You're Welcome Tour

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Would just like to clarify I have no idea how this part of the tour actually works Im just basing it off of videos from the tour that I've been binge watching and then using my imAgiNaTiOn

~ Your POV ~

You stood on Ethan's side of the stage, with two other fans, as well as Tyler, and some other tour related people. Your eyes are fixed on the ground beneath your feet as the screams of fans fill your ears, the moment you were called up onstage plays over and over again in your head, and you are in shock. You cant believe you're actually onstage with Ethan and Mark, you never thought this would happen in a million years, and because of that, you were completely unprepared. Placing a hand over your chest, you can feel your heart hammering against your ribcage, and as Ethan and Mark perform their dance battle, you try your best to keep your eyes on Ethan. He's been able to calm you down before, and that was just through a screen, so being in his presence now is a massive help, but the amount of people in this room that can see you, and the noise, it's so overwhelming. Tears fill your eyes, clouding your vision of Ethan dancing, but before your vision clouds completely, you catch him glancing over at you with a concerned frown on his face. You try to blink the tears away, but instead of disappearing, they end up rolling down your cheeks, and you hurry to wipe them away, lowering your head so that you cant be seen, but even so you feel eyes on you, and when you glance up you catch Ethan staring at you with the same concerned frown he had before.
"Man in the sky, initiate sudden death protocol!" Bob calls out to the crowd as he raises his arms at his side, and Ethan quickly runs over to the group stood on his side of the stage, forming a small huddle before the battle begins again.
"Are you ok?" He asks you.
You nod, unable to find the words to speak.
Ethan shakes his head and turns to everyone else "Alright guys, this is crunch time, we've gotta beat Mark, but to do that we have to stick together, so I want you to watch out for each other. Keep an eye on (Y/N) here, make sure everyone's doing ok. Let's do this!" And with that, he breaks away from the huddle and runs back over to Bob and Mark.
You blink rapidly, a small smile on your shocked face as you process what just happened. You know Ethan cares a lot about his fans, but you didnt think he'd care about you so much that he got the rest of the group to make sure you're alright! After being closer to Ethan and being momentarily huddled away from the noise of the crowd, you manage to get your anxiety under control, and you enjoy the remainder of the dance battle with a bright smile on your face. Ethan looks over at you every so often, as if checking you're ok, and every time he sees you smiling, he grins right back at you.

Once the show ends, you get to take selfies with the group on your side of the stage, including Ethan, and then you're shown out by security. You catch Ethan glancing over at you and his eyes widening in alarm as he notices that you're leaving, but before he can get to you, you've been ushered out of the room. Surely he was just surprised that you were leaving so soon, he couldnt have wanted to talk to you or anything, right?

A bright smile returns to your face as you post the selfies from the You're Welcome Tour on instagram and twitter, tagging everyone in all the pictures and thinking back to the night before, how much fun you had. Just as you put your phone down, it lights up with a new twitter notification. You have to read it repeatedly before you can properly process what it says, and as soon as you do, tears fill your eyes.

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