The Walking Dead

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~ Your POV ~

You met Ethan last week, while you were staying with Mark and Amy, you've been friends with Mark since high school and he's one of the only people you bothered to stay in touch with. You were very shy upon meeting Ethan, but he handled the situation very well, he was ridiculously sweet and just overall absolutely adorable, it was impossible for you to resist smiling at the things he said. Today, you decided to educate yourself on some of his videos, to get to know him better as a person, because if he's always as kind as he was when he first met you, then Houston we have a problem because a certain someone will develop one hell of a crush.

Settling down in your cocoon of blankets on your couch, you press play on Ethan's playthrough of The Walking Dead: Michonne, eagerly awaiting his reactions. Obviously, you're no stranger to the gaming world, or the gaming commentary genre of youtubers, thanks to your lasting friendship with Mark. If you find a commentator you enjoy watching, you'll watch whatever they upload regardless of whether the game itself peaks your interest, you subscribe for the person, not the games. However, upon going onto Ethan's youtube channel, you couldnt resist clicking on his video playing through a Walking Dead episode, and you are keen to see his reactions to different parts of this episode. Being The Walking Dead fangirl that you are, you've already played this episode, as well as the previous two seasons of the game, and you are eagerly awaiting season three.
"What is up my Cranky Crew!" A smile spreads it's way across your face at the sound of his voice, and the almost strange accent he has in his intro.
Immediately, he has you hooked on his commentary, and you feel yourself bubbling with the same excitement he's feeling, as if this is the first time seeing the game yourself.

You laugh along with the daft things he says, and slowly come to the realisation that he is the same person on camera as he is off camera, he's just as kind and genuine as he was when he spoke to you. Admittedly, with how quiet you are, you didnt exactly speak to him very much, but you paid close attention to the conversations happening around you. Your shyness held you back that day, especially considering the moment you saw Ethan you blushed and your palms started sweating. Just as you start drifting off into a daydream, you shake your head and bring your focus back to the game.
"If you dont watch the show The Walking Dead, Michonne is this badass that has this katana, and she's just vicious, and like, she is such a badass and she's so awesome!" Ethan rambles slightly, his eyes glued to his screen as the game cutscene plays out.
Your eyes widen and your jaw drops as you pause the video. You blink rapidly. Not only is this boy ridiculously sweet and absolutely adorable, but he watches and likes The Walking Dead!?! You run your hands through your hair. You have to find a way to confirm this information, this is incredibly important. Without any further hesitation, you pick up your phone, and start texting Ethan, pushing back the memory of how he gave you his number 'in case you wanted to hang out sometime' because you know that if you think about that now, you'll die.

You: Do you watch The Walking Dead?

You tap the sides of your phone with your fingernails as you anxiously await his response, and it comes faster than you think.

Ethan: Who is this?

You realise that because of your shyness, you actually havent texted Ethan at all since he gave you his number, and suddenly you feel the urge to curl up into a ball and die, he must think you dont like him or something, oh god.

You: It's (Y/N), sorry I didnt text you before or clarify that it was me..

Ethan: (Y/N)! Hi! It's so nice to hear from you! It's ok, dont apologise, I understand that I probably came off too strong, giving you my number after barely speaking to you

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