Sirens #1

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~ Your POV ~

While your baby sister Marie plays in her room behind you, you stare out of the bedroom window, biting your lip and tapping your foot anxiously as your paranoia kicks in.
"(Y/N), come play!" The chirpy voice of your four year old sister speaks up to you from where she's sitting on the floor.
You shake your head, not daring to look away from the window "I cant sweetheart, not now, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to play again."
You can practically hear the confused frown on her face as she speaks "Why?"
Just as her innocent voice asks the one word question, the very reason for your paranoia pulls up in the driveway. Your eyes widen, your entire body on full alert as you spin on your heel and crouch down, frantically gathering all of Marie's toys and putting them away, before picking Marie up and holding her close to you for a few moments. From your frantic actions, your baby sister knows exactly what's going on, and she starts crying in your arms.
"Please, not again!" Marie cries.
You pull away from her slightly to kiss her forehead "I'll be alright princess."
You carry her over to her closet and give her your phone, along with your earphones. As though acting on autopilot, your sister immediately puts your earphones in her ears and starts listening to music. You check the volume at which the music is playing. Not loud enough to hurt her ears, but just about loud enough to drown out most of your screams. You kiss her forehead and offer her one last smile, and then you hear the keys in the front door downstairs, and you close her closet doors, locking your baby sister inside.

Resuming your usual position, you silently run into your room, closing Marie's bedroom door shut behind you, giving her another wooden door of protection. You close your bedroom door and sit down on your bed, your eyes fearfully scanning the room for anything sharp that you might not have hid. You lock onto the sight of a pair of scissors, and suddenly your throat feels restricted. His footsteps are already thudding up the stairs, you dont have time to get up and hide the scissors now, if he caught you standing up he'd be more likely to find them. You just have to sit still, and hope that he doesnt see them. The sound of your door slamming against your wall as your father angrily shoves it open, causes your entire body to jump in fear, and you stare down at your legs.
"Where the fuck is Marie!?!" His voice is gritty, his words are slurred, and you know that he's been drinking before he's even close enough for you to smell it on his breath.
In an instant, your head snaps up to look at him. Usually, his questions or insults surround you, he's never cared or brought up Marie, not once. You're filled with an unexpected amount of confidence, brought on by your protectiveness.
"She's not here, and even if she was, I wouldnt let you anywhere near her." Your voice is surprisingly even, despite your fear.
"Excuse me!?!" The expression on your father's face is one that brings tears to your eyes.
Suddenly, you're on your feet, standing up in front of him "You heard me! You'll have to kill me before I let you in her room."
Your father smirks "So that's where she is!"
Your eyes widen as you realise what you just revealed to him, and before you can stop him, he barges into Marie's room and starts searching for her under her bed.
"WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE RAT!?!" Your father's voice booms.
Without any further hesitation, you grab the scissors and run after him, immediately stabbing him through the hand as he crawls around on the floor.
"YOU FUCKING SLUT!" He roars as he jumps back to his feet and turns to you.
Now you've done it. You sprint back into your bedroom and crawl under your breath, even though you know there's no point in doing so, he'll find you. He always finds you.

Before you've even got your whole body under your bed, your father wraps a bloody hand around your ankle and forcefully pulls you out from underneath your bed, your body now lying on the floor, completely vulnerable to him.
"I got a call today from Marie's school, to tell me she's been acting up. But if you wont let me punish her, you're in for a whole other world of pain, sweetcheeks." Your father snarls as he bends down, wrapping a hand around your thought and lifting you up, then throwing you against the wall. Here we go again.

"That'll teach you." Your father spits on your face before storming out of your room, down the stairs, and out of the house.
Your crumbled body lies on the floor, in a pool of your own blood, and covered in bruises. From previous beatings, you know that at the very least, you've got a sprained wrist, and a fractured rib. You attempt to move your legs, and you cry out as the multiple stab wounds in your thighs from the scissors resist your movements. Looks like you'll be crawling again, you tell yourself. Using what little strength you have left, you roll your body onto your front, and use your arms to pull yourself out of your room, and into Marie's room. With tears streaming down your cheeks from the pain, you kneel up and unlock her closet doors. In less than a second, Marie hops out of the closet and wraps her arms around you, and starts crying into your hair.
"C-Call Ethan." You manage to croak out, and Marie nods frantically as she pulls away from you and finds Ethan's number in your phone, the only number in your contacts.
She holds the phone to her ear, and sniffles as it rings. Her eyes widen when he answers, and she starts blabbering.
"E-Ethan, (Y/N)'s really hurt, p-please come over, sh-she needs help!" She cries, then goes quiet and nods as he responds to her "Please get here soon!" She tells him, before hanging up.
You clear your throat, and it sends a stabbing sensation through your chest "What did he say?"
Marie wraps her arms around you again "H-He'll be here as soon as he can."
You breathe a sigh of relief. Ethan has been your best friend since you were 13, your only friend in fact. He's known since he met you that your dad is severely abusive, but he's never told anyone, because you've made him promise that he wouldnt. You promised him that as soon as you had enough money to provide for Marie, you would run away from your father, and that thought has stopped Ethan from calling the police. Unfortunately, in the six years you've known him, you're no closer to having enough money to provide for Marie. That's not entirely true, you have enough money to care for her, but there's a sacrifice that you're going to have to make in order for her to be safe.

You're shaken awake by Ethan, and your eyes snap open with a start, you hadnt even realised you fell asleep.
"(Y/N), jesus christ, you scared me!" Ethan tells you as he pulls you into his arms, you yelp and he immediately lets go of you, tears in his eyes as he looks over your wounds "Please tell me you're getting out of here."
You shake your head "Take Marie, please, get her out of's not safe for her anymore."
Ethan's eyes widen "It's never been safe for either of you!"
You shake your head "No, you dont understand, my dad has never breathed a word against Marie, and today he came home with the intention of hurting her. That's never happened before. I could have lost her today, Ethan, she cant stay here."
Your best friend cups your face with his hands "I'll take her, but please, come with us."
Tears roll down your cheeks as you shake your head again "I cant, he'd come looking for me, I have to stay here, to keep her safe." You look at Marie, who is crying harder than you "Sweetheart, go get the money in the dresser please."
Despite how upset she is, she runs off and comes back a few seconds later with wads of cash.
You gesture to Ethan "Take it, it's all the money I've saved up to take care of her."
Ethan chokes on a cry "It was supposed to be for both of you."
You sniffle and stare down at the floor "That's not an option anymore."
The sound of a door slamming downstairs causes your entire body to start shaking.
With wide eyes, you grab Ethan's hand "Get out of here now, take care of her, please, go!"
Reluctantly, Ethan lifts Marie into his arms, kisses your forehead, and heads for the bedroom door. When he reaches the doorway, he turns to face you, and so does Marie.
"I love you both, never forget that." You whimper.
"We love you too." Ethan speaks on behalf of himself and Marie, because she's crying too much to respond.
By the time you blink, Ethan and Marie have disappeared. You fall back onto the floor, and as your father's footsteps get closer and closer, you close your eyes. His footsteps halt to a stop in the doorway of the room, and a smile slowly stretches across your face, your whole body feeling far beyond the point of weak. Slow footsteps come towards you, and you can feel him towering over you, and as everything fades away, you feel at peace.

You arent completely certain, but in the distance, you swear you could hear sirens.

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