❦ craig x reader - dirty greaser ❦

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(ayo that rhymed)

As I walked out of the DX, I stood outside and leaned on a pole, smoking a cigarette. I closed my eyes as I felt the cool air touch my skin.

"Stan, look, there's a doll up there!" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and saw a few boys in madras. I rolled my eyes, exhaling and walking back inside the DX.

"Welcome- oh, its you again." I smiled, crossing my arms.

"Sounds like you're not that interested in seeing me again." The cashier smiled, shaking their head.

"No, just didn't expect someone as high class as you coming back again. No offense." I shook my head, exhaling again. They looked like they were about to comment on me smoking but I held out a hand.

"Sorry, I just need to stay in here till those other Socs leave. Just not in the mood to be objectified again, you dig?" They nodded their head. "I'll put it out in a second." The Soc boys walked in and whistled as they looked me up and down.

"Uh, your total will be one fifty," the cashier smiled and nodded. I smiled a bit too, taking out two Washington's and handing him them.

"Keep the change," the cashier's eyes widened as he thanked me.

"Looks like this greaser's trying to hit on this poor girl. We should do something about it, fellas." The Soc, who I recognized from school, Stan Marsh, said. His three other idiotic friends nodded. I stared at them with disgust, shaking my head.

"And what if I'm the one trying to hit on the greaser, huh? Watcha gonna do?" I snarled, rolling my eyes.

"A doll who's stacked and has a feisty attitude, damn, I think I found my dream girl." Kenny, Stan's other friend said.

"And damn, I think I might kick your ass, piss off!" I growled, going to a different aisle. Once I had tried to lose them, I heard the door open.

"Welcome- oh, hey, Craig!" The cashier said. I figured this could be my chance to escape as I headed to the door.

"Where ya going, doll?" Stan asked as he blocked the doors. I turned to look back and saw his three friends blocking me too.

"Away from you assholes!" I snarled. As I was about to give up, I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I thought it was one of Stan's idiot friends but it was actually the cashier's friend.

"Why don't you leave her alone? She obviously doesn't want to be seen with you losers." The boy, known as Craig, said as his eyes showed boredom. His dark, greasy hair poked out from a blue hat, which I thought was kinda cute.

"Watch it, greaser." Eric, the other goon, said through his teeth.

"C'mon, let's go you guys, let this little bitch be seen with these losers." Kenny said as his friends nodded and left. I sighed in relief, looking up at the tall boy and thanking him.

"Thanks for saving me from those idiots," I mumbled, looking at the boy who nodded then at the cashier, who was on the verge of tears. "Oh dear, are you alright?" I sighed, holding onto his hand.

"Hey-" his friend was about to say something until he saw me holding onto his hand. He looked shocked and confused.

"Sorry I didn't say something, guess I was kind of scared. I'm no man." The boy sniffed as I shook my head.

"Shoot, that show I put on was merely an act. Rest assured, you were helpful." The boy's eyes had widened a bit as I gave him a gentle smile. "(Y/n), you?"

"Clyde Donovan," he said the name with pride then looked at his black haired friend. "That's my bud Craig Tucker." I looked him up and down with curiosity, and in all honesty he intrigued me.

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