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~ Your POV ~

Clutching onto the wash basket, you stroll back up the stairs into yours and Ethan's shared bedroom. After placing the basket on the bed, you journey back and forth between the basket and the closet, hanging up all of the freshly washed laundry. As you hang up the laundry, you start absentmindedly humming a tune softly to yourself.

Hanging up the last one of Ethan's shirts, you hear feet shuffling towards the bedroom door, and you smile. Seconds later, you feel a pair of arms slowly wrap themselves around your waist, and a soft kiss is placed on the side of your neck. Your smile widens as you turn around in his arms to face your favourite blue boy. He reflects your smile back at you and his hands subconsciously find yours, your fingers intertwining together.
"How was editing?" You ask quietly.
Ethan laughs slightly "The most fun I've ever had!" He replies sarcastically.
You roll your eyes playfully "Well Im sure it was more fun than doing the laundry."
Ethan raises an eyebrow "Really? After hearing you humming like you were, Im pretty sure you were having a better time than me!"
Your eyes widen as you realise that your humming wasnt quite quiet enough, and before Ethan can see your blushing cheeks you quickly cover your face with your hands. You hear him chuckle softly as his hands wrap around yours and slowly pull them away from your face, bringing them back down to your sides and intertwining your fingers with his once more.
Ethan leans forward and captures your lips with his in a sweet kiss, before smiling at you again "You're so cute."
You giggle and shake your head "Nono Mister Sir, I think you'll find it's YOU that's the cute one!"
His thumbs trace over your knuckles as he shakes his head down at you "Nuh-uh!"
You smirk "You're the cute one, and Im...the nerdy one."
Ethan's jaw drops "No way! Im a nerdy blue boy, you cant deny me my identity!"
You grin at him "Pretty sure I just did, babe."
Your boyfriend gasps at you "How dare you sass me in this manner! You shall pay!"
You break free from his grasp and stick your tongue out at him "I'll only pay if you can catch me!" And with that, you speed out of the room and down the stairs, Ethan hot on your heels.
When you reach the living room, his arms wrap around your waist from behind and he starts tickling you.
You fight back, shouting "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" before attempting to jump out of his grip, but he's stronger than you.
Ethan lifts you up and places you down on the couch, then crawls over you and starts tickling you, preventing you from trying to escape again.
"E-ETHAN, STOP!" You cry out between laughing fits, your body desperately fighting his touch as he uses your ticklish weakness against you.
"Only if you pay up!" Ethan offers.
You scoff "FINE!"
Instantly, his hands stop tickling you, and he sits up so that he's straddling you, his expression smug as he looks away from you, waiting for you to pay up. You sigh dramatically and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him back down on top of you and covering the side of his face in kisses.
Once you're done, you sigh yet again, causing Ethan to laugh "You act like it's so exhausting and boring to kiss me!"
You start playing with his hair absentmindedly as he rests his head on your chest "You know Im always too happy to kiss you, Im just better at covering that up when it's for payment."
Your favourite blue boy lifts his head to smile at you "Really?"
You laugh slightly "Of course, I get excited like a little kid, and that's all your fault, you're too good at kissing."
Ethan smirks "I'll gladly take all the blame for that! I didnt know my kisses affected you that much though."
Your eyes widen "Wait, did I fuck up by revealing that information to you?"
He laughs and shakes his head at your concern "No, unless fucking up means you get more kisses, because if that's the case, then yeah."
You gasp "More kisses!?!"
Ethan shrugs "If you want them."
You chuckle and shake your head "I love that we, as a couple, are negotiating kisses right now."
Ethan laughs with you "It's us, so it doesnt surprise me at all!"
You nod "True!" You go back to the previous topic "Mister Sir I am in fact wondering something very dear and important to me and my health."
He raises an eyebrow "And what is that, small one who is coincidentally very dear and important to me and my health?"
You frown "I am wondering when I will receive the extra kisses we negotiated because I am very much looking forward to them!"
Ethan grins "Ah! Of course! When would you like to receive your extra kisses?"
You tap your chin in thought, before smiling "As soon as possible!"
Ethan leans forward, wrapping one arm underneath you at the small of your back, and his other hand gently caressing your cheek.
"Well, I better not keep my lady waiting." He says in a low tone, before he captures your lips with his in a passionate kiss.

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