My Hero #2

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I wasnt planning on writing a part 2, but there were a lot of requests for it, and I had more ideas stemming from this one, so this is gonna be a short series.

~ Your POV ~

Wrapping your towel carefully around your body, you exit your bathroom and head back into your bedroom. The sound of your phone beeping as soon as you step into your bedroom freaks you out mildly, given the very convenient timing, but when you look at the notification on your screen, you cant help but smile.

Ethan: are you planning to get into trouble anytime soon? I wanna see you again :(

You shake your head and laugh quietly as you type out your reply.

You: I dont have to be in immediate danger in order for you to see me again, y'know 😂 there is a slight problem tho, I live in Florida dude, and I havent got another business trip to LA planned as of yet

Ethan: I knowwww, it sucks :(

You: does it suck every centimetre of your taint? :'(

Ethan: yes 😩

You: ew no, cant hit me with those spiceboy emojis

Ethan: sorry :P

You put your phone on your bed and get dressed into a soft pyjama set, before drying your hair more thoroughly with a towel. Hedwig's theme playing from your phone causes you to jump out of your skin in surprise, and it takes you a second to remember that you set that as Ethan's ringtone. Smiling to yourself, you answer the call, and put your phone on speaker. You open your mouth to speak, but before you can utter a word, Ethan starts talking.
"Theoretically, if I could get to Florida tomorrow, would you go on a date with me?"
The question causes your eyes to widen in shock, until you frown in confusion "Wait, how in the world would you do that? It's an almost 40 hour drive!"
Ethan chuckles "Planes exist, (Y/N)."
You facepalm "Oh shit, yeah." As the realisation hits you, your jaw drops "Hold on, are you going to get a PLANE here, JUST to take me out on a date!?!"
Ethan laughs harder at your slow realisation "That's if you even want to go out on a date with me, but yeah."
You scoff "Ethan, for christ sake, I'd go on a date with you without the need for you to get on a plane, why are you being so extra? Oh my god, nobody has ever done anything like this for me before. What have you done. Why would you ever even CONSIDER doing this!?! This is insane, this absolutely, balls to the wall, BONKERS! I mean the way we met was pretty mad, but this? This really takes the fucking cake. What am I supposed to do!?!"
You can practically hear the smile in Ethan's voice, he's enjoying your freak out a little too much.
"Say yes, maybe?" He suggests.
You raise an eyebrow "Why would I say 'yes, maybe' when I could just say 'yes'?" You facepalm again "Wait, no, you meant I should MAYBE say yes, not to actually say 'yes, maybe'. My head is fucking fried from this conversation. I cant function."
Ethan's laughter can be heard from the other end of the call, and the distance of the sound tells you that he's got his phone on speaker, the same as you have.
"You're adorable. So, should I book my plane tickets?" He asks playfully.
You run your hands through your hair "Fuck, I mean, yeah! Im not having you fly home the same day though, that isnt fair on you at all."
The sound of Ethan unzipping a suitcase reaches your ears "Dont worry, I'll find a good hotel to stay the night in."
You scoff again "Ethan, please, as if Im going to let you stay in a hotel, you can stay at my place. We'll binge watch Harry Potter all day, or something else that doesnt cost you any money because you've already spent too much on fucking PLANE TICKETS."
Ethan chuckles "If Im getting plane tickets just to take you out, Im pulling out all the stops for our first date, and there's nothing you can do to stop me! Thank you for letting me stay with you, though."
You sigh and rub your face, unable to comprehend that any of this is happening "I cant believe this. I hate you."
You can hear Ethan packing his suitcase as he laughs "Sure you do. Is your couch comfortable?"
You raise an eyebrow "Yeah, why?"
Ethan continues packing while he responds to you "I mean, that's where Im sleeping, right? You told me before that you dont have a guest bedroom in your apartment, 'cause you turned it into an office."
You shrug "I guess, but that really depends on how the night goes."
Ethan halts his movements, and it takes you a moment to realise what you just said.
Your eyes almost pop out of your skull "Wait! Shit! That's not what I meant! Oh my god, this is mortifying. I dont sleep with people after the first date. Fuck! I just meant that, like, we may end up passing out literally anywhere in my apartment, depending on what we actually do once you get here, and how tired we are when we get back to my place. Oh my god. I hate this. Shut up." You cover your bright red face with your hands, despite the fact that Ethan cant see you.
Ethan is laughing so hard that you're pretty sure he's close to wetting himself "Holy shit, you kill me (Y/N)!"
You shake your head, hoping to dismiss the topic by bringing up something else "What are you gonna do about youtube? Have you got videos prepared in advance because you were so sure I was going to agree to this?"
Ethan chuckles "I havent got videos prepared, no, I was actually pretty sure you'd say no, but if I record some semi-cinematic footage while in Florida, I can put a vlog together and upload that when I get home."
You nod in understanding "Yeah, that makes sense. How in the world did you think for even a second that I'd say no? Dude, you could've asked me out a month ago and I would have WALKED to LA to meet up with you and make it happen."
You can perfectly picture Ethan grinning at your words "That's really cute. On the subject of the vlog footage though, out of curiosity, do you want to be in the vlog?"
You're thoughtful for a moment "I mean, you could introduce me, but not giveaway what the relationship is between us, and then watch your community set itself on fire. Im down for that."
Ethan laughs "I had a feeling you'd come up with something at least a little evil!"
You gasp "How dare you! Im a Hufflepuff!"
Ethan is quiet for a moment "Wait, didnt you say a little while ago that you've never been to Universal?"
You frown in confusion "Yeah...why?"
You can practically hear the mischievous smirk on Ethan's face "I think I just figured out where our first date is going to be."

To say you very nearly collapsed, would be an understatement.

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