❦ terrance & phillip x reader - beach tingz ❦

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As Nichole and I went to a Terrance and Phillip meet up in Canada, we had rented out a hotel room for about a week. Tod was the day we could meet our childhood idols: Terrance and Phillip. This was the first time for both of us and we had been planning it for about a year.

"I can't wait! Today's gonna be the best day ever!" she smiled while looking out the hotel's window.

"Yeah! We get to go to a Terrance and Phillip meet and greet, go to the beach, and go to dinner. The guys are gonna be jealous," I snickered. Nichole nodded and raised a brow.

"Don't forget the girls. They're gonna be pissed that we went to the beach while it's chilly in Colorado." I nodded. We never told them where we were going, which was a good idea. I just wanted it to be Nichole and I.

"Okay, let's go get dressed so we can tour Canada a bit. The meet and greet is in about an hour so we got plenty of time." I said while getting out a new pair of clothes. Nichole got out her own clothes and went to go change.

After we both changed, we headed out. It was warm and breezy in Canada, which was perfect. I was glad we planned it during the good months.

"What do you think we should do first?" Nichole ask, turning her head to look at me. I thought about it for a second while she turned her head to look at other pretty sights.

"I dunno, maybe we can grab something to eat?" she looked over again and nodded. I smiled and we headed over to a pizza parlor.


We quickly ate our pizza and headed over to the meet and greet. We wanted to be a little early because we wouldn't probably have to wait for a while because of the long lines. We got our tickets and went in. The only sad thing was that we wouldn't get to hang out with them backstage, but that was okay. At least we get to see them, right?

There were about twenty people in front of us, all girls. A few boys had lined up behind us though. While waiting about thirty more minutes, one of the people from the stage came out holding two back stage passes.

"Attention everyone!" he called. Everyone became silent and looked at him. He smiled in satisfaction and continued, "We are giving two more lucky people free entrances to hang out with Terrance and Phillip! Terrance and Phillip get to choose, so wait patiently!" He yelled loudly, causing everyone to squeal and scream.

"(Y/n), we have to try and get those passes! If we don't, we won't get to see them for that long!" Nichole said, determination filling her eyes. I nodded and smiled. Terrance and Phillip then came out, looking around. They looked more cuter in person...

"You're right!" I said. I saw Phillip whisper something to Terrance while they looked this way.

"Those two girls," Phillip pointed out way. My eyes widened as I turned to l look at Nichole whose eyes widened too. "The girl with (h/c) hair and wearing the shirt and shorts, and her friend with black hair and wearing a yellow dress." They were talking about us!

Nichole squealed as she took my hand and lead us up to the front while everyone else was glaring at us. I blushed and continued to let her drag me to the front where they were. The both smiled at us charmingly as I still blushed.

"Oh my gosh!" She said loudly while smiling. They let us in while I kept my my head down. "Hi!" She said, shaking their hands. They chuckled as I could feel their eyes look at me and I felt Nichole nudge me as moved.

"M-my names (Y/n)..." I said. I felt someone put their hand on my chin and lift it up. I blushed even more as Nichole grinned widely.

"My name's Nichole!" Nichole said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and grabbing me closer to her. "And thank you so much for picking us, it's an honor! You two have been my favorites since I was younger, it's hard to believe we're almost the same age!" They chuckled.

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