❦ kyle x reader - pool breath ❦

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"Come on, (Y/n), just get in the pool already." Craig, my main closest friend said and rolled his eyes. The others, Clyde, Token, and Tweek screamed at me too.

"No! Do you know how many people pee in the pool?" I said. Craig flipped me off and I returned the favor.

"Why'd you even come in the first place?" Token asked I frowned and looked at him, then behind me. There he was, Kyle Broflovski, the idiot that I've come to love. I mean, as stubborn as I was I could never bring myself to talk to him. I felt like he was way out of my league. But, that didn't mean I couldn't daydream.

"Because..." I trailed off, looking to the side, where conveniently he was talking to his other friends. "Kyle..." I whispered so only the four could hear me.

"Oh," Token said blankly. "Kyle Broflovski?" he asked and I nodded.

"Of course! There's no other Kyle!" I said and he flipped me off, as well as Craig. "Ugh!" I said and crossed my arms. They were frustrating me since they were acting stupid.

"If you came here to look at Kyle you might as well talk to him, it only makes sense." Clyde grinned, nudging me. I huffed, leaning onto Tweek who looked at me sympathetically.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" I heard a deep voice yell, clearly a male. I furrowed my brows and looked back, moving my head off of Tweek.

"Hm?" I quickly turned my head around. Before I could process anything else, I was pushed into the pool unexpectedly. To me at least. Which, completely pissed me off since I got pee water in my mouth.

I quickly pulled my headout and saw that Cartman was holding a camera at me and laughing. No one else was laughing, because they knew I'd probably kick their ass. Once I pulled myself onto the concrete I tightened my fist and walked up to that fatass.

I then started cursing Cartman out as he started to back up. I pushed him easily onto the wet concrete and I started kicking him in the balls and I made him smash his camera. I angrily walked into whoever's house this was with stunned looks. Craig, Token, Clyde, were all laughing their asses of while Tweek laughed out of horror.

"I got fricken pee water in my mouth!" I whined to myself, using a towel and wiping my mouth on it. "Stupid Cartman," I mumbled to myself in disgust, "that fucking fata-"

"Hey, are you okay (Y/n)?" I heard a soft and slightly amused voice. A redhead popped out of the corner with green swimming shorts that matched his eyes. It was the one and only Kyle. I felt my body stiffen as I realized the terrible state I was in.

"Oh, hey, Kyle." I said in a little whisper. He probably caught me wiping my mouth on a weird smelling towel and now he probably thinks I'm a weirdo.

"Are you okay? I mean, besides getting that nasty pee water in your mouth?" Kyle asked teasingly, laughing. I felt my face become as red as his hair and he patted my head. "Don't mind Cartman, he's just a natural asshole." Kyle wiped the water off my cheeks and winked at me.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks though." Instead of wiping the water droplets on my face, Kyle cupped my face with his soft hands.

We made complete eye contact still while Kyle inched closer to me. Soon enough, I could feel his warm breath on my skin, and it made me tingle. Shivers scaled down my body and this caugh Kyle's attention. I noticed his hair was a mess, and it was just... adorable. Usually, he always wore his pale green colored hat that barely showed any of his. When we did see his hair, it was a blessing. As we made eye contact again, his dark green eyes, the color of a chrysanthemum, started to sparkle as if the sun rays started to shine on it.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Kyle asked in a low voice, still inching closer. He thought for a second as he just stared into my eyes.

"Yeah?" I whispered, starting to get excited. Since Kyle was taller than me he had to bend over a little bit to look at me directly. Instead of inching closer to my face, he used his pointed finger to pull my face closer to his so his mouth was now closer to my ear.

"Your..." Kyle whispered in a steady voice. He paused once more, then he smirked. "Why does your breath smell like the pool?" he whispered in a teasing way. I gasped and covered my mouth, turning away. Kyle stifled a laugh, but I was too busy blushing to care. He pushed my face to the side so now I was looking at him clearly again. He licked his lips as he cupped my chin with his one hand. He used his other hand to pin me to the wall behind us. "Just kidding," Kyle grinned. He quickly closed the tiny gap that was between us previously. I rolled my eyes, continuing to blush as Kyle smiled into the kiss.

E N D ...

holy freak ok so this was written horrendously with barely any detail so I edited and rewrote the fuck out of this (and gonna do the same for the next ones in the future ajsksk) for all of you new readers, yw <3

(edited & rewritten may 31, 2019)

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