❦ clyde x reader - train ❦

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(B/f/e/c) - Best Friend's eye color
(B/f/h/c) - Best Friend's hair color
(B/f/n) -Best Friend's name
(B/f) - Best Friend


"Dude, let's just go on a train, it'll be fun." Clyde said, trying to convince his friends to do something fun, for once. He's never rode a train before, and just wanted to try something new.

"What's the point, Clyde? We can just have my mom take us." Cartman said and rolled his eyes. Clyde rolled his eyes and looked at the others with pleading eyes.

"Please! Think about the all the girls we'll see!" Clyde grinned widely, creeping his other friends out.

"I mean, if that's what you want, then sure. It is your birthday," Token said, smiling at his friend's reaction. He just wanted him to be happy, this wasn't usual after all. After his Mother died, he became more sad.

"Yes!" He whispered, getting excited.

When they all got on the train, it wasn't crowded, so that was good. There were a few people, but they were in different compartments. Everyone eventually got bored, or even fell asleep.

The stop after theirs, there were these two girls. Clyde liked the one with the (h/c) hair and the (e/c) eyes. He thought she was beautiful. The second girl had (b/f/h/c) hair and (b/f/e/c) eyes. But Clyde liked the first girl more.


"(Y/n), the train is coming!" My best friend (B/f/n) said. She jumped up and down, while I rolled my eyes. The train finally came to a stop while we got on. I got on first while she followed, and I sat down in front on these boys.

"Hello." I said, smiling at them while (B/f) just looked around all amazed. "Are these seats taken?" I asked, and a boy with brown hair and a red jacket shook his head, staring at me with awe. "Thank you." I nodded and stared at (B/f), who was reading her dms.

"(Y/n), Zayn just posted a new tweet!" She squealed, showing me the tweet. I sighed, all (B/f) cared about is Zayn Malik. Sure, I liked his music, but nothing more.

"Jesus Christ, stop stalking him. He has a girlfriend, y'know? And she's a model, so..." I shrugged. She gasped and huffed, rolling her eyes.

"What are you implying here?" She asked, frowning.

"Well, I'm just sayin' that he has a girlfriend who is a beautiful model. I doubt he'd leave her. Besides, you're underage." I snickered, earning a shove from her.

"Are you calling me ugly?!" She gasped, looking serious as ever.

"Well,..." I moved my head to the side. She rolled her eyes and turned away. "I'm just kidding. You're the most prettiest best friend and greatest best friend I could ever have." I said, trying my best not to sound sarcastic. She still didn't face me though. "I'll buy you tacos." She instantly turned to face me, and smiled.

"From Taco Bell?" She asked, gazing at me intently.

"Of course," I hummed, nodding. She smiled and hugged me, and I hugged back. Taco Bell was her everything. Hell, she probably loved it more than me; Or maybe more than anything.

"But you're still a bitch." She said grinning. I scoffed and shoved her.

"But I'm your bitch." She snickered, and I did too. She then leaned in close, staring at the group of boys who were staring at us.

"Those dudes are staring at us. Who knows, they probably wanna fuck us. Or even worse, they're in a gang and they wanna gang rape us!" Her eyes widened and I rolled my own.

"Let's be honest, who'd wanna fuck us?" I stated, causing her to nod in agreement.

"True, but that one with the brown hair and red jacket keep eyeing you up and down and blushing." She squinted at the boy. She used two fingers to point at her eyes, then at him.

"You're so fucking stupid." I sighed, causing her to flip me off. I flipped her off and smiled sarcastically. After she kept insulting me, my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked, rolling my eyes as (B/f) started to insult me again. "Shut the fuck up, (B/f)!" I whispered, but also yelled.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. (B/f) just being bitchy that's all." I scooted away from her and covered my phone and whispered, "I think she's on her period." Earning a few laughed from the other side of the train. (B/f) gasped.

"It's hormones!" She yelled, hitting my arm like a child several times.

"'Hormones' my ass." I mumbled, causing Bebe to sigh. "Sorry, continue on."

"Are you two on your way? Wendy and I are already there." I heard giggling from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, we're almost there, probably a few more minutes." She hummed.

"Good. And you sure you don't mind Wendy being with us." I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"No, we both like her, Bebe. Wendy's Cool, and (B/f) and I like to hang out with her." Bebe sighed in relief. I glanced at the boys real quick, seeing them stare at me in shock.

Then I realized, that boy in the blue and red hat, with brown hair and a brown jacket is Wendy's boyfriend! She's showed me a few pictures of him, talking about how much she loves him. My eyes widened as (B/f) stared at me weirdly.

"That's great. Anyways, I'll see you two later." She said goodbye and I shut, quickly turning over to (B/f).

"I know that boy with the red and blue hat with the brown jacket and white shirt!" I hissed, and she cocked her head back. "He's Wendy's boyfriend!"

"What? Don't be stupid." She rolled her eyes and laughed. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, but went and walked over to him. I could tell she was probably face-palming by now.

"Hello." I sat down next to him. He looked at me weirdly for a second, but then grinned. "I know this is weird, but are you Wendy's boyfriend Stan?" He nodded.

"Yeah. How do you know Wendy and Bebe?"

"Well, Bebe is my cousin. I never really knew about her until a few months back," I chuckled. He nodded, but then leaned in.

"My friend," He turned to look at the boy with brown hair and red jacket. "Clyde likes you. He said that you're really pretty." I nodded and smiled in amusement.

"Thanks. Anyways, ill see you later. And by the way, my name's (Y/n). And thanks again, for the heads up." I smirked and walked over to Clyde.

I sat down on his lap and and wrapped my arms around him. I could feel something poking my thigh. He blushed and stiffened.

"My name's (Y/n)." I smirked, leaving my legs at his side and holding onto his shoulders. "Yours is Clyde, right?" He nodded. "Well, here's my number. You should totally call me, Babe." I kissed his nose and left the train with (B/f), leaving everyone horny.

E N D ...

(edited November 14, 2018)

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