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~ Your POV ~

Ethan smiles down at you as he walks beside you, his hand holding yours as he swings your arms between the two of you. Every store you pass is so bright, the sunlight is warming your skin and reflecting in Ethan's eyes in the most perfect way.

Ethan snaps his fingers in front of your face, bringing you back to reality "(Y/N)? You ok? You totally zoned out just then!"
You laugh slightly, glancing around you at the same street from the daydream, the sky is grey today, every store you see appears dull and sad.
"Yeah, sorry, I was miles away!" You tell your best friend, despite the fact that in your daydream, you were where you're stood right now.
Ethan sighs playfully and shakes his head at you "You and your damn daydreams! Y'know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me what they're about."
In your head, you scoff, you'd rather die than admit the truth of the daydreams you have.
You wink at him "Sorry, this doesnt look like a confessional, or an interrogation, better luck next time."
Ethan laughs, and your heart leaps at the realisation that you just made Ethan laugh, as it does every time you do. His attention turns to the other people you're walking with, because unlike your daydream, you're not alone with Ethan. Your best friend Dodie strolls behind you and Ethan, walking in line and laughing with Signe and Sean. Tonight, the five of you are having a sleepover at your house, and you're slowly coming to terms with the fact that this could be a very bad idea. Your daydreams only happen when you're around Ethan, and Dodie is the only other person who knows about them. None of your other friends have seen you zone out like you do when Ethan is present, and Ethan isnt aware that he's the only one you float away from reality with. Tonight, you really have to try and keep your daydreams under control, you dont even want to think of the beyond awkward conclusion to the night if you dont manage to control them.

It's the stereotypical, cliché scene. Sat in a fast food place, across from Ethan, the two of you sharing one milkshake with two straws. He's smiling at you like he does, and you feel butterflies rising in your stomach, before Ethan unexpectedly blows air down the straw, creating a sudden burst of bubbles into your milkshake. Your laughter almost makes you choke on your drink, and you're quick to cover your mouth with your hand as you always do when you laugh hard. Ethan smiles at you adoringly and carefully wraps his hand around your wrist, like he's going to pull your hand away from your face.

"Doll, are you gonna come back down to earth anytime soon?" Ethan asks, his voice snapping you back to reality, to find his hand is still delicately wrapped around your wrist as it was in the daydream, but your hand is under your chin rather than covering your mouth, and Ethan isnt smiling adoringly, but instead giving you an amused expression.
As usual, you're in the same place as you were in your daydream, but there's no shared milkshake, Dodie and Signe are sat either side of you, with Ethan dead opposite you, and Sean sat next to him. Sean is giving you a confused and concerned look, he's never seen you zone out so badly before. Ethan has come to accept your daydreams as just a normal part of who you are, because around him, they happen so often that he's just gotten used it.
You laugh nervously "Shit, sorry, I slept pretty badly last night, guess Im just tired!"
Sean raises an eyebrow at you, and you can tell he's unconvinced, and Signe's expression reflects the same thing. Dodie grabs your hand under the table and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Ethan, on other hand, looks at you with such genuine care and concern.
"Was there a reason you didnt sleep well? If you want to try and get more sleep tonight, we can re-arrange this whole thing for another day." Ethan suggests.
You shake your head frantically, not wanting to ruin anyone else's fun, especially not because of the stupid lie of an excuse you gave.
"No, no, it's alright, seriously! I'll be fine! Im sure I'll wake up by tonight anyway, you know me." You chuckle nervously.
Ethan nods and smiles slightly "If you're sure, but we're gonna make sure you go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight."
You pout sadly "Why?"
Ethan laughs at your expression, then his tone turns more sincere "Because you never put yourself first, so I'll do it for you."
Dodie squeezes your hand again under the table as your heart pounds in your chest, and then the conversation between your entire group starts up again.

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