❦ kyle x male!reader - hide n seek ❦

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searched up 'sexy kyle fan art' and this is what popped up plz enjoy

read the a/n at the end if u wanna know how this story was inspired (;

"Alright, since we voted that Clyde and Token be the seekers, they have to count to sixty and we have that minute to hide. We can only stay in this area, up until the end of that street and the other one." I pointed to the left of me which were just an array of houses, as well as the right side. I looked at the diverse group of 11 boys as they all gave a facial expression that showed they were ready. "Now you two go inside and count, and by the way no hiding inside any houses or inside cars." Inside Clyde and Token went as all of us scattered around.

"(Y/n)," Kyle whispered to me as I looked around desperately for somewhere to hide. I turned to look at the cute ginger waving over to himself. "I have the perfect hiding spot!" I gave him hopeful eyes as he lead me to the place where he claimed somewhere in the conversation that no one could find us.

In every direction, a boy or two were seen hiding in either an obvious spot or a well-hidden one. I could see them well with the flashlight on my phone or otherwise I couldn't without it. Clyde and Token had actual flashlights since the phone ones are crappy.

After following Kyle to an open backyard with a patio on it which had seating, we sat down and waited a few seconds before hearing a loud,

"Red Robin!" with a following,

"Yum!" after it in several directions, including the one toward Kyle. We snickered and laughed as we both turned off the flashlights on our phones.

"This is a good hiding spot, you were right." I told Kyle as I started swinging my legs from the rocking chair. I had my hand placed down on the patting and soon enough I felt a larger, warm hand being placed on top of mine. I smiled as I turned my head to the ginger who I couldn't see quite clearly in the dark but I still knew he had been staring at me.

"I know, I'm always right. You should know that by now." It was clearly in a joking type of way so as a result we both gave out small laughs. Slowly, he let his hand fold over mine as I let it.

In the distance it was clear that Token and Clyde had found a few people as you could hear the distant chatter from a few boys, as well as a few laughs. Whistling soon came after, which was expected but not from Kyle.

"We should finish where we left off the other night, hm?" I could feel my face starting to heat up recalling the previous week's affairs with Kyle. It was nothing bad, really, just our first kiss out of nowhere and he wanted to go farther but I wasn't ready, nor was I now. A little kiss didn't hurt nobody, right?

I exhaled a deep breath as sign to Kyle that I was ready. Little creaks could be heard as he moved himself closer to me, closing the gap between our thighs. I felt my body become all tingly again and heated as Kyle placed his hand onto my cheek, turning my face so that I was now facing him. I was excited as adrenaline left wave shocks throughout my body, even from such a small gesture.

"Don't worry, I won't force you into anything, so let's just make out for now." I almost laughed from how blunt he was but I licked my lips instead and partially contained myself. I nodded as Kyle slowly started leaning in while I copied his movements. I twisted and turned my body so it was facing him, as well as my lips so he could kiss them.

When his lips touched mine I felt that same ecstatic energy flow all over my body, but mainly on my lips. This time the kiss felt a lot more passionate than the last one. I cupped his face in my hands as I just couldn't get enough. It wasn't like this before but even with my lips on his I still craved more. The little heavy breaths coming from his mouth gave me pure joy as I knew he liked what he was tasting. I wonder if anyone else could feel the sparks from here, in all honesty I could feel them practically jumping from the two lips touching each other.

I detached my hands from his scruffy cheeks and instead threw myself body onto Kyle. His hands roamed my face, feeling my own personal scruff and soon, his hands placed themselves in my hair. There were light pulls every once in a while but it was mostly just to run themselves through it.

Out of nowhere Kyle slipped in a little tongue, which had caused me to open my eyes for a quick second and for him to smirk into the long-running kiss. The kiss itself had probably lasted for quite a while now, maybe a minute or two? But my breath was starting to run out, as well as Kyle's. It was clear now we needed to part. I was actually the first one to remove my lips from his.

And then for the next thirty seconds it was just us staring at each other in the dark and regaining the breath we once lost. I felt myself starting to laugh at the bizarre situation we were in and continuing to laugh louder when we heard the words 'Red Robin' repeated over and over again, each time getting more aggressive.

"We should except this win and show ourselves. But we can still continue this whenever you want." I could tell Kyle winked at me even though I couldn't see it. I licked my lips and followed Kyle like a lost puppy into hindsight of the other guys.

"Did we win?!" Kyle shouted to the 10 boys all ahead of us. Each of them ran to us but Clyde and Token had perplexed looks shown on their faces.

"No, we still haven't found Butters-"

"Nope, there he is." And there he was, coming out from the open backyard that we were just in. Regret, horror, and so many other emotions were carved into his simple features. I felt my heart sink as I slowly turned to look at Kyle who had his own look of horror written on his very own distinct features. Kyle coughed as Butters looked at us with unreadable eyes.

"I don't think I wanna play anymore, fellers."

E N D ...

hi so like this was kinda based off real life events but not really so like I was over my cousins house and he had his FINE ASS friend over who's only like a year older than me and we were all playing hide n seek in the dark outside and yeah like high key wanted to suck his dick but never got to ): I still want to tho


this story was requested by: starboytm-


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