❦ token x reader - stuck ❦

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"(Y/n)!" Wendy and Bebe called, running over to me and smiling.

"Yeah, What is it? And why does it look like you guys ran a mile?" I asked, snickering. They rolled their eyes and pointed and waved to the gym.

"Hurry!" They said together, grabbing my and and running to the gym.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. We got to the gym and the pointed to the boys locker room. I furrowed my brows and stared at them.

"Why are we here? And why the boys locker room?" I said, crossing my arms. They handed me a bunch of towels, smiling. "What's going on?"

"The coach said it's your turn to restock the towels!" Wendy said, gazing at Bebe. Bebe then nodded and continued.

"Yeah, and you should hurry!" She exclaimed.

"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms once again. "Don't tell me you're doing the same thing the guys did with Nicole." I pursed my lips.

"No!" They giggled. "You should hurry before the boys come!" Wendy said, pushing me inside the locker room. They then started laughing and giggling more until I finally went in and they shut the doors.

"This is stupid," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"(Y/n)?" I looked over and it was Token. 'Shoot' I thought, mentally sighing. I knew they did this on purpose, but I'm not gonna complain.

"H-hey, Token." I laughed awkwardly. "I, uh, didn't know anyone was in here." I whispered and blushed, noticing he was only in a towel. "But I'm just glad it's you and no other boy." I whispered quietly to myself.

"What?" He asked, and I shook my head. "And why are you in here?" He asked, walking closer which caused me to blush more, so I turned away.

"Um, a few girls told me I had to restock the towels." I said, still turning away.

"You know the janitor is supposed to do that?" Token said, and started chuckling.

"Oh..." I whispered.

"And why are faced away? C'mon, look at me." He said, and I obeyed. I looked at him and stared blushing.

"Y-you should really get dressed." I whispered, and he chuckled more. He then put his arms on his towel as if he was about to take it off. "NO!" I yelled, turning away. "N-not in front of me." I covered my eyes with my hands.

"I was just gonna pull it up, but I mean hey, if you want me to do it in front of you, I won't complain." He said probably smirking. I nodded my head 'no' many times and you could hear him laughing.

After a few minutes, he came out, but he held his shirt in his hands. He looked at me and smirked, finally putting it on.

"You could've left if you wanted." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"No," I nodded my head. "the doors won't open." He nodded and sat down, and then patted for me to sit down next to him.

"So, What do you wanna do, since neither of us have our phones to call anyone?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I dunno, I'm kind of hungry." He pointed to a food tray in front of us, and there was also a box.

"Whats in it?" He asked while I looked through it. I then gasped as I saw they were condoms.

"Um, nothing!" I threw them to the side and wiped my hands.

"Are you sure?" He asked and went to go pick them up. When he saw what they were, he dropped them as well and laughed, rolling his eyes. "It was probably the guys," He said, sitting back down.

"What do you mean?" I gazed at him.

"Well," He started blushing and rubbing his hand behind his back. "I kinda like you." He smiled with his eyes closed.

"R-really?" I asked, blushing. I think my heart just skipped a few beats. Token them nodded, and put his arms around me.

"Well, I like you, too." I smiled and stopped blushing. That is, until he kissed me on the lips. Then I started blushing again, but I kissed him back.

We later got out because the janitor had to clean, and he eyed us suspiciously. When we walked out of the school hand in hand, we met up with Token's friends and my friends.

"Oh no, what happened?" Wendy asked, snickering.

"We got stuck in the locker room." Token said, eyeing them all.

"Did you use the condoms I bought?" Clyde asked, and Bebe and Wendy gasped.

"That wasn't supposed to be apart of the plan, idiot!" Bebe whispered, flicking Clyde on his forehead.

"We may or may not have, why?" I asked, walking away with Token. They all gasped and Token and I laughed, it was only a joke.

E N D ...

(edited October 7, 2018)

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