Dating Ethan Might Include

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I dont know Ethan on a personal level, but these are things that I think (based on what I've seen in videos and such) he'd do when in a relationship with someone.

Nicknames - Ethan is known for making up random new nicknames for objects and characters in games, so it isnt surprising when he invents cute little nicknames for you, such as: small one, liddle lady, shirt stealer, hoodie thief, giggle monster, lil pretty flower.

Cuddles - Whether it be at 4am when you go downstairs to get a glass of water and he's only just finishing editing and comes up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, or whether it be when you're already asleep and he carefully tiptoes into your room to snuggle up and fall asleep with you, one thing's for sure: Ethan cuddles are a very frequent thing.

Touches - Ethan fidgets often and touches his hair because he feels like he needs to be doing something with hands, so whenever you're with him, he'll hold your hands and play with your fingers to occupy himself, regardless of who else is in the room, because he does so without realising. He also has a habit of drawing on your body with his fingers absentmindedly when the two of you cuddle, because again, he always needs to do something with his hands.

Late night talks - The two of you are prone to stay awake until the early hours of the morning, and the conversations you have at those times are something you treasure, because Ethan likes to keep his emotions bottled up, and you are the only one he truly emotionally opens up to, it's during those conversations that you get to see just how sensitive your boy is.

Protectiveness - Though he may not seem like an intimidating person at all, if someone upsets or does you wrong, he wont just sit back and let it slide. Despite not being particularly confrontational and disliking conflict, his protective nature for you is far stronger than that. Needless to say, the protective side of Ethan is incredibly attractive.

Playful flirting - Even after being in a relationship with him for a while, the playful flirting never stopped. Neither of you are flirting experts, and more often than not your flirting is just cheesy and dorky shit, but on occasion one of you will say something very smooth (it has even be known to happen on livestreams) and this causes a pretend shocked and flustered response from the other person, for goofs.

Goofs - Speaking of goofs, dating a goof lover means you're going to encounter a lot of goofs, ranging from the odd corny joke to the perfectly executed and timed comedic phrases that leave you wheezing on the floor, many of the greatest goofy goofs are had.

Childish antics - One of the many things Ethan loves about you is your ability to act like a kid and have fun, so whenever you hang out with him and his friends, you fit right in, and Ethan loves being able to be childish with you. The childish antics dont stop there either, because neither you nor Ethan will pass up the opportunity for a pillow fort movie marathon.

Cuteness - It's Ethan, I dont need to explain this one.

Compliments - Though Ethan wont shy away from paying you compliments, sometimes he doesnt even need to speak, he'll just give you a look, whether it's his wide eyes when you walk down the stairs all dressed up for date night with him, or major heart eyes at any and every opportunity, you can see his admiration for you in his eyes as clearly as you can hear it leave his lips.

Videos - Not only do you feature in videos and livestreams with Ethan, but there will be random moments during the day when he'll call you into his recording room to show you some dumb video and you'll raise an eyebrow at him for procrastinating, before laughing along and joining him in his procrastination.

Kisses - With you, Ethan is very physically affectionate. When you go into his recording room to talk with him or join him in whatever he's doing, as soon as you get up to leave, he grabs your hand and kisses it before you go, then flashes you a cheesy grin. In videos with you, if you're sat beside him or on his lap, he'll kiss your cheek or your temple randomly, not caring that it's being recorded. He just finds you very kissable, and you feel the exact same way about him.

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