Story Of My Life

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~ Ethan's POV ~

How many times will I drive her home like this? The question brings a soft smile to my face as my eyes stray from the road, just for a moment, to glance down at her, sleeping in the passenger's seat with her head on my shoulder, one of her hands holding mine, the other she's using to hold the blanket tightly around herself. My smile only widens at the sight of her, she really is the cutest thing, and it takes a lot for me to tear my gaze from her, but I do it. The stars overhead are incredibly bright tonight, and if (Y/N) were awake, I can perfectly picture how she'd grin at them, her entire being illuminated by the excitement that the stars always bring her. The way she reacts to the stars almost perfectly mirrors my constant state around her, the only difference is, if I was only able to enjoy the sight of her as often as she can view the stars when they're this bright, I dont think I would survive. No, I dont think, I know that I wouldnt.

We stayed at Mark's later than intended, after recording a video together we all naturally filtered into the living room and started talking, then we ordered pizza and watched movies, and suddenly it was midnight. I only realised it was getting late because my tired girl was starting to fall asleep beside me on Mark's couch. If it hadnt been for her, I probably wouldnt have ended up sleeping tonight. In a way, she's my alarm clock, my routine keeper. Before I met her, my life was still good, I had fun with my friends and things were great, but there were always aspects of my life that were out of whack, like my sleeping and eating schedule. We eat together everyday, so I no longer forget meals as I used to. (Y/N) even goes as far as having an alarm set for 5am every single day, to wake her so that she can be sure I've come to bed, and if I havent, she'll come stumbling into my recording room, rubbing her eyes tiredly while telling me to come to bed. My life was good before I met her, but now? Everyday, I wake up with her in my arms, and there is no feeling that compares to that.

Mark only lives about 20 minutes away from mine and (Y/N)'s shared apartment, and when I check the clock inside my car, I discover it's now 3am. I've been driving for close to 3 hours, down the same roads, past the same houses, even passing our apartment block multiple times. This always ends up happening when she falls asleep in the car, I keep driving for a while, to keep the engine running, not only to keep her warm, but so that she stays undisturbed. The sound of the engine stopping would wake her, and even though Im aware that as soon as we get home, she'll fall straight back to sleep again regardless, I dont mind driving for a while. Still, better not waste anymore gas, I think to myself as I pull up in the parking lot of our apartment block. As predicted, the second the sound of the engine cuts out, sleeping beauty stirs from her slumber.
"Shit, did I fall asleep again? How long was I out for?" She asks me tiredly as she rubs her eyes and sits up in her seat.
I smile at her and brush some strands of her out of her face "Only 20 minutes or so, dont worry."
When the engine cuts off, the clock in my car also turns off, meaning that (Y/N) cant tell for herself how long she really was asleep for. I have no idea how many times I've driven her home like I did tonight, but not once have I told her about it, and Im not entirely sure why. Maybe because I know that if I told her, she'd cry, because sweet things like that really get to her, and it breaks my heart to see her cry, no matter what causes her tears.
In response to my words, (Y/N) simply nods, stretching her arms out and yawning, using her hand to delicately cover her mouth as she does. Without saying anything else, I get out of the car and run to her door, before opening it and swinging her up into my arms bridal style.
"The stars are so pretty tonight Ethan, look!" She mumbles gleefully as I nudge the car door shut.
I place a soft kiss on her forehead "They sure are, princess."
She giggles at the petname I gave her, which I always remember as one of her favourites, and then her eyes slowly close as she curls into me, drifting back off to sleep after a few cherished moments of consciousness. With my eyes fixed on her, I begin the walk towards our apartment. I blink, and when I open my eyes again, images flash inside my mind as I continue to watch over my angel. In split second flashes of light, I see myself lifting a white veil over (Y/N)'s face, to see her grinning up at me. The image then changes to me walking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist, and her swollen stomach, which causes her to once again grin up at me as her hands wrap around mine, to feel our baby kicking against my palms. Im given a fraction of a second to enjoy that image, before it changes again, to (Y/N) and I walking down the street with our son running between us, we're holding his hands and swinging him, all of us are laughing, and (Y/N)'s stomach is swollen for a second time. Another eternity captured inside a split second passes, and the picture in my mind transforms into me and our son playing video games, then (Y/N) and our younger daughter coming into the room and shaking their heads at us, I put down my controller in order to kiss my wife, and both of the children make pretend vomiting noises in the background. The images disappear, and I see my girl sleeping in my arms still, but I've stopped walking in shock at what I just saw. That wasnt like some daydream, that was like catching a glimpse at the story of my life, one possible future, that I know I will protect with everything I am, and do anything to make it happen. Smiling at the love of my life, a few tears slip down my cheeks, and after a brief pause to collect myself after that experience, I continue walking towards our apartment.

How many times will I drive her home like this? As many times as I can, for the rest of our lives.

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