❦ tweek x male!reader - pick n choose ❦

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I watched from across the room as Tweek was talking to his group of friends. I would hang out with them a few times here and there, and they would hang out with my group of friends here and there. But my group of friends were different, mostly consisting of assholes and perverts. That's right, I'm talking about Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman.

"(Y/n), stop looking like a fucking retard and stop being a stalker, that's Kenny's job. We know you're gay and shit but it's fucking weird." Cartman said eating his sandwich.

"Fuck you, I'm not being a stalker. And do you even know who I'm looking at?" He stared at me dumbfounded. "Asshole," I mumbled. "That's what I thought."

"Hey, I think it's nice you came out, maybe other guys will too since you were kinda known as the bad-boy of this school." Kyle said, shrugging.

"Meh, it's not as fun as you think it is. And hey, at least I don't get bullied." I turn to Cartman. "Scratch that, almost." Cartman rolled his eyes.

"So, who's the guy?" Stan asked, eyeing Tweek's table. "It's obvious it's at Craig's table, so it's someone over there. I bet ten dollars it's Clyde." Kyle, Cartman and Kenny looked over as well.

"I bet it's Craig, he's totally (Y/n)'s type. I mean, have you seen him? He's so muscular, handsome, and a bad-boy as well." Kenny teased, causing me to shove him a little too hard, so he fell to the ground.

"I bet it's Tweek, Craig and Tweek broke up recently so it's probably him. Besides, Craig's too much of an asshole for (Y/n) and they barely even talk." Cartman, causing me to scoff.

"Speak for yourself," I crossed my arms, shaking my head. "Well, one of you are right."

"I never thought I'd say this, but I'm going to have to agree with Cartman. Sorry man," Kyle said, patting my back. I smiled slightly and shrugged.

"It's whatever, I just don't want any of you saying shit." We all turned to Cartman as he mumbled things and rolled his eyes. We all took one more look at their table and they all looked back at us.

"What the fuck are you guys looking over at us for?!" Craig yelled, tasing his finger. I snickered as Kenny took off his hood to probably say something.

"Well, (Y/n) here was mentioning some stuff to us about you." Kenny turned to me and smirked. "Paybacks a bitch." They all turned to me as Cartman started snickering.

"Well, fuck." They all got up and sat at our table. Tweek sat next to Stan, who was across from me.

"What were you saying, I'm interested." Clyde smirked. I slowly turned to Kenny and and shook my head in disapproval.

"Well, it was actually Kenny talking about you, you see. We were trying to guess who he likes since he always looks over your way, and my vote was on Tweek. I mean, have you seen the way Kenny looks at Tweek?" Everyone gasped.

"You motherfuc-" I pushed Kenny to the ground.

"As I was saying, Kenny is so gay." They all stared at me in shock.

"You liar! You were the one saying you liked someone from their table. And since you said Tweek, it probably is him!" Kenny yelled, cashing me to blink at him. Everyone now stared at me.

"Oops, my bad." I shrugged. "I mean, he's not lying." I looked over at Tweek and winked. He blushed and stared at me with wide eyes. "What? I'm not lying. You all already knew I was gay, so what's the big deal?" I got up and walked over to Tweek.

"W-what a-are you doing?!" He twitched, continuing to blush.

"Meet me at Stark's Pond in fifteen, okay?" I winked once more before walking away, leaving everyone shocked.


I waited at Stark's Pond for about twenty minutes, and still no Tweek. I sighed and sat on the bench, chuckling at my stupidity. I was stupid for thinking Tweek would show up, and he probably still had feelings for Craig. Now I really do look stupid, and I really feel like it.

"S-sorry I-I'm late," I heard a voice say, so I looked up to see Tweek. I smiled widely and scooted over so he could sit down.

"It's cool, and sorry if I made you feel pressured. You seriously didn't have to come here if you didn't want to." I exhaled.

"N-n-no, it's not t-that! I-I was nervous. I-I was k-kinda shocked y-you like me." He blushed, smiling slightly.

"Oh really? I scooted closer to him, wrapping an arm around him. "Why wouldn't I like you? You're exactly my type." I smirked, causing him to look the other way and blush again. "And I understand if you don't wanna rush things since you just got out of a relationship, but I just want you to know I really like you."

"W-well, I would like t-to take things slow, a-and I do wanna know you, t-too." He whispered the last part. I grinned and stared at him for a few seconds. He looked up and blushed. "W-what?"

"I really wanna kiss you. Do you mind?" He seemed shocked, but I just couldn't hold back anymore. I leaned in for a kiss as he kissed back after a few seconds. He pulled apart and stared at me smiling. "That was fun, wanna do it again?"

E N D...

requested by: TyroneOnCrack

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