight, I'd been planning to try and get you back, whenever I next saw you, and if it wasnt soon, I was going to find a way to meet you, surprise you at work or something. But you've moved on, and I guess it's time I did too." Ethan's voice grows hoarse by the end of his statement, and you can tell he's fighting back tears as he turns away from you for a moment to compose himself.
"I never moved on." You mumble, your voice only just above a whisper.
He looks over his shoulder "What?"
You clear your throat "I never moved on, but I physically cant escape him, Ethan, please understand that."
With a frown etched on his face, Ethan turns his entire body to face you "What do you mean?"
Knowing you wont be able to verbally explain it without crying, you pull off our jacket with shaking hands, revealing the bruises up and down your arms, causing Ethan to gasp.
"That's not the worst of it." You tell him as you untie the scarf around your neck, so that Ethan can see the fingerprint bruises there too.
"There's nothing you can do, Ethan, I cant leave. If he ever found me, he wouldnt just hurt me, he'd hurt you, and I wont ever let that happen. I'd sooner die than let him touch you." You manage to speak through your tears.
Without hesitation, Ethan pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly, but not enough to hurt you. He'd never hurt you.
"This may be a stupid question, but I have to ask because of what Im about to do. If you could get away from him, would you?" Ethan asks you, a soft tone to his voice.
You nod into his sweater "Of course, but I cant."
Ethan pulls away from you and takes his phone out of his back pocket, then holds it to his ear.
"Hey Mark, we were right, and she doesnt want to be there. Do it, please. Thank you, I'll see you soon. Yeah, dont worry, I'll keep her safe." He hangs up, putting his phone back into his pocket and pulling you back into his arms "Mark's calling the police as we speak, they're in the parking lot of the bar to make sure that asshole is still there. I promise you, he will never hurt you again, I'll protect you."
That does it, you break down sobbing in his arms, clinging to him like your life depends on it.
"I-Im so sorry, for e-everything! I-I never should have left, I'm s-so sorry, I was so f-fucking stupid, this is a-all my fault!" You cry into his chest.
Ethan shushes you "Hey, hey, it's alright, I forgive you, but that's all in the past now. What matters is that you're here, you're safe, I've got you."
You stare up at him like a deer in headlights "P-Please dont let him find us Ethan!"
Ethan shakes his head and brushes your tears away with his thumbs "He'll never find us, we'll get the first rocket to Mars if we have to."
You manage to laugh through your tears, and Ethan smiles down at you.
"There's my favourite smile in the world!" He cheers.
You giggle and cup his smiling face in your hands "And there's mine." You lean up and capture his lips in a soft kiss.
Ethan melts into it, but then pulls away "Are you sure?"
And in response, all you can do is grin at him.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life. I want you."

"And you've got me, for the rest of forever ."

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