❦ craig x reader x kenny - till death do us part ❦

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in this one shot, there will be some mature themes that may cause others to be uncomfortable. i will go ahead and tell you this one shot is gruesome, contains a lot of death, and talks about rape. i advise that if you don't handle that well, please do not read this one shot. that's all, thank you for your time! <3**

(p.s I haven't really looked over this for mistakes bc I'm a lazy bitch oops so yeAh ignore any mistakes pls and ty)

"Get out of here, you little bitch!" (M/n) said to her daughter, (Y/n). (Y/n)'s body shook with anger as she held her fists tightly. "I don't care if you die out there, maybe if you learn to treat me better you can come back!" (M/n) yelled, slamming the door. (Y/n) let out a loud and frustrated groan.

"Fuck," she mumbled, gripping the hair on her head. (If you don't have hair, you just gripped your clothes.) She looked at her watch and her heart began to race, but not out of anger. Rather, it was fear. "An hour left," she said quietly, walking down the steps of her house and onto the empty road. She knew she couldn't go back home to reason with her mother, she'd only ignore her pleas.

(Y/n) went into town where there were some people but almost all of them were either rushing home or closing up shops. She was about to enter a store to buy some type of weapon but someone stopped her. It was an older man with a blue shirt and black hair.

"Sorry, Miss, but we're closed for the night. You can come back tomorrow." The man told her, but she shook her head.

"We have near an hour left, what's the rush?" (Y/n) asked. Her heart was beating faster than it had been a few minutes ago. The man's eyes showed confusion as he shook his own head.

"No, no, I think you got it all wrong." The man told her as he looked down at his watch. "We have about fifteen minutes left till-"

"What?! No, that's not possible!" (Y/n) shrieked as she looked back at her watch; the watch was still at six. She couldn't believe her eyes. How? How did she only have less than fifteen minutes till the Purge starts?! And how could that pathetic excuse for a human being called her mother let her out of the house and expect her to find somewhere else to stay when she had less than twenty minutes?! She couldn't process it.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I should be leaving. Have a safe night miss." The man said as his eyes showed little remorse to her. (Y/n) looked around for somewhere, anywhere, to hide. And that's when the alarm rang.

"This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S Government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking ten have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed..." She heard the first gunshot.

(Y/n) ran into an alley behind boxes and trash cans. She prayed to some god out there to help her or keep her alive. Or for this all to be a figment of her imagination. As she prayed, she heard all types of things that could traumatize anyone. Pleas of helps, and pleas to stop, and just gunshots. Gunshots everywhere.

Her whole body had chills lasting for minutes.

Every time she heard a scream, gunshot, any type of device/weapon, or automobile she cringed and tried to stop herself from crying. At this point, she was hyperventilating. She hugged her body and shut her eyes, only for her to keep jumping at every and each noise she heard.

Just as (Y/n) stopped crying, she heard running in the alley she was in. She covered her mouth and tried to make no sound whatsoever. But it was hard trying not to sob in this situation. That's when someone sat on the wall across from her and their eyes widened. It looked like a girl. And that's when the girl grabbed a can next to her and threw it at the wall next to (Y/n). All that commotion caused someone else to come in the alley and look at where (Y/n) was.

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