Kind Heart

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Request: Hiya, so I was wondering if maybe you could write a one shot or something where Ethan takes the reader out for ice cream at 2am and it's fluffy and cute?? If you want to obviously you don't have to:)) and if you already have something like this I'm sorry for asking heh:,)

~ Your POV ~

Staring up at the ceiling, with all your limbs sprawled out on your bed, you release a dramatic sigh. Ethan laughs from outside the bedroom, and pushes the door open to find you in your state, which only makes him laugh harder.
"What's up bud?" He asks you sweetly, and you sigh even louder.
"It's 2AM, and Im not even remotely tired!" You exclaim, as though the concept is entirely new to you, when in fact, this is a regular issue for both of you.
Ethan smiles at you "Me neither, what do you wanna do?"
You lift your arms and drop them back on the bed "That's another thing, I dont know what to do with myself!"
Ethan is thoughtful for a moment, before his entire being lights up with an idea "Would it be totally crazy to suggest that we go out for ice cream right now?"
You lean up on your elbows to frown at him "Totally crazy."
For a moment, you and Ethan just stare at each other, and then you both break into wide grins, scrambling around your bedroom to grab hoodies and shoes, preparing for your adventure.

As soon as the front door is open, you leap onto the streets of LA, spinning around on the spot with your arms in the air as Ethan watches you with a bright smile on his face, while he struggles locking the door behind him, because he doesnt want to tear his gaze from you.
"So, the likelihood of a nighttime ice cream van in LA appearing, is about the same as the night bus from the Prisoner Of Azkaban appearing. Where should we go for ice cream?" You enquire curiously, and your Harry Potter reference makes Ethan chuckle.
"There are countless 24 hour grocery stores, we'll just grab as many tubs of ice cream as we need, then head home, and eat until we fall asleep, or die." Ethan explains casually.
You nod at him "Good plan."

The staff at the grocery store appear dead inside when you enter, hand-in-hand with Ethan, and both of you acknowledge the general lack of joy in a place with a lot of ice cream, which just does not add up. The two of you begin exploring the aisles, browsing products that you have no intension of buying, and making stupid puns that have you both laughing to the point of tears, simply because it's 2AM. At one point, you decided to play hide and seek, leaving Ethan to count to thirty as you literally went to the next aisle, and crouched down on the floor with a packet of crisps in front of you, and there you stayed, with your hands in a praying position and a deadpan expression on your face, until Ethan rounded the corner and started howling with laughter at the sight of you, causing you to fall to the floor in a wheezing heap. The store had music playing from the speakers, which you didnt notice when you first walked in, but you can bet that once you did notice it, you stood in the middle of an aisle, doing the same two-step dance for ten minutes, with Ethan coming and going from your side as he gets distracted, and shaking his head and sighing with joking disappointment every time he finds you still dancing. Then, you discover a random wrack of sunglasses.
"Ethan, how many pairs of eyes do spiders have?" You ask him, your eyes fixed on the sunglasses.
Ethan frowns and, due to genuine confusion and the time of day that you asked the question, whips his phone out to google the answer.
After a few seconds, you get your answer "Apparently, four."
You raise an eyebrow and look over your shoulder at him "Really?"
Ethan looks just as shocked as you "Yeah, I actually didnt know that either."
Shrugging, you grab four different pairs of sunglasses and place them on your face, starting on your nose and then creating a tower of glasses up your face. Crouching on the floor again, you get into the position that you believe most resembles a spider, and look up at Ethan.
"Incy wincy spider's 'boutta steal your mans."
He tries his best not to laugh, but with how deadly serious your expression is, and the lack of emotion in the words you spoke, he just cant stop himself from breaking into further fits of laughter.

By the time you reach the till with your four tuns of ice cream, the two of you have been in the store almost an hour, and, in the spur of the moment, you smile at the cashier as he scans the ice cream.
"Excuse me, but could you tell me how many people are working here tonight?" You ask him curiously.
The cashier raises an eyebrow "Uh, 20, I believe, why?"
You point at the ceiling "Hold that thought!" And, with that, you break off into a run, towards the sweet aisle, leaving Ethan and the cashier thoroughly confused. When you return to the till, you're carrying twenty bags of sweets.
"I'd like to get these too please!" You grin excitedly, and Ethan is staring at you with wide eyes.
Once you've successfully bought the sweets, you hand them to the cashier "I'd like you to take one of these for yourself, and hand the rest out to your co-workers, to cheer you all up a bit on this miserable night, and to thank you for not kicking us out."
The cashier is giving you an expression like you just told him you killed his firstborn child, and you smile sweetly.
"Have a nice night!" You chirp, picking up the ice cream tubs and heading for the store exit.
"I-I will, thank you!" The cashier calls after you.
Ethan jogs to catch up with you, in utter disbelief "What was that!?!"
You shrug "Something nice, I guess."
He laughs and shakes his head at you "I cant believe it."
You raise an eyebrow at him and stop walking "You cant believe that I did something nice?"
Ethan leans forward to place a kiss on your forehead.

"I cant believe I fell in love with the kindest heart in existence."

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